
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire: vol 2

Enemies to lovers, one couldn't possible tell how but at some point, love intervened and when they couldn't hold it back any longer, they had to pour out their hearts.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 7

"I had expected this" Jeffery spoke after listening to the announcement that was made. 

"How come?" Xavier asked as he turned to look at Jeffery who had a bored expression on his face.

"It's a tradition to them, some say their family originated from England and so it became a tradition for them to do the Waltz" Jeffery said and shrugged in the end "Who knows right? It's all just rumors I guess" He added as he sighed before looking at Abigail with a smile on his lips.

"Do you dance the Waltz Abigail?" Jeffery asked, he had no partner to dance with and he knew for sure that Xavier wasn't going to ask her to dance with him so why not he.

"I'm not really a good dancer" Abigail said as she remembered the few times she danced with Alex, she had always stepped on his toe, not once or twice. But Alex was still determined to teach her the Waltz, his reason was because on the day of their marriage, this would be the dance they would perform. But the day never came, they got engaged, but the marriage never happened. 

"It's okay I can teach you" Jeffery volunteered with a smile while he glanced at Xavier to see his reaction but the man still had a neutral expression on his face as he had his eyes fixed on one point.

"Mmmm, it's not possible for me to learn the Waltz, believe me I've tried, it's just not possible." Abigail said and smiled a little at the end of her words.

"Maybe you had a bad teacher, who was it by the way? Your dad?" Jeffery asked curiously as he looked at her, he saw how she paused at first and glanced at Xavier before she finally spoke.

"No, my...my...ex fiance" 

Abigail was sure the whole room had gone quiet or maybe it was just the atmosphere between the three of them. Yes she said it, up till now she had not been able to call him that, infact she had never thought that she would get to call him that. No matter how long she tried not to think about it, she was still hurt, she still felt the pain. Funny how they say time heals all wounds, it's not true, time doesn't heal anything, one can only learn with time to live with the pain. 

"Oh" Jeffery said as he turned to look at Xavier, he noticed a different expression on Xavier's face, he couldn't name it but it was something different from what he saw before.

"Yh, I don't think it's possible for me to learn the Waltz" Abigail said and she noticed the expression on Jeffery's face change and she quickly added "Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful dance but I don't think I can learn it" Abigail said with a small smile on her lips. She looked around and noticed that the dance floor was now filled with couples, Abigail watched as they dance while swinging on each others arms and she couldn't help but be a little jealous. 

This had not gone unnoticed by Xavier since he had his eyes on her for the past minutes, While she spoke of her ex fiance, he could see something in her eyes, the fact that she hesitated to call him out was enough proof for him. It was pretty clear that she still had not gotten over him, Not that he cared, Xavier didn't care one bit, it was none of his business to begin with.

"Oh, so we are the only ones who won't be dancing tonight" Jeffery said when he noticed that almost everyone was on their feet dancing or searching for partners. He wondered if he should do the same but then he would rather stay here with Xavier and Abigail. As he continued to look around he noticed a middle aged man approaching them with a girl by his side, she had blonde hair as she walked elegantly next to her father. She had put on a red evening dress which had complimented her shoes very well.

"Xavier you have Visitors" Jeffery said as he grabbed a glass of Champaign she finside it in one gulp, he knew the trouble that was coming their way.

"I'm sure they are here for you" Xavier said as he pulled Abigail up so that she was now sitting on top of him. He had his hands wrapped around her slender waist as he spoke "Behave" He ordered.

Abigail didn't have the strength to argue, infact she no longer wnated to argue with Xavier anymore. All she wanted was to go back to the mansion and lie her head down to get some rest.

"Mr Lang" The elder man spoke when he got to where Jeffery was seated, he stretched his hand out for a handshake which Jeffery had accepted. The elder man didn't forget to also pay respect to Xavier and so he turned with his hand stretched out and greeted but Xavier was too busy to answer his greeting. 

Xavier had been trying to avoid this right from day one, but he of all people should know that a day would come when the truth will come out. He could feel Abigail's temperature turn cold, he could tell she was tensed he didn't need to look at her face to know that she turned pale.

"Oh my God" Abigail whispered, as she placed her hands over her mouth, tears threatened to roll down her cheeks but Abigail tried not to cry, she turned to her back to look at Xavier as the pain she felt reflected in her eyes.

Seeing this look on her face, Xavier didn't say anything more as he quickly got up and walked out of the place.

"Hey, where are you going?" Jeffery asked half yelling but when he got a signal from Xavier that everything was alright, he returned back to his seat. This old man had been talking to him the entire time and he had payed no attention to what happened just now. 

Xavier placed his hand around her shoulders as he pressed her body against his while he tried to make his way out of the crowd. He could feel Abigail's body tensed as she sobbed, he tried to hide this from the reporters outside and so he made it look like she was hugging him.

As they got out, he brought out his cellphone and called the driver who had gotten to them in less than two minutes. Once he arrived, Xavier quickly got in the car and closed the door.

"To the mansion" He ordered as he looked at Abigail, she had her head on his chest as she continued to cry. He took off his suit and placed it around her shoulders, he could tell she had soaked his sleeves with tears. 

"Why didn't you tell me???" Abigail said in between her sob's as she beat him on the chest while she continued to weep.