
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire: vol 2

Enemies to lovers, one couldn't possible tell how but at some point, love intervened and when they couldn't hold it back any longer, they had to pour out their hearts.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 6

"Why you both looking grumpy?" Jeffery asked as he walked in on the two, he had noticed the little argument between them but he didn't want to make the situation awkward. Judging from their looks, he could tell that Gerald had something to do with this, he knew that Gerald was nothing but trouble.

"Abigail did he do something to you?" Jeffery asked when he noticed the look on Abigail's face, he turned to Xavier with angry eyes and yelled. "I leave her with you for a few minutes and you make her angry" Jeffery said as he glared at Xavier before focussing his attention back to Abigail. 

"Don't mind him Abigail, he's an asshole" Jeffery said as he placed his hand around her shoulders.

Abigail appreciated his warm gesture even though she was in a bad mood, she had to look up at him and smiled warmly. She then turned to Xavier and saw that he now had a neutral expression on his face with his gaze focussed on a figure that was approaching them. 

Abigail wondered why Xavier didn't react to this, Gerald had only winked at her and that Had Xavier loosing his temper. But Jeffery was here sweet talking her in front of him, even went as far as placing his arms around her but Xavier didn't react to this.

"You couldn't watch her?" Xavier asked when he noticed the unexpected Visitor arriving, he quickly turned to Jeffery with angry eyes but Jeffery only shrugged his shoulders and mouthed. 'I tried' 

" What are you talking about?" Abigail asked confused with the whole situation, she didn't understand what Jeffery and Xavier were talking about.

"Mr Quinn" 

The voice sounded cheerful, happy, like a child who had just gotten her Christmas present. With a huge smile on her lips the lady walked towards Xavier as she stretched her hands out for a handshake which Xavier accepted. The handshake lasted longer than usual and it had Abigail thinking what was the connection between this two.

"I must say, I was surprised when I heard about your unannounced arrival, I was not at the office that day because of some things I had to handle, my apologies Mr Quinn" She said with a sly smile on her lips as she glanced at Abigail before moving closer to Xavier.

Xavier didn't say anything and just stood still while he listened to all she said, when he first noticed her at the party, he had asked Jeffery to keep an eye on her. But Jeffery had to leave her behind to come stick his nose in something that was none of his business. 

"I hope you received those files, sorry I couldn't hand them to you personally, I've been really busy. Hope they were helpful?" She asked still with that smile on her lips.

"Yes they were very helpful, thank you" Xavier said trying to make his words as short as possible, he didn't like engaging in conversations with her. 

"If you really want to thank me then.." 

"Cough cough" 

Abigail couldn't let her finish, she had heard enough, she knew where all this was heading. The fact that this lady was able to stand before her and flirt with Xavier in her presence annoyed her to the core. The announcement was made thirty minutes ago, it was official now, she was Xavier Quinn's wife and Abigail was damn sure that this bitch had heard it loud and clear.

"Who are you?" Abigail asked. Those words had been itching to come out of her mouth ever since she saw her walk in. 

"Excuse me?" The lady asked as she focussed her attention on Abigail. She was not expecting Abigail to say a word or react to any of this, she didn't plan that things would go this way.

"Excuse me uh?" Abigail said as she thought about it for a second "the name seems fair for a bitch like you" Abigail said as she looked at her with her not so friendly eyes.

"I am one of the most treasured staffs in the company, don't you dare talk to me like that" Olivia spoke, she couldn't believe that this girl dare to call her a bitch. 

"Whose company? My husband's company" Abigail answered her own question and a small smirk formed on her lips as she added. "Now, unless you don't want your things thrown out of the building then I suggest you mind the way you speak to my husband" Abigail spoke as she held unto Xavier.

"You bit..."

"That's enough Olivia" Xavier finally spoke after watching the two women battle like teenagers.

"Mr Quinn, I'm sorry for all this" Olivia apologised, still trying to be on Xavier's good book.

"Would you drop the act already, I'm getting sick of it" Abigail complained followed by a yawn as she raised her head up to look at Xavier but saw that his gaze was already on her. She could see the surprised look on his face but still Abigail continued with her game.

"Sweetie could you please ask your lady friend to leave, no offense but I can't stand her breath any longer" Abigail said as she made her face look like she was about to throw up. "What did you eat, fish food?" Abigail asked as she placed her head on Xavier's chest and waved her hands at Olivia "Shooh...Shooh, smelly kitty" Abigail said as she waved her hands driving her away.

Olivia was at the edge right now, she was holding on to the last bit of self control she had, she didn't want to loose herself and go berserk in front of Xavier. She knew that was what this little bitch wanted, Olivia had hoped that Xavier would at least support her but the man seemed to have interest in his wife only.

She looked over to Jeffery but the man was biting his lips hard trying not to burst out in laughter . No one was going to side her, this made her angry as she clenched her fists, she wished she could scratch her face and throw her across the room but that would only be proving Abigail right.

"I'll take my leave now Mr Quinn, have a pleasant evening" Olivia said through greeted teeth as she walked out of there.

"Hahahahaha" Jeffery burst out laughing the moment she left. "Abigail.....I didn't know you could talk trash like that" Jeffery commented as she placed his hands on top his tummy while he laughed. 

Abigail could only smile shyly as she too tried to remember all that had happened just now, she didn't know where the bravery came from. All of a sudden she just couldn't stand Olivia's presence anymore, she had to say all those things out, though it wasn't necessary, she just had to say it. 

Did that mean she was possessive? Abigail asked herself in her thoughts, this was similar to what happened between Gerald and Xavier, did that mean she was also possessive like Xavier. 

Thinking about the man, Abigail raised her head up from his chest to look at his face but he already had his eyes on her. His look was neutral, there was no emotion on his face and Abigail could only guess what was on his mind. She wondered if he found her behaviour approving, sure she had been rude to one of his workers but Abigail knew that it was very clear to everyone what the girl was trying to do.

"What was the whole point of that?" Xavier asked as he looked at her, Abigail had insulted Olivia right in front of him and he didn't do anything, he could have ended the whole thing if he wanted to but he had to see where it was heading.

"Aren't we trying to convince the public that we are in love, It won't be very convincing if I had just sat there and watch someone flirt with my husband, I had to interfere" Abigail said, that was the only reason she could think of. 

"let her be Xavier, what she did wasn't wrong, infact you should be thanking her. At least now Olivia would stay off our parts for a while" Jeffery said as he picked a glass and raised it for a toast. 

"Abigail?" He asked as he handed a glass to her.

"Sorry I can't drink" Abigail said when she remembered Xavier's warning, he had been pretty clear when he warned her not to take anything here for fear of being poisoned.

"okay then, a toast to myself" Jeffery said as he finished his glass in one gulp" Good stuff" He added while placing the glass back down on the table.

The next segment of the event was about to begin, Abigail tried to get up from Xavier but the man already had his hands around her. The hall had gone dark again and only the stage was lighted, Abigail looked up but she couldn't see Xavier's face.


Abigail whispered as she tried to loosen herself from his grip but her movements had put her in a tight spot where she was now face to face with Xavier, she could feel his nose touching hers and she felt his hand sneaking behind her nape as he pulled her closer.

And just like it is in the movies, Xavier kissed her, a passionate and slow kiss, one that made her cling unto him demanding for more, she kissed him back without restraint. Before the kiss could get hotter, Xavier pulled away, leaving her panting as she tried to regain her posture.

"A reward" Xavier whispered on her lips before retreating back as he let go of her. Abigail was still confused as she adjusted herself on the chair, but she didn't have time to think as she tried to pay attention to the next segment.