
The Return

The next morning, Jacob gets dressed and ready for school, talking to Tiffany about the party last night.

"It was a close call, but luckily it was dark. She didn't actually see me heal." Jacob tells her.

"Still, she doesn't seem like the type of girl to be fooled that easily. Be careful, my friend."

"Roger that. I gotta go, I'm almost late."

Jacob then heads to school.

Meanwhile, Trixie heads out to leave, but is stopped by her mother, Michelle.

"How was the party last night?" Michelle asks.

"Don't ask." Trixie replies.

"Was that new boy, Jacob there?"

"Yeah, Hailey has a huge crush on him, it's adorable. Why?"

"I think it's best if you two keep your distance from him."

Trixie looks at her mother confused and annoyed.

"What? Why?"

"I just think that there's...something off about him, that's all."

"Right, cause you're such a good judge of character, I mean look at dad."


"I gotta go, Hailey and Gabe are waiting for me."

As Trixie tries to leave, Michelle grabs her arm roughly.

"Trixie Olivia Forbes, I am serious. Stay away from him."

Trixie snatches her arm away and quickly leaves the house.

As Jacob makes it to school, he sees police officers surrounding the school. He then is surprised when he catches a scent of wolfsbane on the cops. Johnny approaches him.

"Hey, uh, what's with all the cops?" Jacob asks.

"Dude, there was another murder."

Jacob is shocked.


"Yeah, an animal attack in the woods, near Trixie's house after the party. My dad, the sheriff, wanted to put deputies around the school and out in the woods."

Johnny then shows him an article about the accident. Jacob looks at the photo of the body, noticing how large the claw marks are and recognizing the victim as the hunter that confronted him last night. Johnny notices a freaked out look on Jacobs face.

"Hey, is everything ok, dude?" Johnny asks.

"I gotta go. I'll uh, see you around."

"Wait, what about school?" Johnny asks.

Jacob quickly walks away but is stopped by Hailey.

"Hey." She tells him with a big smile.

"Sorry, can't talk right now, I gotta go." Jacob tells her, walking right past her.

"Hold on, can't you talk for at least a minute?" Hailey asks.

"No, I can't. I have to go, right now." He tells her.

He gets on his bike and speeds away, leaving Hailey confused by his actions. One of the deputies then radios in to the Sheriff to tell him that Jacob left the school.

A few minutes later, Jacob shows up to the woods. He then walks through the woods, soon approaching the spot where the body was found. He uses his heightened senses to piece together what happened. When he finally figures out who killed the hunter, his hand begins to shake as a small ounce of terror hits him. Jacob snaps out of it as he hears someone behind him. He turns around and sees Sheriff Michael Donovan.

"You don't seem surprised to see me." The Sheriff says.

"I knew you were following me. Thought it would look bad if I went past the speed limit infront of the Sheriff."

As Michael chuckles, Jacob notices his hand on his gun.

"I can smell the wolfsbane on you, Sheriff. Are you here to take me in?"

"No, I know you didn't do this. But, I think you know who did."

Jacob stays silent for a moment.

"Sorry, sir, I don't. All I know is that it was a werewolf. But you already knew that. So, I think I'm gonna head out."

As Jacob starts to walk away, he is stopped by Michael.

"Johnny's a good kid. And I will kill to protect him. No matter who it is."

When Jacob hears this he smiles, keeping his back turned to the Sheriff.

"I understand, sir." Jacob says and walks to his motorcycle.

Before he rides off, he calls Tiffany and tells her everything, including who's responsible for it.

"Why didn't you tell the Sheriff?" Tiffany asks.

"Because that would mean he'd try to go after who's responsible, and a lot of people will end up dead." Jacob tells her.

"Are you sure it's him? Are you sure it's your dad?"

Jacob doesn't answer for a moment.

"Yeah, I caught his scent. It's definitely him."

"What are you going to do?"

"...I don't know yet."

He then remembers that he blew off school and Hailey and hits himself in the head.

"I gotta go, Tiff. We'll talk about this later."

He hangs up and rides off to the school as quick as possible.

Hailey, Trixie, and Gabriel leave the school after a night study session. Before Hailey could get in her car, she is stopped by Jacob with a remorseful smile on his face. Hailey begrudgingly closes her door and folds her arms at him.

"You look like you actually want to talk to me now." Hailey says.

Trixie and Gabriel look at each other, feeling awkward.

"Hey, uh, me and Trix are gonna be in the car, with the radio all the way turned up." Gabriel says, quickly getting in the car.

Hailey continues to glare at a remorseful Jacob.

"I am really sorry that I blew you off earlier. I was dealing with... a lot of stuff today." Jacob says.

Hailey let's out a sigh.

"Look I do like you, Jacob, and I know that we haven't known each other long enough for me to ask about your personal business, but I would like something more than "I gotta go" when I'm trying to talk to you."

"You're right, you deserved more of an explanation. It won't happen again, promise."

Hailey smirks.

"Am I gonna regret giving you another chance?"


The two share a laugh and smile at each other.

"Alright, Cage. You are forgiven."

"Thank you, seriously. See you tomorrow?"


Hailey kiss Jacob on the cheek, causing Jacob to blush. She gives him one last smile, gets into the car, and drives off. Jacob smiles and gets ready to ride off on his motorcycle, but he hears a familiar voice behind him.

"All these years later, and you're still a hopeless romantic." The voice says.

Jacob quickly turns around and sees his older brother, Ryan Cage.


"Hello, little brother."