
Old Wounds

Jacob super speeds and hugs his brother, crushing him.

"Ah, Jacob...my spine." Ryan says, in pain

The younger brother quickly let's go.

"Sorry, I'm just. I'm really happy to see you."

Ryan smiles and puts his hand on Jacobs shoulder.

"Me too. How's Talia doing?"

"She's doing ok, thriving in New York. What about you? How have you been since...you know?"

Ryan stays silent for a moment.

"I'm fine now. After what happened three years ago, I've just been traveling, trying to clear my head."

Jacob then asks what brings his older brother back to Beacon Hills. The older brother just stares at Jacob, almost answering the question in silence, as he lets out a sigh, knowing the answer.

"Dad." Jacob says.

"You know he's in town?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah. He killed a hunter near a friends house last night."

"So he wants revenge. Well, that makes two of us."

Jacob looks at his brother in confusion.

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. First chance I get, I'm gonna kill him." Ryan says seriously after a short pause. Jacob looks at his brother with pure shock.

"Are you serious? Ryan, you can't kill dad" Jacob says with a new tone.

"Why the hell not? He ruined us. Mom's gone because of him, he deserves to die."

Ryan then explains how he needs Jacobs help and that he can't do it alone.

"I won't be a killer." Jacob replies.

"WAKE UP LITTLE BROTHER! you already are. He made us killers the moment he turned us." Ryan snaps at him.

"He's still our father. I have my issues with him, especially since he's killing people now. But that doesn't mean I want him dead."

"You sure about that? You're pretending that you are human, but you're not. And it's because of him."

Ryan pushes Jacob.

"I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work."

"Come on, brother. It must piss you off a little. The painful full moons, the constant fear of ripping someone's head off just because they get you a little bit angry, not to mention your old girlfriend."

Ryan pushes his little brother again.

"Stop it, Ryan."

"And what about that pretty red head you were talking to? I wonder what she would say if, or when she sees the eyes, the fangs, the claws, the furry cheeks, the hilariously pointy ears. You are going to have fun explaining it to her."

Jacob pushes Ryan back, getting angry.

"Knock it off."

"I mean, just think of how great it will be to explain exactly what happened to mom."

After Ryan says this, a frustrated and angry Jacob's eyes begin to glow yellow and he roars at his brother, showing his fangs. Ryan smirks and starts to back away. Jacob eyes goes back to normal as he calms down.

"Our lives are not perfect. We have been through hell, and lost... basically everything. You especially. Dad wasn't perfect either, he made mistakes, hell he still is, judging from the body he dropped. But he loved us. He loved mom. Maybe it was his fault, maybe it wasn't, I don't know. But I'm not going to kill him, and I won't help you to either. She wouldn't want that."

Ryan rubs his face and turns away from Jacob.

"Alright, I'll give you some time to think about it. But he has to be dealt with, Jacob. One way or another."

Ryan turns to leave.


Jacobs older brother slowly turns around

"I don't blame you... for what happened. I've wanted to tell you that for a very long time. I hope it helps some how."

Ryan stays silent for a minute, thinking to himself.

"It does, brother. More than you will ever know."

Ryan super speeds away, as Jacob just thinks to himself. Tiffany then shows up behind him.

"So that's the famous Ryan Cage I've heard so much about, huh?" Tiffany asks.

"Yep." Jacob says as he just stares off into the distance.

"He seems pretty pissed at your dad." she adds.

"Yeah. What happened three years ago affected all of us, in different ways."

Tiffany then asks him if he plans to get involved but Jacob doesn't answer.

"Look, I know he's your brother and you think you have to get involved, but are you sure you want to risk this? I mean, this could really complicate the normal life that you wanted." She says concerned.

Jacob let's out a long sigh.

"I have to Tiff. For my mom." Jacob replies.

"You can't change everybody." She says as she starts to walk away.

"I changed you." Jacob answers back as she smiles

"You know I got your back. If that means going up against a serial killing alpha, then so be it."

Jacob smiles

"Thanks, Tiff."

She nods and leaves as Jacob just sits there in the school parking lot alone and thinks to himself.

As that's happening, Hailey, Gabriel, and Trixie are still driving from the school. Hailey then continues to think about Jacob.

"Do you think Jacob is hiding something?" Hailey asks.

"All boys are hiding something." Trixie says.

"What Trixie is trying to say, is just give him some time. He's into you, and I'm sure he'll open up, when he's ready."

Hailey smiles, reassured about Jacob. Meanwhile, a man driving infront of them looks through his side window and sees a pair of red eyes in the darkness of the woods, watching him.

"What the hell?" He says to himself.

He quickly reaches for his gun in his glove compartment, but at that moment, a large animal with red eyes crashes through the car, ripping apart the driver and the top of the vehicle. As blood is splattered all over the road, the three girls scream and swerve off the bridge they are on and into the water.

Jacob then hears this, and super speeds to the crash site. He looks around and sees the destroyed car and catches the scent of blood. He then dives into the water after the girls. Jacob catches up to the car, rips off the door and quickly grabs them out of the car. He swims to the surface and lays them down on the ground. They all cough up water, as Hailey opens her eyes slightly and sees Jacob.

"Jacob? How...did you-"

He puts his hand on her face, smiles at her and tries to reassure her.

"It's alright, just stay down, ok? I'll be back."

As Hailey loses consciousness, Jacob superspeeds back on the bridge. He inspects the destroyed car and sees large claw marks all over it. He then looks inside and sees the bottom half of the driver. He then let's out a sigh as he realizes that his father is responsible.