
Big Party

Jacob pulls up to school on his motorcycle as everyone, including Hailey and her friends look on. Chad notices that Hailey is staring at Jacob and gets angry. Jacob then gets off of his bike and walks to where Johnny is standing.

"You really know how to make an entrance." Johnny says.

"It's what I do."

Jacob then notices officer's around the school.

"Hey, what's with the cops?" Jacob asks.

"Apparently they found blood on school grounds, they wanna make sure we're safe."

Jacob act's surprised.

"Yeah, it's the most eventful thing that has happened to this town since-"

Johnny then notices Trixie walking by.

"Since the birth of Trixie Forbes. Hey Trixie, you look-"

Trixie walks right past him.

"Like you're totally going to ignore me."

As Johnny slumps down, Jacob pats him on the back.

"Does she know she's your future wife?"

"Not yet. But I have a three year plan to make her fall in love with me."

"How's that going?"

"Well she remembers that my name starts with a J so. Progress."

The two laugh and walk into the school. Meanwhile, two people are in the house of the Windago student, standing infront of two half eaten bodies.

"Probably the parents. He couldn't control the hunger anymore. Must have been adopted, didn't know what was happening until it was too late." The man says.

"Any ideas on who caught and gave him to us?" His daughter asks.

"No. Probably someone from Crosses group."

At that moment, two people walk into the house. Sheriff Michael Donovan and principal of Beacon Hills High, Michelle Forbes.

"Jesus." Michael says.

"Mike, you've seen things like this for ten years." Michelle tells him.

"And I'm still not used it. Are we sure the thing that did this is caught?"

"Yes. There shouldn't be any other supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills." The man says.

"Apparently not. Have you met our newest student...Jacob Cage." Michelle says.

The two hunters look on in shock, especially the female one.

"Why does the last name sound familiar?" Donvan asks.

"His father is, Xavier Cage." The male hunter says.

"The alpha who disappeared three years ago? Is this Jacob kid dangerous?" Michael asks.

"No. No he's not." The young female hunter replies.

"Dangerous or not, I don't want this to become a problem for our children. Xavier Cage could come for the boy." Michelle says.

"You have nothing to worry about. If anything happens, we'll handle it." The male hunter reassures her.

Back at school, Jacob and Johnny are in history class. Hailey then walks in, catching them both by surprise.

"I didn't think she had this class." Jacob says.

"Neither did I." Johnny adds.

Hailey then walks over and sits next to Gabriel who is also surprised.

"Since when do you have this class?" Gabriel asks with a grin.

"Since this morning. I thought that this class was more suited for me." Hailey replies with an innocent look.

"You mean it was the only class with an opening that has Jacob in it."

"Maybe." Hailey says smiling.

Jacob listens to this, using his super hearing and smiles. As class let's out, Jacob and Johnny are stopped by Trixie.

"Hi. Jacob, right? I'm Trixie."

"I know. But not in a creepy way. I have got to stop saying it like that. Anyway, this is my good looking friend, Johnny." Jacob says.

"Donavan. We have chemistry together."

"You have no idea how much that mea- I mean, yes, yeah, that's right, that's...me. Right here." Johnny says.

"Cool. So I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party I'm having. Hailey's gonna be there."

Jacob smirks

"Yeah, I'll be there. As long as my friend over here, is invited too."

"Sure. Party starts at ten."

Trixie walks off, as Johnny silently cheers and hugs Jacob.

"Dude, thank you. I knew having you around would pay off." Johnny tells Jacob.

Jacob chuckles

"No problem, man."

As the two laugh, Trixie's mom watches Jacob from a distance. Later that night at the party, lots of people are inside and outside in the pool. Hailey, Trixie, and Gabriel are walking through the crowd.

"Yet another Trixie Forbes party success." Gabriel says.

"Yep. Damn, I'm good." Trixie jokingly says.

As the three friends laugh, Hailey notices Chad and other lacrosse players walk in.

"What the hell is Chad doing here?" Hailey asks.

"I don't know, I didn't invite anyone from the lacrosse team." Trixie says.

Chad then walks over to the three girls.

"I don't remember inviting you, Chad." Trixie says.

"And I forgive you for that. So, Hailey, you wanna grab a drink and hangout?" Chad asks.

Jacob and Johnny then walk into the party.

"Actually, yes I would. Excuse me."

The three of them walk over to Jacob and Johnny, angering Chad.

"Hi." Hailey tells Jacob.

"Hi. You wanna go somewhere, quiet?"


As the two leave, Johnny tries to talk to Trixie, but she walks off.

"She'll be back." Johnny says to himself as he drinks some punch.

Meanwhile, Jacob and Hailey walk around Trixie's large house.

"Man, this place is huge." Jacob says.

"Yep, me and Gabby always thought this place was amazing. Trixie always hated it here, but I think that was mostly because of her parents." Hailey explains.

"Ah, family issues. I know them well."

"Oh, cute boy with baggage, huh?"

Jacob chuckles.

"Something like that."

He then catches a familiar scent outside.

"Hey, uh, you wouldn't happen to know where the bathroom is, would you?" Jacob asks.

"Yeah, it's down that hall over there. You go ahead, and I'll head down stairs, so meet me there when you're done."

Jacob and Hailey smile at each other as she walks away. He then quickly walks to the bathroom, as a hunter watches him from outside. The hunter turns around and Jacob appears behind him and grabs him by the shirt and pins him against the wall of the house.

"I see the Argents don't waste any time."

"A werewolf appears in town after three years, we tend to take notice." The hunter tells him.

"Look, you guys don't have to keep an eye on me, I'm just trying to live a normal highschool life."

Jacob slowly let's go of the hunter.

"I don't know where my father is, so you have nothing to worry about from him either."

Jacob then walks away, but gets stopped by the hunter.

"You know, she missed you, right?" He tells him.

Jacob closes his eyes out of regret and walks back into the house.

Downstairs Hailey, Gabriel, and Trixie talk and laugh together. At that moment, Chad and the other lacrosse players start picking on a kid named Drew. Trixie gets upset and approaches the jocks.

"Chad, leave him alone, and get out of my house." She demands.

Chad grabs Drew by the shirt.

"You really invited this waste of space to your party, but not us?"

Chad then pushes Drew through a table, knocking over glass bottles and food. Johnny quickly jumps in.

"Chad! What the hell is your problem?!"

"You of all people should know the answer to that question, Johnny boy." Chad replies.

"You're drunk. Get your boys and get out of here." Hailey demands.

Chad just smiles and grabs her by the arm.

"Why don't you and me get out of here instead."

"Let go of me."

Chad ignores her, and continues to grab her. Jacob then comes in, grabs Chad by the back of the neck and pushes him away from Hailey.

"Leave. Now." Jacob demands with a cold stare that scares the lacrosse players back.

He then notices Drew picking up a shard of glass as he gets back to his feet and runs at Chad. Jacob quickly throws the jock to the ground and gets cut on his hand. Freaked out about what happened, Drew quickly runs out the house with tears in his eyes.

"Alright, everyone out! The parties over!" Trixie yells.

While everyone make their way out, Hailey runs over to Jacob.

"Are you ok? Let me see your hand."

Jacob quickly hides his hand behind his back.

"No, it's ok, I'm fine."

Hailey grabs his hand.

"Stop being a tough guy and let me see."

Jacob hesitates for a moment and opens his hand to reveal no cut. Hailey is very confused by this.

"I was sure that he cut you." Hailey says.

"Guess I got lucky. I'm fine, see?" Jacob says with a smile.

Hailey stares at his hand for few minutes longer, but shakes it off and smiles back at him.

"I think I'm gonna head out. You got a ride home?" Jacob asks.

"Yeah, Gabriel's got me covered."

"Alright, see you tomorrow at school."

Hailey nods and Jacob leaves as she still thinks about his hand.

Meanwhile, the hunter that was at Trixie's house is on the phone with someone.

"The boy is not a threat, and from what I can tell, Xavier isn't in town. I'm heading back to the stronghold now."

As he hangs up, he hears howling from the distance. As the hunter hears something moving around in the darkness, he pulls out his gun. The howling then turns into growls and roars like a monster is cornering him. A large beast with red eyes, covered in black lunges at him and screams can be heard through out the woods.