
Crash Aftermath

Hailey, Gabriel, and Trixie are in the back of an ambulance, shivering under blankets. As the a few cops put yellow tape around the body and the car, Jacob approaches the three girls.

"How are you guys feeling?" He asks.

"Cold...very, very...cold." Trixie answers as the three of them shiver.

"Yeah, my toes feel like their gonna fall off. How are you not freezing right now? You were in the water too." Gabriel asks.

"Oh, um, I guess I'm just, used to the cold." Jacob answers, nervously laughing.

"Seriously though. Thank you for the save." Hailey says.

The two smile at each other as Trixie's mom, Hailey's brother, and Gabriel's dad all run over, hugging them. Sheriff Donovan comes over to them.

"Are you three ok?" Hailey's brother asks.

"We're fine, Peter." Hailey says with a smile.

"Thanks to Jacob." Trixie adds, glaring at her mom.

Peter then walks over to Jacob and hugs him.

"Thank you, for saving my little sister." He says.

Jacob nods.

"I'm just glad I got here in time."

"We all are, son. What the hell happened anyway?" Gabriel's dad asks.

"It was weird. An animal came out of nowhere, ran right through the car that was infront of us." Gabriel answers.

"We'll work on finding the animal. And putting it down once we do." The sheriff says, staring at Jacob.

"Well, let's get you girls home and out the cold." Michelle says.

Everyone leaves, as Hailey's car is pulled out of the water. Before Hailey gets into Peter's car, she notices that her door is completely ripped off. She thinks about how that could happen, but puts it to the back of her mind and gets into the car.

Meanwhile the two hunters watch from a distance.

The next morning, Jacob walks into his kitchen and sees his brother reading one of his journals.

"Good morning, sunshine." Ryan says with a smile.

Jacob smirks.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Trying to catch up with your life. You write a lot about this Hailey girl."

Jacob grabs his journal and the two laugh.

"You want some breakfast?" Jacob asks as he makes himself a milkshake.

"Naw, I'm good. I just wanted to check on you after what happened last night."

Jacob stops what he's doing and let's out a sigh.

"Yeah. A hunters one thing, but dad almost killed three innocent people."

"That's why we should put him down."


"I know, I know. We'll deal with that when the time comes. Right now I want to know about the Sheriff. How much does he know exactly?"

"He knows about me and dad. I'm pretty sure he's working with the Argents."

"You wrote that the deputies had wolfsbane bullets, you think the whole department knows about werewolves?"

"Not sure, but whether they do or not, they won't stand a chance against dad."


Ryan then throws Jacob his backpack.

"Get going. You're gonna be late." Ryan says with a smile.

Jacob smiles back.

"Alright, see you."

Jacob heads to school, leaving Ryan to think to himself.

When Jacob walks through the doors of the school, he is showered with a applause. He blushes and waves in confusion, not knowing what's going on. Johnny then walks next to him.

"What's going on?" Jacob asks him.

"Dude, you're a hero. Everyone's talking about how you saved Hailey, Trixie, and Gabriel last night."

"Wait, how does people even know about that?"

"Trixie posted about it on Instagram."

"Just my way of saying thank you." Trixie says, sneaking up behind them.

They jump, quickly turn around and sees Trixie and Hailey.

"I tried tagging you, but I couldn't find your account." Trixie adds.

"I kinda don't have any social media accounts." Jacob says with an embarrassed smile, rubbing the back of his head.

Trixie gasps when she hears this.

"We just wanted to thank you again for what you did. Gabe wanted to thank you too, but she's at home for today." Hailey says.

"You guys don't have to thank me, seriously. I'm just glad no one was seriously hurt."

Hailey smiles.

"Hey, me and Trix were gonna have another study session after school. You two want to join us?"


"We'd love to." Johnny says eagerly, cutting off Jacob.

"Great, see you guys later."

Hailey and Trixie then walks away as Jacob smirks at Johnny.

"Smooth. Very, very smooth." Jacob sarcastically says.

Meanwhile, when Sheriff Donovan walks into his office, he is surprised to see Ryan sitting on his desk, waiting for him.

"Hello Sheriff. I think we have a few things to talk about."

"I'm guessing you're Ryan Cage."

Michael then closes the door behind him.

"That's right. I'm glad you already know who am, saves me the trouble of explaining everything." Ryan says with a smirk.

"So. What can I do for you?"

Ryan then looks over at his hands.

"Well first, you can stop reaching for your gun. I'm not gonna hurt you, just want some answers."

The Sheriff quickly stops reaching for his gun.

"Alright. What do you wanna know?"

"Ok, first question. Who all knows about the supernatural? I know your deputies have wolfsbane, but they seem pretty clueless. But before you answer, know that I can hear your heart beat, so I'll know if you're lying, and I'll be pretty upset."

"My deputies don't know about any of this. Only a few select people."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Next question. Do you know where my father is right now?"

"No. Not since last night. We haven't been able to keep up with him ever since."

"Good. Let's keep it that way. Don't want you guys getting hurt."

"Anymore questions?"

"Nah, we're done here. Thanks for the information, Sheriff. I'll see ya around."

Ryan then super speeds out of the office. At that moment, the Sheriff immediately pulls out his phone and calls someone, telling them to hurry down to the station.

As that's happening, Ryan walks down an abandoned street but stops. A smirk then appears on his face.

"I was wondering when I was gonna meet you."

He turns around and sees Tiffany.

"Same here. I think it's time we talked." Tiffany says.