
New Beginnings

Young Jacob Cage is enrolling in Beacon Hills high but he carries around a secret. A secret that no one must find out about. As he walks through the doors of the school, he takes a deep breath and smiles.

"Normal life." He says to himself.

As Jacob continues to walk through the school, a student with glasses who was in a rush, runs into him, dropping his books.

"Sorry, I'm just in a hurry. Running a tad bit late today, well pretty much everyday." The student says, scrambling to grab his books.

"It's fine, I should've paid more attention."

Jacob helps him pick up his books.

"I'm Jacob Cage."

"Johnny Donavan."

The two shake hands and walk together.

"You new here?" Johnny asks.

"To the school, not the town. I've been homeschooled, until now."

"Oh, nice. Well, I better go, nice to meet you Jacob."

Jacob smiles and continues to walk through the hall's. He then bumps into three lacrosse players.

"Sorry, my bad." Jacob says.

"Yeah, your bad." One of the lacrosse players says.

As they walk off Jacob thinks to himself that it wouldn't be high school without an A-whole Jock. Meanwhile, someone is looking out of the window from the outside.

Later on that day, Jacob enters the cafeteria and sits at a table alone. A few minutes later, Johnny sits with him.

"So how's your first day in the beast that is Beacon Hills high?" Johnny asks.

"Well so far, the most stressful part has been the food. Or whatever this is." Jacob jokingly says.

"Looks like you already have some fans."

Three girls walk pass them, smiling at Jacob. The three lacrosse players from before then walk by, glaring at him.

"And some enemies. Geez, that must be a record." Johnny points out.

"Who's the leader of the heard anyway?" Jacob asks.

"That's Chad Armstrong, captain of the lacrosse team, most popular guy in school, and a major douche."

"Yeah, I can already see the major douche part."

Jacob then sees a beautiful young woman, with red hair, flawless skin, and pretty eyes, walking with two other girls.

"Wow. Hey Johnny, who is that?"

"That is Hailey Martin, one of the smartest and prettiest girls in school. Along with Gabriel Lopez, and my future wife, Trixie Forbes."

"Is she seeing anyone?"

"Nope. Chad tried, and she was the only girl to turn him down."

Hailey then walks by but she slips on a wet puddle and her food flies up in the air. Jacob quickly catches her, and the food with ease. Everyone in the cafeteria clap and cheer except for Chad and his friends.

"Thanks." Hailey tells him, brushing her hair back.

"My pleasure." Jacob says with a big smile.

They stare at each other for a moment as Hailey walks away and Jacob sits back down.

"I think you made a good first impression." Johnny says.

"I think you're right." Jacob replies.

As the two laugh, Jacob gets a text from someone, concerning him.

"I gotta go. Catch you later?"

"Yeah, sure."

Jacob walks outside to see his best friend, Tiffany Salvatore, a Vampire.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jacob asks her.

"Apparently this."

Tiffany shows him a body that looks to have been eaten.


"Yep, I caught the smell of blood and found this guy. Any ideas as to what did it?"

"Looks like a windago. A supernatural cannibal, Baron told me about."

"You think who ever did this, goes to school with you?"

"Most likely yes. I caught a scent in the school, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He must have just started the shift."

"You want me to handle it? You've wanted to go to school for so long, I don't want anything to ruin this for you."

Jacob thinks to himself for a moment.

"It's ok, I can handle it."

"Ok. Be careful."

The two fist bump, and Jacob walks back into the school. When he walks through the doors, he bumps into Hailey.

"Hi." Hailey says.

"Hey." Jacob replies.

The two smile at each other for a few moments.

"Sorry, I spaced out a bit. I'm Jacob. Jacob Cage."

"Hailey Martin."

"I know. But, not in a creepy way or anything like that, someone told me. Oh God, I'm blowing this, aren't I?"

Hailey laughs.

"I think you're doing great."

Jacob just gets lost in her smile while Hailey does the same. She then remembers what she was going to tell him.

"Hey, thanks again for the save earlier. You have some crazy fast reflexes."

"It was nothing, really."

"So, you're new here?"

"Uh yeah, to the school at least."

"Well, I'm looking forward to getting to know you."


The two yet again smile at each other as Hailey walks away. Later that night at school, Hailey, Trixie, and Gabriel are in the parking lot after a study session.

"So, what's going on with you and that cute new guy?" Trixie asks

"Nothing. I just happened to run into him... twice." Hailey replies, twirling her hair.

"And did you fall into his arms the second time?" Gabriel jokingly asks.

"I'm not looking to date, alright?"

"I have Ap Algebra with the guy. He might be the only guy in this town that is as smart as you." Trixie points out.

While the three girls talk, the same guy who was watching Jacob earlier, watches them from a distance.

"Ok, so he's smart...and nice...and good looking." Hailey says, blushing.

"And perfect for you. Hailey, come on." Gabriel says.

Hailey thinks about it for a moment.

As they approach her car, the mystery guys eyes start to glow white. When he is about to go after them, he is grabbed and thrown to the woods. Gabriel then looks around for a minute, not seeing anyone.

"You ok, Gabe?" Hailey asks

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Gabriel replies.

As they drive off, the creature gets angry.

"You know, it's not polite to spy on ladies." Jacob says as his eyes start to glow bright yellow.

"What the hell are you? Actually, it doesn't matter...I'm starving."

The windago roars, showing double rows of scissor fangs, eyes glowing simmering white. Jacob roars back, eyes still glowing. The windago swings at Jacob, but he ducks, punching him in the gut then in the face. The supernatural man eater then rams his shoulder into Jacob, knocking him to the ground.

Jacob roars again, showing his fangs. He then super speeds, jumps up in the air and punches the windago in the face. Jacob throws a kick but the windago blocks it and punches him in the gut. He grabs Jacob by the shirt and pushes him towards a tree. The young werewolf quickly reverses, walking backwards up the tree and flips behind the windago.

When the creature turns around, Jacob grabs him by the throat and slams him to the ground, pinning him down.

"Stop this, I can help you." Jacob yells.

"I don't need help! I need food!"

The windago throws Jacob off and gets back to his feet. He then starts throwing multiple strikes at him, but Jacob either blocks or doges. Jacob then spins behind him, grabbing him by the chin with both hands. He then throws the windago and superspeeds behind him again, grabbing him by the back of the neck and slamming him face first into the ground. He quickly snaps his neck before he could get back up, ending the fight.

After the fights over, Tiffany shows up.

"Is that him?" Tiffany asks.


"You know, I kinda feel bad for him. Poor guy couldn't resist his nature. I know how that feels."

"So do I."

Jacob picks the windago up and carries him on his shoulders.

"I'll take him to Baron."

"You want me to come with?"

"Nah, it's ok." Jacob says with a smile.

Later that night, Jacob and Baron stands around the still unconscious creature.

"I don't see any injuries. Besides a broken neck of course." Baron says.

He then notices a look on Jacobs face.

"Something's on your mind. You want to talk about it?"

"This couldn't have been random. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't be in school. What if I'm putting people's lives in danger."

Baron smirks at the young man.

"Maybe that's true. But one thing you're forgetting is that if you weren't there, a lot of other people would have died."

"Yeah, I guess."

"I never agreed with your parents not allowing you to go to school, or experience a normal childhood. Now you have the opportunity to be a normal kid and find out if a normal life is what you want, or something more."

Jacob smiles.

"Thanks Baron."

"Don't mention it. Now go home, get some sleep."

As the young man leaves, someone else watches him from the shadows with a smile on his face.

"Our paths will cross soon, boy."