
Be The Superheroes' Father in Marvel X DC universe

Vist my SubscribeStar page to read more chapters, up to Chapter 280!!! : https://subscribestar.adult/dreamwalker Feel free to support me there :) *All characters are 18+, all scenes are fictional!* *All content and extra stuff do not represent real people or places* With the Marvel X DC universe as the theme, this is a tale of conquering the beauty FCs in this Marvel and DC mixed universe. A daughter's daughter is still my daughter - what better than being a superhero is to be a superhero's father! This is the shameless journey of a scoundrel seducing other men's wives and mothers to struggle upwards. It contains all kinds of risque elements - the more shameless the better! The Penguin's mother, Bucky's mother, Captain America's mother, Iron Man's mother, Wonder Woman and her Amazon sisters, Wanda... No beautiful Marvel and Dc mothers escapes his clutches. He leaves behind him a trail of defiled virtue, morally compromised women, and superhero daddy issues. This lecherous Casanova MC stops at nothing to satiate his endless deviant appetites! Timeline - start from WWII - The MC NTR others - The MC is the little brother of Captain America, named Chris Rogers - No frustration - The MC would has a well known special title - Chris the Conquer of Your Mother PS: It is my first time to write, hope you can enjoy my stories, just feel free to leave any comments as they would be the valuable encourage to me :)

DreamWalker2023 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

A Perfect Evil plan!

"No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible... it's not real..." George painfully clutched his head, knowing it was all true yet unable to accept it.

"Bucky asked me to come and save you, but I don't want to save you. You have nothing! Hah, look at you, once so arrogant and looking down on me? Now I'm a multimillionaire, while you, a fallen gambler, how pathetic!" Chris arrogantly looked down on him, eyes full of disdain.

George's face flushed red with shame and anger at the mockery. But he immediately grasped one point - multimillionaire! He was very rich, he could save him!

"Chris, save me, for the sake of our families! Please save me!"

Snap, Chris lit a cigarette, his expression incredibly sarcastic, "Save you? What do you have left to offer as collateral? I wouldn't blink at $800,000. $8 million, now that merits consideration."

"My son Bucky is your good friend! Save me and he'll be very grateful to you!" George still tried to get something for nothing, he didn't realize what the situation it was.

Chris' wild laughter echoed through the dungeon, extremely creepy, "You want me to save you? Without paying anything? You're really naive, you think I'm still easy to bully like before? You don't seem to know what I do now? The people I've killed, more than you've ever won in gambling!"

A horrifying murderous aura erupted. George felt a deep fear - what the hell is this man, why is he so scary!

The battered George could only scream and beg for help, "My wife! I still have a wife, she's still very beautiful! Save me and she's yours to enjoy, how about it?"

"Your wife? She's old now, why would I want her when I can enjoy young prostitutes? Heh, she's worth $100,000 at most, still $700,000 to go?" Chris crouched, coldly laughing.

"What $700,000! That's her debt, deduct $300,000, I still owe you $400,000. I'll repay it slowly, please, save me!" George could only grasp this last lifeline. He knew if he missed this chance, he'd be sold to some unknown place, maybe chopped into pieces!

Chris cackled inwardly. He had gotten what he wanted - keep George alive a while so Bucky would know he saved his dad, and still feel grateful. Then George could die!

"Fine, $400,000, you can repay in installments. But you must voluntarily persuade your wife to seduce me into bed. As long as I'm satisfied, you'll get a bonus from me! If you don't want your son

Bucky's military career ruined, be smart about this, understand?" Chris sneered coldly.

Hearing he could be saved, George hurriedly agreed, "I got it, I got it! Thank you, I know you're a good man!"

Suddenly Chris pulled out a gun and fired at the wall. The ricocheting bullet grazed George, "Let me make this clear. You should learn respect in my presence. I'm your creditor. Remember what I said, if you go back on your word, I'll happily return you to the Yamaguchi-gumi. I heard that they have professional teams that harvest and sell organs. How much do you think yours are worth?"

Those sinister words chilled George to the bone. He couldn't imagine what had turned the innocent boy into this devilish figure - a true villain!

George buried his head to the floor, "I understand, I understand... Chris please save me, I'll keep my promise!"

"Good. You'll be a model father outside. But your wife belongs to me now. If she doesn't seduce me, you know the consequences! Also, don't touch my woman, understand? Lay a finger on her and I'll kill you!" Chris said before leaving.

He was doing this to completely disillusion Winnifred. about her husband, so she would wholeheartedly serve him instead.

Finally, portray George as the villain, making Bucky disappointed in his father and grateful to him as the replacement. Even knowing he had slept with his mother, there would be no resentment!

A perfect plan! An evil plan! Chris was surprised at his own vileness, but did it matter? A man who sold his wife deserved no sympathy! 

*Visit my patreon for 11 more chapters :) https://www.patreon.com/DreamWalker291*