
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


"That's gorgeous. Maybe I should get a flower tattoo." He chuckles looking at Kayla, "What do you think? Should I get a Sequoia tree?"

"That is not a flower." Nasty giggles. "You already have a tree. A very nice trunk if I may say."

"Guess I do."

"That would make you look feminine." Kayla lowered her fingers toward his pubes now that Nasty had removed hers. Pinching them lightly she sighs, "Zach?"


"You're really hairy."

"Teddy bear?"

"Tommy bear."

"Never going to live down this Tom thing, am I? I guess I'm just as guilty, I named my dick Hardy."

The girls snickered at his admission. Kayla nuzzled her cheek into his chest and sighed vividly, "Tom?"

"Yeah?" He laughed tilting his chin to peer at her fingers entangled in his hair.

"Make Hardy cum for us."

"Yes. He must." Nasty left her leggings lowered and hugged up to his side. Draping his arm over her tiny frame he planted his left hand on her bare hip, lightly rubbing it. Not wanting Kayla to feel left out his right hand lowered over her and caressed her waistline as well, fingers pinching at her G-string band gently snapping her with it, the intimacy of it asked her to snuggle even closer with a tender whimper. He had both girls where he wanted them, their eyes locked on to his beast raising hell for being ignored. As they rubbed him, he made his cock twitch about.

"See? I did not lie. It is alive." Nasty points a finger toward Hardy, without lifting her hand away.

"He's just jealous is all. Hardy feels left out with all these hands in motion up North."

"I think it's funny you're calling it Hardy." Kayla sighs.

"Blame your sister for making me name the big fella."

"She's getting to you, isn't she?"

"Pretty girl your sister. You're all beautiful. Why do you think Hardy is so riled up?"

"I'm fat." Kayla pouts. In response Zach hugs her to his side and rubs her arm.

"Don't think like that. I felt plenty of muscle in that hip. Sure, there's room for improvement but you are far from fat."

"You're just saying that."

"If I were repulsed by you, would you be laying here with your skirt up to your waist? You're perfect as you are."

"You find me attractive?" She stirs attempting eye contact.

"Very much."

"What of me?" Nasty shifts her gaze higher seeking fulfillment.

"You both make that dick stay rock hard. He's there just for you."

"And for Heidi?"

"She doesn't seem interested in it."

"Whatever." Kayla rolls her eyes. "She lives to make guys hard."

"Oh, yeah? Do tell."

"She's crazy hot Zach."

"I suppose."

"You jerked off in front of her before you even got to know her. That shows her effect on a guy."

"That and maybe I just needed to get off. It's been a while. As much as I say I'm no pervert I guess that's lie. Look at me right now. I barely know you two even. Still, I'm very attracted to both of you."

"It's because we're young and you like young girls."

"I like older girls too. That isn't even a thing. But, yeah, you little hotties do get me warmed up." His dick dances to their fascinations once again. "Just know this, I would never hurt any of you, least of all my roommate. You have my word."

"You better not ... or I'll have to choke this." Kayla couldn't resist her desires any longer, braving the unknown she reaches out swiftly and grips his cock.

"Well, now!" He nods his approval, "Moving right along. I get the idea Zooey."


"You look like Zooey Deschanel, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." She smugly grins. "The New Girl."

"Why don't you show Hardy there who's boss." He winks at her as her eyes bulge.

"You want me to jerk you off?"

"You're the one threatening me. Make me well aware you mean business." Another pat to her hip gave her goosebumps.

"I ... I've only given one hand job ever. It didn't go so well. He got spooked by my dad and ran off. He never came around again after that." She pouts heavily. "Not the guy I had sex with, another guy. No hand job with him though." She felt compelled to explain her entire sex life in one brief statement.

"Give it a shot. Practice makes perfect. You can come by and practice on me anytime you want."

"I can?"