
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


"Holy crap Zach!" Kayla shuddered, "Your dick is enormous."

Nastiya couldn't agree more as she fans her features, "If I should faint use CPR if you, please."

Knuckling up Zach enjoyed Heidi's bouncing about using a TV remote as her microphone, to sing along with Vince Neil. Whiplash hips allowed glimpses between her ass crack, her G-string band becoming visible off and on in her zest. For the most part it was still hidden amid paradise. His hand was coaxed into a full throttle exhaustion just watching her hair flip about. He wished she would hop up on the coffee table like a stripper and lose her underwear.

Heidi knew very well what Zach was thinking. Tempted to do just that, she forced herself to play hard to get. It wasn't like she really wanted to fuck the old guy, she just liked torturing him. It was a passion of hers to tease men no matter who they were. Zach was just too easy. Sure, she was wet. Sure, she was extremely turned on, yet she didn't want to shed light too much on that fact.

Not really knowing her new roommate did nag at her a bit. His actions last night and earlier in the morning kept her on her toes. Too much interaction might get her raped. So, why wasn't she slowing her game? Should this game go too far, things could get ugly. Was it really worth the risk to have her own place? As the song slowed up, she chose a hasty retreat. Remote placed on the stereo she shuffled away as if he were not even there. Zach grumbled at her loss.

For long minutes he stared at the bathroom door, hearing the shower activate. His driven attention was quickly rewarded. Having disrobed for her shower Heidi realized her towel was still in her bedroom, too which she just paraded right out of the bathroom and crossed the hall in all of her succulent glory. Returning with the towel she held it to her chest and stuck her tongue out at Zach before entering the bath, then her heated shower. He knew that she wouldn't be back. Therefore, it was time to enjoy those who were left behind.

A snapped glance at Nasty found the girl caressing her modest cleavage, her eyes sparkling at his cock's magnificent stature. A second trip visual toward Kayla found her less entranced, she captured his eyes looking at her and spoke up, "I love watching you Zach. This is sooo hot."

"You two going to drop by more often?" He smirked yet studied their reactions.

Kayla nibbling a nail nodded, "If you do this every time. Heck, I might move in too."

"Oh, yeah? How about you Baby Priyanka?" He turns to Nasty.

"I am moist wet right now."

"Most wet?" He corrects her while chuckling.

"Of that too." She squirms in her seat.

"Not what I asked, but good for you. You should be." He pauses to rub Nasty's kneecap making her blush. Hand remaining there he turns his head to Kayla, "I could use some inspiration."

"Like what?" Kayla grew flushed.

"Rub my chest and abs.'

"I can do that." Kayla leans in nervously and plants her right palm over his heart and begins a timid caress. He notes her large amount of cleavage crushing together in her repositioning.

Almost jealous, Nasty gravitates her own hand toward his abs but refrains from contact. Seeing her self-doubt Zach coaxes her in, "Don't miss out. Get in there Nasty girl." She flared her eyes and took a deep breath. Once contact was made, she whimpered toward Kayla. Kayla shared in her emotional orgasm. His muscles were as hard as his cock. Stormed by the sensations of their timid palms Zach stretched back and took both arms with him. Planting both forearms behind his head he merely sat there, his dick unattended to. The girls lost in just his muscles hadn't noticed right off. As long as they touched him his dick was not going down. The music now playing Skid Row's 18 and Life made him enjoy the life these younger ladies had to offer. Nasty was 17 but close enough, Heidi the nearest at 18. Kayla slightly older.

"Why don't you two snuggle up to me." He lures them in, unlocking his arms to reel them under his armpits until their heads lay on his shoulders, their bodies firmly pressed into his ribs, and hips. Arms holding them closely they coo and continue rubbing his chest and abs. Both girls found a strange relaxation within his body heat. Nasty shocked him more than Kayla, her fingers moving dangerously low into pubic territory, nails tangling between her frolicking. A chill overtook Zach and both girls felt him tremble.

"Are we giving you the willies?" Kayla whispered.

"Just loving this bonding session. You gals smell good."

Both girls expel their thanks, replying with, "You smell good too."

"This is relaxing ladies. I think I'm just as happy doing this as getting off."

Sighing at his comment Nasty exhaled on his chest, her warm breath making Zach close his eyes to bask in it. "I bought a new bra today."

"You did? Wearing it?" He tilts his chin to glance down at her beauty, her eyes lifting to receive his gaze. Nodding only, she nestled closer. "You want to show it too me?"

"Yes." Without lifting away, she merely lifts her outer shirt up and flashes her left cup to him.

"Purple, nice. Matching panties?"

"I do not wear panties."

"Free spirit, eh?" He turns his chin toward Kayla and inhales her scented hair, "How about you? I know you're not wearing a bra; those nipples give you away."

Peering up at him she smiles contently, "I hate bras. I'm the polar opposite of Nasty. I wear panties."

"Show me." He winks.

"Okay." Kayla peels away whining at her momentary loss of his flesh. Lifting up in her seat she drags her stretchy mini skirt clear up to her waist and stretches her legs out a bit. A nearly transparent red G-string revealed itself, a thin patch of pubic hair lifted it from her skin. It was something else that caught his eye though.

"Is that a flower tattoo rising out of your pubes?"

"You noticed." She smiles, "It's a red rose."

He fidgeted a moment recalling Heidi's sunflower tattoo in the same location. Without admitting he had seen Heidi's flower he puckered, "That's different. Looks cute."

"My dad did it. I know it's weird. I asked him to do it."

"I have a flower too." Nasty admits as her fingers tease his pubes.

"You do? Is this some crazy cult thing?" He chuckles.

"No. All of us girls did it. It's kind of our commitment as friends. We're like a floral arrangement." Kayla nestles back under his arm and begins rubbing his chest again. "Your dick looks really lonely Zach."

"He is. We'll get to him soon enough. You gonna show me that flower Nasty?"

"I am most shy." She winces blushing. Kayla merely rolled her eyes knowing that was a bold-faced lie. Nastiya Iyamahorr was definitely not shy. A good actress maybe.

"Oh, come on now. No reason to be shy. Just look at me. I'm the one totally naked."

"If I must." She tugs a lock of his pubic hair giggling. Sitting up she moves both hands to the waistband of her black leggings and tugs them lower. Her hips revealed silky soft smoked flesh all the way down to her tiny speck of raven pubes. Stemming from the hair was a beautiful white orchid. A glimpse of her clitoral area popped free in her tilt to let him see the flower.