
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


"What of me?" Nasty pats his abs, using her nails to get his attention.

"Oh, you're going to be trouble, aren't you?" He sneers playfully.

"Much trouble." She digs her nails into his pubes making him flinch. In his mind he wanted to fuck the holy hell out of this sexy Hindi. Moving his hand from her hip and under her ass he pinches her left cheek. Shrieking with giggles she lifts up and flares her big brown orbs.

"Why don't you help out Kayla."

"Me? I have never ... I must learn." Total lie, she greedily swoops in over Kayla's hand and shares in gripping his cock. Her reaction was priceless, "It is most throbbing." He loved her old school Hindi verse; she spoke perfect English but chose to use her culture as a turn on to others. She simply got used to doing it so remained that way.

"Hardy's way of saying welcome to his world. Have at it ladies. Show me what you've got."

As he observes them stroking him slowly, he realizes a rawness brewing. "Take turns spitting on it. The skin is getting raw and needs some lubrication."

Eying each other, the girl's wince at the thought of spit. Finally, Nasty leans closer, calling on her throat to produce saliva. Hovering over his crown a mere inch above, she releases a droplet of spit. With her own hand Nasty rubs, it in and looks to Zach for affirmation that she did it correctly. "Perfect! Your turn Hotstuff." He eyes Kayla who grits her teeth at the prospect. Taking a deep breath she makes a raspy noise, seconds later she leans over his mushroom and literally touches her lips against his urethra and spilled well-formed droplets on it. Moving away just as quickly she rubs her saliva in, the girls competing to stroke him harder. Having had her lips on his crown Kayla turned beet red and had a hard time looking at Zach.

Cupping her chin in his fingers Zach winked at her, her eyes finally braving his. "Even more perfect." He whispers. She shyly smiles and tries to enjoy herself. Between the two girls they were giggle boxes.

While the two beauties entertained themselves Zach heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Settling back even further he props his feet up on the coffee table. The girls were doing a great job of circulating his blood flow. Returning his arms behind his head as a pillow he huffed, "Work that Motherfucker." With his hands missing from their flesh the girls fawned over Hardy more seductively, doing their best to get into a perfected rhythm between two separate grips. Their giggling had relaxed, becoming more dedicated to making Zach happy. Although, he loved what they were doing, his eyes were focused on the bathroom door. He just knew Heidi was going to step out before he shot his load. At least he hoped so.

Songs changing again, the music ramped up with Rob Zombie's Never Gonna Stop. As if cued the bathroom door flew open and outran Heidi Lynn Baker in her tied towel. Her excitement led her back into the living room. "OHHHHH, MY GOD! I LOVE ROB ZOMBIE." Her bouncing about sent her into a wet hair whip that showered rain drops toward the girls and Zach. Pelting them they all laughed.

"Dance bitch." Kayla chuckled.

Nasty nodded in unison, "Yes! Show off your booty." Zach couldn't agree more. He prayed that towel would fall away, leaving her nude and teasing him hard. The girls could tell by his throbbing that her arrival made him even more excited. The thrill gave them the desire to increase their efforts.

Heidi reclaimed the TV remote microphone and turned to face Zach for the first time. Eying him she winked then climbed up on the coffee table just as he had fantasized. "Sing it girls." She barked to get them motivated.


The hand motions were not stopping. Neither was Heidi's alluring performance. Using her toes, she kicks Zach's feet off of her stage and really starts moving. Turning around again Heidi bends over in front of him and lets him see her ass, her tight clam peeking at him as she danced. Huffing his lust over it he said, "Harder you bitches." The girls doubled their efforts which included two more hands. Nasty's hands being tiny, allowed room for both hands on his thick girth. Kayla's remaining hand went down to his balls and squeezed them. That sent Zach slouching even further back. "FUUUUCCCCKK!" He roared at their efforts.

"NEVER GONNA STOP, YEAH! NEVER GONNA STOP." They sang along again.

Heidi untied her towel but gripped it in both hands and fanned it out like wings, blocking his view of her backside. Nude in front it was taunting his imagination. Even the girls whistled at Heidi.

"How's it coming back there, Tom?" Heidi kept her gaze forward.

"Turn around and find out for yourself." He snarled, really close to detonation.

"Don't wanna see it. Song's almost over Tom. Better hurry."

"He is almost there." Nasty informs them.

"Cum on Tom." Kayla inspires his quaking body. "Give it to us."

"DON'T STOP." He rallies loudly.

"NEVER GONNA STOP, YEAH! NEVER GONNA STOP." They laugh singing the last chorus. In his final seconds Heidi turns around and hurls her wet towel over his head. His cock explodes missiles into the air and his hips rise high. The girls just kept stroking him harder and harder trying for further missiles, his growls loud and exhausting. Removing the towel from his obstructed vision he found Heidi long gone. Only Nasty and Kayla were still there slowing up to squeeze his cock dry of final eruptions. Their hands wet and slippery they show him his dirty work.

"You are most milky." Nasty snickers.

"Does a body good I hear." He exhales, his chest rising and falling swiftly, "Try it."

Shaking their heads at tasting him both girls use Heidi's towel to dry off. Instead, they gravitate back under his arms and lay there comforting him. Kayla first to ask, "How did we do?"

All he could do was sigh and hug them tighter to his side. As they did Nasty took it upon herself to kiss him on the cheek. He smiled brightly. Kayla took it further and kissed his chest. This made Zach palm the back of her head and grip her by the hair. Tugging her away he draws her to his face and kisses her on the lips. A hesitation to gasp Kayla enjoyed his attention, her hand returning to caress his chest. Seeing Kayla's enjoyment Nasty shrugged and kissed his chest as well, multiple times, nuzzling amid his forest of hair. His other hand palmed her hair just as he had Kayla's. This time though he encouraged Nasty to kiss lower, knowing cum had shot all over his lower abdomen. She didn't resist. Kissing over his pubes she felt wetness on her chin and right cheek. She accepted it with a deafening sigh. From there Zach removed his hand, curious if she would lift away or remain there. Nasty remained, teasing his cock with a fingernail up and down just to watch Hardy react. It amused her.

Frenching Kayla his retrieved hand found Kayla's right breast. Squeezing it she moaned into his mouth and palmed his face, absorbing his attachment. While blinded by the two beauties Heidi returned wearing a new blue G-string, and a cut off t-shirt exposing everything below her 38D's. Only Nasty saw her moving about as she continued toying with Zach's cock.

Music silenced Heidi switches CDs for one of her own and hits play. Once the song started, she walked around the coffee table and stood between Zach's legs. Sitting on the table she scoots back, propping her feet up on Zach's knees. The song began and it attracted everyone's attentions. The song was Hailee Steinfeld's Love Myself.

"Hi Tom." She looked him in the eye as he and Kayla parted lips. "Do you know what this song is about?"

"Never heard it before." He listens intently as he watches Heidi slide her fingers beneath her G-string to rub her pussy. Not once did he see it due to her hand in the way. Instead, like he and his sweatpants, her G-string became tented by embedded fingers.

"It's about a woman who only needs herself. Self-satisfaction."

"Ah!" He nods with a pucker.