
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


"You haven't tasted me." He laughs.

"No moron! Your taste in music. My dad plays this stuff at his tattoo parlor. He's into hair bands."

"Show's he has taste too."

"I haven't tasted him either." She chuckles, "Well, not true I guess I licked his cheek once just to cheer him up. After he and Heidi's mom split up."

"Wait! I thought you lived with her mom."

"I do. My real mom ran off and left me with dad when I was young. Heidi's mom is the only mom I really knew."

"That's sad. You and Heidi have similar stories then. Her real dad was missing from her life since before she was born, I heard. Sorry to hear that."

"About all I get are birthday cards. She calls me once a year around the holidays. She lives in Montana now, hooked up with a lumberjack."

"Lots of wood over there."

"Not funny. Lots of wood in this room." She chuckles eying his tree trunk reaching for the sky beneath a canvas of navy-blue sweatpants. "Anyway, cool tunes."

"I too like the rock hard." Nasty beguiles him with a perfection of pearly white teeth, her most amazing brown eyes thriving without blinks.

"Heidi said you bought Chinese last night."

"Your sister didn't lie. I did."

Overhearing them Heidi ducks her upper body around the bathroom's threshold clinging to the trim, toothbrush in her hand, Pepsodent frothing her lips. Zach notes her reaction as she offers up, "Noodles were tough." Her hand motion severing her neck led Zach to conclude she didn't want him to admit her Lady and the Tramp routine. "Tasteless too." A toothpaste tongue razzes Zach just before she retreats back inside to rinse. It was almost as if she had a mouth full of jizz. Sexy!

"I didn't think they were that bad."

Kayla grows suspicious at how Heidi snuck into their conversation as she had. Especially after telling she and Nasty of Zach's masturbation. There was more to the story for certain. "Okay! What's up?" She winces then points at Zach's erection, "Besides that thing."

"No idea what you're talking about." She shrugs with a pucker as his penis twitches.

"It is alive." Nasty shares with a look of awe. "It moves on its own."

Zach scowls shaking his head, "Why are you ladies so interested in something that you shouldn't be?"

"My fault Tom." He hears Heidi from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I think it's time I put on some pants." He lifts from the sofa, mid stance when both Kayla and Nasty reach out in a panic to grab Zach by the waistband of his sweats. He heard a very fearful union of two upset voices rallying, 'NOOOO!" In his upward retreat the added weight of hands tugging, yanked his sweats down revealing most of his tightly muscled ass. If he hadn't grabbed the front, his sweats would have been lost. Looking over his shoulder he creased a brow as both girls offered a worried reaction, their eyes both lowering as one to get a look at his bare bottom. Regardless they refused to let them go. Growling under his breath Zach Pedigo stood idle and let them stare.

"Get back here." Kayla blushed yet laughed at their actions.

Nasty in her shy grin concurred with, "Yes, you must be seated. A very nice seat it is."

Listening from the bathroom, Heidi, now removing her makeup steps into the hallway to watch the battle being waged. Zach even in his trapped resistance notes Heidi in only her bra and panties. Still wiping her face, she sighs at seeing pubes and about two inches of revealed girth, "No escape Old Man. You might as well get used to this kind of stuff. Sit down and give them a show like you tried to do me. At least they might watch you."

"WHAT?" He panicked for all of thirty seconds then laughs, "She told both of you?"

"It slipped." Heidi shuffles closer until Kayla could see her sister standing in her next to nothing undies. Jaw dropping further at the sight of so much skin Kayla looked at Nasty, who followed her gaze in looking around Zach's hip.

"Damn Heidi! Feeling right at home?"

"This is my home now." Heidi giggled, "Might as well be comfy. Right, Tom?"

Zach gave up and fell back into the couch cushion between the girls. In his return he ended up sitting bare assed on the cushion with his sweats wrinkled up under him. He still held the front of his sweats in a modest reaction. Having released his waistband both Kayla and Nasty reposition on their legs to face Zach. They looked expectant.

"Whip it out Codger. You know you want to." Heidi persisted with one knee on the coffee table, still wiping away makeup on an alcohol pad. Zach ignored the beauties to his left and right, choosing to take in Heidi instead. He was recalling her nudity earlier in the day and envisioning that bra and panties being taken off seductively. His dick was having fits.

"You watching, too?" He found himself considering it.

"Naaa! Gotta pluck my eyebrows next. You three have fun." Heidi then twisted in step to face the stereo as a new song stimulated her attentions. It was Motley Crue's Kickstart My Heart. "OH, MY GOD! I LOVE THIS SONG." Bending over to turn up the volume, her ass danced to the beats. In that simple moment Zach Pedigo lost all control and ruffled his sweats down to his feet and kicked them off, his right foot utilized as if kickstarting his Harley. The girls burst out into uncontrolled laughter. Flopping back into a slouch Zach ignored the girls. His sole focus was that absolutely perfect milky white bottom dancing with her back to his exploits. Gripping his mighty 9, close enough, he began stimulating his beast, Kayla and Nasty giddy at his decision to show off for them, their gaze glued to penis.