
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

paRENTAL ADVISORY 20[bonus chapter]

"Cool. Dad filled his truck up with gas, so we're good to finish your move."

"Awesome! I need to figure out where to get a bed. I really don't want to crash on the carpet."

"My father is throwing out a futon mattress." Nasty spoke up, "He and my Mommah broke the futon."

"Karma Slutra gone wild?" Heidi ribbed the girl.

"Perhaps that is truth. I did hear them wrestling in the middle of the night."

"I thought you Indians were all into meditation." Heidi peaked an eyebrow, "Sure, I'll take the mattress. It's better than nothing."

"I will ask Poppah. I am quite certain he will let you have it."

"Can we swing by your temple and grab it while we have Peck's truck?"

"Let me call Poppah and ask. You may ring up my bra."

"I can't wait to flirt with Tom again." Kayla smirks excitably.

"Who is this, Tom?" Nasty lifts her cell to her ear calling her dad. "Is your new roommate not named Zach?"

"Her roomie looks like Tom Hardy."

"He calls me Dove Cameron." Heidi adds.

"Was it Dove at first sight?" Nasty giggles.

"You're a riot Bendgal Tigger."

Before another round of banter, Nasty acknowledges her father on the other end of her cell and steps away from conversation. Protecting herself from her father's scrutiny should he overhear anything remotely sexual.

"You don't want me flirting with Tom?" Kayla asks without expression.

"I don't care. Do what you want."

"Do you think he would jerk off in front of us tonight?"

"You, maybe. He drops his pants; I'm locking myself in my bedroom."

"You don't want to watch him?"

"No, I don't want to give him any ideas. Just roommates Kayla."

"So, I can seduce him?"

"If he's game, he's all yours. I know you though ... you'd chicken out."

"No, I wouldn't." Grimacing Kayla knew that she might.

"Poppah has agreed to give you the mattress. Kayla and I will go get it before we pick you up from work." Nasty interrupts.

"You're coming over too?"

"I would see Tom Hardy's cock."

"Oh, my God! You two are..."

"So are you. Don't bullshit me, Heidi. I know you wanted to watch him last night. You just chickened out."

"No, I didn't. I just don't want him to think I'm interested in more. This is my first roommate situation; I don't need it to have strings attached."

"Mom is not happy you rented a room from an old guy."

"She will get over it. Does mom know his name?"

"Nope! She refuses to even go see the place." Kayla frowns.

A cleared throat in the distance heard, Heidi looks back at her boss Vicki pointing at a customer. "I need to go guys. I'm off at 5:00. Meet you out front by the JCPenis entrance." JC Penney!

"Lunch time Nasty."

"Don't eat each other." Heidi chuckles as Nasty batts her eyes.

"I am open to exploration."

"Not this lifetime Bombay." Kayla puts her palms up defensively.

"It is called Mumbai, now."

"Well, MumBAI BYE for now." Heidi chides her friend then offers her service to an obvious lesbian couple. Nasty had Vicki ring up her purple bra. Kayla while waiting explored lingerie, nothing much caught her eye, in her self-esteem struggle she felt that nothing would make her look sexy. The rest of the day was boring. Heidi could not wait to go home. As much as she lied to her sister, she too rather missed Zach. There was just something about the man.

"Ha! I forgot to tell them about the landlord thinking I'm Tom's daughter. Too funny."

5:18 P.M.

Zach Pedigo had spent the remainder of his day running around as much as his gas allowed. Tank running dangerously low he made a pitstop to see his parents Randy and Darla Pedigo in their quaint three-bedroom house in the burbs. The excitement of a new job led to a late lunch of grilled cheese and freshly squeezed lemonade. In that visit he refrained from mentioning Heidi because that just brought on his mother wishing he would grant her at least one grandchild before her passing, a subject he just did not want to hear. Randy, his father was less the whiner and always had his son's back. Before leaving for home Randy snuck a hundred-dollar bill into Zach's shirt pocket. Zach short of funds accepted it after mowing their yard like a good son. That at least granted him a tank of gas and enough for a few groceries to survive upon, saving his change jar for absolute necessity. Hugs and kisses later Zach headed home.

By 7:00 he had showered up and was back in relaxation mode. Realizing he didn't even have Heidi's cell number he worried a bit, almost as if she had changed her mind, cancelled her check, and ran for the hills. If that happened, it was game over, he would not get paid for at least three weeks. Bad enough he wanted to ask his parents for a loan, but pride prevented it. A hundred bucks was enough in his dire moment. Nearing their retirement years, he didn't like borrowing from them. Being an only child meant respect.

Anticipation brewing Zach was already in his sweatpants, no underwear, no shirt. He knew Kayla was fond of his muscles and the thoughts of teasing her like he had Heidi had already activated Hardy, the new nickname for his nearly nine-inch monster. Turning on his stereo for atmosphere he popped in a mixed cd of metal bands. Some old, some more current. His collection of mixed music was at the mercy of an old friend who lived for the music scene. Seattle once known as Grunge was a staple for metal bands. Zach in his younger days having ran as a roadie for said friend Nico aka Nick, short for Nicholas Bellamy. Now the proud owner of a small studio that looked after newer bands, nurturing their evolution. While yes Nick might have given him a job the thrill over being a roadie years ago was long lost. He just couldn't go down that road again.

Revving up some old AC/DC he decided to stretch out on the floor next to the stereo and do some sit ups. Even at home he did his best to work out regularly. While singer Brian Johnson wailed to Back in Black, Zach maintained his exercise regimen. With his jams clouding his hearing he hadn't heard the front door being unlocked. In stepped Heidi, Kayla, and Nastiya carrying boxes. Lost in his world of pushups now, left him at the mercy of their eyes checking out his tight ass and firm musculature. Kayla nearly dropped her box. Nastiya had her jaw wide at the second his arms lifted himself high then lowered.

"I would much like to be under him at this time." She whispered to Heidi.

"Dare ya." Heidi snickered. Nasty was tempted but shied away. Chuckling, Heidi sat her box down and moved between the sofa and coffee table to stand in front of Zach in his rise and fall. Looking up spotting her legs he hesitated, playing ignorant of her arrival. Crouching in front of him snapping her fingers she got his full attention, even as his eyes were drawn under her skirt and locked on to her panties. She knew, she let him get a good look before saying. "Little help here."

Cancelling his workout session, he rose up on his knees and moved sideways to lower the volume of his stereo. "Welcome home. I was beginning to wonder if you changed your mind."

"Nope! Stuck with me for a while. You pay Walter yet?"

"Shit! I forgot. I'll catch him in the morning."

"Hi, Zach." Kayla could not hide any longer. Looking behind him he discovers Kayla in a black stretchy mini skirt and a peach-colored halter top. Not only that but a newcomer who stood trembling with an unblinking gaze. Nasty was in awe of his stature.

"Evening! I didn't know Priyanka Chopra was in town." He winks at Nastiya.

"He thinks I look like Priyanka." Nasty bubbles up looking at Kayla.

"You kind of do, only a miniature version." Kayla agreed. "HEY! Everyone here looks like a famous actor. Who am I dammit?"

Everyone mulls it over a bit, Heidi standing back up, "I always thought you favored Barney the Dinosaur."


"I think you look as if Katy Perry." Nasty smiles, "Only curvier."

"I can live with that."

Zach climbs to his feet standing tall in his 6'2 stature and sizes Kayla up, "I can see Zooey Deschanel behind those goggles."

"I can't see without my glasses." Kayla pouts.

"Not knocking them." He chuckles, "They fogging up?"


"Help us carry things in. Nasty got me a futon mattress."

"Nasty?" He winces queerly.

"That would be me. I am Nasty."

"It's really Nastiya." Kayla grins, "We just call her Nasty. You should hear her last name."

"Oh, yeah?"

"It's Iyamahorr. Like, I am a whore." Heidi laughs as Nasty stood with pride.

"No kidding." Zach shook his head, uncertain if they were pulling his leg.

"It is true. I am."

"A whore?"

"No. My name. You think I am a whore?"

"Wouldn't look at you any differently than I am now."

Behind him Heidi was mouthing the words, "Hard on." and pointing at his waist. All eyes dropped to check it out. "Happy to see us, Tom?"

"You know it. Let's get your stuff inside."

"I was thinking the same thing." Kayla whimpered biting a nail. She needed sex badly, if not certain whether she could go through with it if he did offer but kept it to herself outside of flirtations. She would be happy just to get a peek at that tented erection. Zach knew the girls were admiring it, he loved every second of their torture.

"Lead the way, Dove." He motions with an upraised palm.

"Save that palm for later Tomcat."

"Excuse me?"

"High five." She chuckled and headed for the door. There was that exquisite wiggle. A mighty erection just jumped higher. High five indeed, the other four joining in. Following Heidi, with Kayla, and Nasty exploring his own masculine butt, it became a conga line without the use of hands, even though they wanted to touch him. He found their young lust amusing. At his age that made him feel like God.

Outside in the parking lot Zach was led to a small pickup truck, an older model blue Chevy S-10, it was pretty rough looking. Boxes slung on top of the futon mattress to hold it down were removed. Each of the girls grabbing one box each, Zach picked up the mattress and hurled it over his head. In stretching, his sweats sagged lower on his hips, slipping dangerously low on his pelvic region. He ignored it knowing the girls were checking out potential pubes if the sweatpants fell much lower, in behind his plumber's crack was shining as well.

"Following the leader, Tom." Heidi laughed as even she enjoyed that cracks reveal. Nobody even bothered to put up the tailgate.

"Someone getting the door?" He blindly marched ahead, the mattress flopping about being so pliable obstructed his vision a bit.

"Got it." Kayla danced ahead of him and sat her box down to open the door. Her jaw dropped at his lower abs. "I so got it." She exhaled under her breath as he entered carefully. Heidi rolling her eyes at her sister followed behind Zach. Snatching up her box Kayla joined in behind as the door closed. On the outside Nasty pouted, "HEY!" A swift nudge by Kayla reopened the door, only long enough to let the Hindi beauty in. She felt left out.

Dropping the mattress against the hallway wall Zach opened his apartment door for Heidi. Stepping by him her eyes lowered to his waistband, "Might want to pull those up before Kayla attacks you." Smirking at her he ignored her suggestion and held the door for the girls, Kayla and Nasty both looking down at his revealed flesh. Let them drool he thought. Once they were all inside and setting boxes down in her bedroom, he dragged the mattress into the apartment. Kayla opted to assist him in getting it to Heidi's bedroom, where Heidi was already bunching up her sheets and blankets in order to lay the mattress out. Zach rubbed his chin as she bent over right in front of his tent.

"Drop a load, Tom." She looked over her shoulder before standing up and moving out of his way. Chuckling with a glint of unbelievable in his expression he folded the mattress out and used his bare foot to even out the folded edges. Heidi had a bed. Excited by it she altered her tune swiftly, "Everyone out so I can change clothes."

The girls took that opportunity to grab Zach by his hands and escort him from her room. Before he even turned in the hallway, Heidi had her dress off and stood in her cute bra and panties. Smirking at her reflection in her upright mirror she picked up her small box of shampoo and hygiene products. Without getting dressed she leaves her room and heads into the bathroom. Zach only caught a glimpse of her in transit while the other girls drew him toward the sofa.

"Take a seat Zach." Kayla placed him right in the middle of the couch. Nasty plopped down hip to hip at his left, Kayla his right. Slapping her palm on his leg Kayla smiles warmly, "I like your taste."