
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


"Taking pointers so I can grow up to be just like you."

"Don't let your daddy hear you say that."

"I'm eighteen, I can do whatever I want."

"By three weeks. You need to go back to your desk young lady."

"That's it." Zach stands up and swats Angel's hands away. Moving to the door he stands in front of Cleo with barely an inch between their bodies. Cleo's eyes flared wide at how close he was to her. Zach swallowed looking down at Cleo before shaking his head. She was beautiful, even with that large, loose afro of golden hair. He knew that was a $500 dollar hair style if he ever saw one. Her big brown eyes were stunning. "If we're going to work together, I'll need you to behave Ms. Teleki."

"Which one?" Cleo fanned her features trying to catch her breath.

"Both of you. Look, I'm honored you find me curious but, come on now, let's keep this reasonable. I just need the job."

"You gay Zach?" Angel frowned sitting back in her seat into a slouch, her long dark legs teasing one another with her bare feet, her shoes under her desk.

"Not even close. You're both very attractive ladies, but I..." He lies to save himself, "I have a girlfriend. I won't betray her."

Cleo nibbles her lower lip mesmerized by Zach's muscular chest. There was no stopping the admiration from mother, or daughter, Mom not happy that her kid was becoming way too much like her but overlooking it. Cleo sighs inhaling his cologne, "You smell really good."

"Thanks. I'll be back tomorrow." Before slipping past Cleo, he looks once more at her and shakes his head, "Dress code?"

"Guy-string." Angel chuckles.

"Jeans and a tee it is."

"Bye Zach." Cleo softly sighs.

"See you in the morning Cleo. Thanks for giving me a chance Angel."

"You owe me Handsome."

"Tell Rocky I'm grateful."

Zach struggled with his erection all the way out to his bike, his pants so tight he was in agony. Both of those women were Goddesses. Sadly, he was partial toward Cleo over her mother. Mom wasn't so bad either. Maybe having Heidi as a roommate struck a chord igniting interest in younger women. "Wonder if I should go tell Heidi I got a job? Too much snooping on her at Victoria's?" Helmet on he takes one last look at the front window. Both Angel and Cleo stood there waving. "Unreal! Could prove interesting I'll say that. I better just head home and leave Heidi alone. I don't want her thinking I'm a stalker, especially after last night, and this morning in the bathroom. I should probably chill out a few days and let her get used to me."

Harley in motion, he headed to his bank and deposited her check. Time to pay the landlord and munch on leftover Chinese.

1:00 P.M.

"Hey Slut."

Heidi pivoted in step at the voice of her stepsister Kayla. Reacting with a clenched fist Heidi prepared to fight. Laughing at her Kayla pointed at a customer of sorts.

"Brought the Bolly Dolly, huh? Hi Nasty."

"Hello Heidi." Spoke a cute Hindi girl decked out in black leggings, and a white net like outer shirt. "I adore this bra." Beneath her top was a black bra that was completely noticeable. Shoulder less on her left side it still revealed quite a bit of cleavage. Sharing the garment for their inspection she showed off her big brown eyes. Her long black hair tied up atop her head with a white ribbon. Sunglasses on her brow barely hanging on.

"Purple would look really good on you."

"I will buy this."

"Matching panties?"

"I do not wear panties."

"Of course not." Heidi chuckles, "India sent exposure?" Indecent!

"I do not understand."

"Yes, you do Ho Bag." Kayla busted up.

"I am naïve."

"NOT!" Kayla rolls her eyes then looks at her sister, "Lunch?"

Heidi fidgets, "I ran late today. Might skip lunch."

"Ohhhhhhhh, no! I want to hear why you didn't come home last night. You fuck Zach?" Kayla winced playfully.

"Noooo! Really, Kayla? I'm not going there..." Heidi frowned, "He did jerk off though."


Nastiya Iyamahorr, yes, that was unfortunately her name, quickly shuffled to their side, eyes like saucers, "I would like to hear of this."

"You would, Skank." Heidi chuckled, "What's to say? We ate Chinese and he jerked off."

"You watched him?" Kayla couldn't believe what she was saying.

"No. I turned my back to him." She pauses, "He did toss his sweatpants over my head. Gross, so gross. I let him do it, but I went to bed. It was too late to catch a bus." That was all Heidi was willing to indulge. It was better not to tell her sister about Zach cumming in the darkness of her bedroom, over her tits. Even though Kayla knew of her stepsister's obsessions it was just safer to keep things quiet for the moment. Heidi could not grasp why she let that even occur. Nor, was she going to mention the shower situation. Although, hiding Zach's dick size was pure torture.

Kayla glared at her sister expecting more. When nothing else was shared, she changed the subject, "Did he ask about me?"

"Not really. We just talked and ate takeout. He told me about his Asian ex-wife. Oh, he's also from Vancouver like us."