
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


"As long as you wear things like that? Not gonna happen. Fuck you look amazing."

"Still not having sex with you Codger. Get your mind and Hardy out of my gutter."

"Your job lets you wear things like that? Those heels are even hot. Love the shoelaces going up your calves."

"Have you seen Victoria's Secret catalogues? I could model in those. Which now that I think about it might not be a bad idea. Easy money. Enough cattle rustling, I'm not going to make it on time." She nudges him forward with palms on his bicep. It gave her goosebumps once she realized just how tight his muscles were. Giving in, Zach jingles his key ring, and they head out the front door, locking up behind them.

Three doors down they pass someone exiting their apartment, briefcase in hand, also on their way to work. A tall lanky man with a bad case of the sniffles locks up and follows them out. Zach just knew that was Herman. So did Heidi who tried not to laugh. Seeing Herman Adler, she was really happy that she chose Zach over him. Herman spelled gross as he wiped his nose on his shirt sleeve. They gave him a head start before tailing him out.

At the front door stood an old man in his 80's. Zach grit his teeth knowing they were going to be stopped. Lingering back, he warned Heidi of yet another setback.


"He your brother Codger?"

"Knock it off, he's like 82." He laughed. "I hear he gets handy with the girls so watch out he might pinch your ass."

"Only if he wants to visit the ER."

"Stay behind me."

As they get closer the old man waves at Herman and confirms him by name. Spotting Zach the old man scowled, until he saw Heidi. Interest made him lighten up.

"Morning Walter."

"Get your notice?"

"I did. Listen, can we tear that up? I have my back rent; I just need to cash a check. As soon as I drop off my..." He pauses as Walter smiles vividly at Heidi. Squinting a second he realizes she might be his ace in the hole in keeping the grumpy old man in his pocket.

"Who's the young lady? Is she staying with you?"

"She is."

"Unless she's family, she signs a lease."

Heidi flares her eyes at Zach then takes the lead, extending her hand toward Walter, "Hi Walter. I'm his daughter Heidi. It's nice to meet you."

Zach swallowed dryly, then went with it, "She decided to camp out with me a few months. I was going to warn you a few days ago but got sidetracked looking for work."

"She's a cutie." Walter winks at Heidi then shakes her hand, going so far as to kiss her knuckle. Heidi wanted to hurl.

"Thank you." She chose to remain chipper until they escaped.

"No lease needed. Maybe she can keep you from losing your happy home."

"That's the plan Walt. I'll stop by with the money later. We both have job interviews. Wish us luck."

"I'm all about getting lucky." He wiggles his brows at Heidi. She merely wagged an index finger at him to behave.

"Running late Pop." She hurried Zach out the front entrance way. Once out of sight she gags, "Now my hand smells like Denture Grip."

"Quick thinking Dove."

"Shut up dad."

"Kind of funny."

"Yeah? Don't start thinking I'm going to call you daddy like some chipper airhead."

"If the easy bake oven works Miss Baker."

"Fuck you, Tom."

"God, I hope so." He chuckled.

"OH, MY GOD! I knew I should have gone with Herman Munster."

He bit his lip on that reply and marched them out to the parking area. Hopping on his Harley, he fires it up and revs it just a bit. He could tell Heidi was nervous. Passing her the helmet, she firsts adjusts her purse over her head so that she didn't lose it. Putting the helmet on she looked around through the tinted visor, "My hair is going to be crushed and sweaty."

"Better than the alternative. That dress is going to rise up the second you straddle the seat."

"Then, keep your eyes on the road Codger, not my G-string." She throws her right leg over the seat and settles in behind him.

"Arms around my waist. Keep your legs away from the tailpipe."

"Easy for you to say." She scoots closer and surrounds his abs with both palms caressing them, chiseled as they were she shivered at their steel hard texture, even through his shirt. Her tits mashing against his back was just plain heavenly, a fair trade of hard and soft to spark their imaginations.

"Tighter." He advises. Suddenly, she lifts her legs and wrapped them around his hips. Her heels lingering over his boy Hardy. He had to laugh. "Are you really riding like that?"

"Not risking my legs getting burnt. Dammit Tom, I can feel your hard on under my ankle."

"Live with it, Daughter of Mine." He backed out and gunned the bike to the curb. At the traffic light on the street, he made his turn. She held on for dear life and squealed every second of the eighteen-minute ride. Traffic was congested long before hitting the interstate around Seattle. At stoplights Zach dared to rub her legs to calm her nerves. Said hand roaming backward up the length of her outer thigh. A car next to them eyed his journey, until Heidi dug her nails into his chest to stop his mischief. He knew he must have been close to that G-string band. She was even struggling to keep her skirt down. From behind drivers saw her butt cheeks. A horn tooting made her laugh. A tilt of his mirror gave him a link up her skirt, damned nice.

"I can't keep my dress down."

"Show off."

"I am. I should have worn something longer."

"Never do that. Live a little Dove."

Traffic moving, she pondered his suggestion and clung to him like a second skin. He loved every second of her body against his. He even went so far as to grip her toes and forcefully rub her heel over his erection. She prayed that he wouldn't get them killed. It wasn't as if he could hear her complaints out on the interstate going 70 miles per hour. Oh, she was screaming.