
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


Getting off on the mall exit ramp, the remaining few minutes he wound past slower traffic and reached the Mall entrance. Idling there in front of the doors he discovered that Heidi was still clingy. Unbuckling her ankles, he teases his fingertips from toe all the way up to her hip. Finally, she snaps out of her trauma and slaps his hand. Crawling off slowly, she teetered on the asphalt to regain circulation, her hand holding his shirt to maintain balance. Her skirt was riding all the way up to her sunflower tattoo. He didn't even tell her as she struggled in removing the helmet. People going into the mall chuckled at her bare bottom exposure, her G-string bands lost in her crack. As the helmet came off, sure enough her blond hair was static enemy number one. It was then she heard a whistle behind her.

"Might want to chill out on the exhibitionist tendency. Mall cops might strip search you."

"SHIT!" She throws the helmet at him then tugs her dress down into proper mode. "That was fucking awesome."

"The guy whistling?"

"Noooooo!" She pelts his shoulder with a fist. "Take me riding again when I'm not late for work."

"Long as you wear dresses like that."

"Whole closet full. Gotta go dad." She didn't miss a beat, Heidi Baker kissed his cheek and wiggled away. Patting his erection, he grits his teeth. Dove ... Heidi was just too goddamned sexy.

"Calm down Hardy Boy. Nancy Drew there, is going to say hi to you soon enough. Patience buddy." Melding back into traffic he set a course for job opportunity number one. He hoped this job would pan out; his bike was on fumes. A change jar at home would tide him over as long as he got a paycheck in no less than two weeks.

Within the Mall...

Heidi strutted her stuff like a runway model through the mall's hallway, passing multiple stores and center court vendors. With each store passed by, guys checked her out. She knew it, some of them were on her own radar. Those she acknowledged with a wave, or better still, a wink. One of these days one of them was going to ask her on a date. She was not going to be the one asking. Feeling a bit insecure over her static filled hair she found herself using storefront windows to see what the damage looked like. To her shock it wasn't that bad. She was gorgeous one way or another.

"You still look hot."

Heidi froze at her reflection then turned to her right. Just on the other side of a cardboard cutout of Detective Pikachu stood a tall, lank young man with of all things, a pink mohawk. Otherwise, he was pretty snazzy looking in a dress shirt and tie. Designer suspenders even!

"Thanks! First ride on a motorcycle. I had to wear a helmet."

"Ahhh! Trust me I know how that goes. Yeah! No mercy. Your hair looks nice."

"Yours too. Does my hair stand up like yours?" She giggles blushing, "I've never met anyone with a mohawk."

"Your day of firsts then. My name's Weaver. Weaver Kytes." He waves at her with a smirk.

"Hi, Weaver." She shyly smiles with a mesmerizing sparkle in her eyes, "I'm Heidi." With their introductions made she uses her thumb to point away from her in the direction of her job, "I'm also late for work. Thanks for the compliment. Stop by Vicki's Secret sometime and say hi."

"Niiiiiiiccccce! You wear the merchandise?"

"Always." She winks and turns away, without looking back she flips up her skirt ever so briefly for a look at her underwear, as if he could see them, it was all heart shaped goodness. "Our secret."

Weaver Kytes nodded with a respected grin, "Sweet ass."

"I know." Heidi never looked back. Her employer was only seven stores away. Regardless, she was ten minutes late. Reaching Victoria's, she scurried in to face a scowling Manager.

"Ten minutes Heidi?"

"Blame my roommate. He volunteered to bring me to work on his Harley. Traffic sucked."

"Male roommate? Boyfriend?"

"Not even close. The guy was renting out a spare room. It was affordable, so I grabbed it."

"Did you know him prior?"

"Nope. Nice guy though, he looks like Tom Hardy's stunt double."

"Interesting! Did you bother to even check out if he was a felon or something?"

"He's not a felon. At least I don't think he is. I'll ask him tonight. You look nice today, Vick." She was only making her feel at ease. "New dress?" Heidi looked over at the tall redhead's black dress that hugged exquisite curves, before ending at her upper thigh. A small cleavage window offered a peek at her 36C's, while her neckline surrounded her throat.

"Old dress, rarely wear it. Your dress is cute too."


"I can run a background check on him for you, if you want me to."

"I'm good. He's been really cool in the 24 plus hours I've known him. He's a lot older than me so I think he feels as if he's, my dad." She snickers. "Actually, you'll laugh at this, but I called him dad just to avoid his landlord putting me on the lease. Clever I thought."

"That much older?"

"He's 35. Seriously, we get along great." She reflects for only an instant of his jerking off. It gave her goosebumps. Strangely, she hoped that he might do that again. "Get a grip Freak." She told herself. "You know he's going to jerk off every chance he gets."

"Older men are pervy. I should know I'm an older woman. Older men chase after younger girls."

"Older women chase after younger guys. No different! I can introduce you to Tom."

"His name is Tom?"

"No. That's just what I call him, y'know as in Tom Hardy? His real name is Zach. He's single."

"Just keep your eyes on him, for me."

"Oh, I will." She envisioned his cock, "Your concern is noted Vick. I'll be fine."