
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


Freedom was one thing, sex another. After their strange encounter last night and wearing his cum on her chest she felt almost giddy. It was so like her to go that far with a man, well, one that she was dating at least. That was what scared her. Zach was just too cool, even if they weren't dating. It was fun last night, even if it stressed her that he might get too used to doing that. Of course, it might go both ways. There was no denying it, Heidi Baker had her hangups, cum splattering all over her was only the tip of the iceberg.

"Tom? I agree and disagree both." She leans against the sink where he had prior to their trading places. "Last night shouldn't have happened. I don't even know you yet. I mean, it was hot in a way, scary too. I want to totally trust you, but let's face it, you're not off to a good start. Not only did you lie to get me to rent from you, but you also coaxed me into letting you jerk off with me in the room. I'm bold but daaaaamn Tom, this is getting crazy too fast."

"So, you're saying to stop being me, and be what you think I should be." He calls out over the water as he soaps his own body.

"No. Be you, just don't be the pervert you. At least not every second. I can handle some but too much might scare me off." Not even close, but she felt it necessary to slow things a bit until she was positive this occupancy was the right move. He was old as dirt. Hot dirt though. Prime real estate even! MALEibu!

"You don't seem to be in any hurry to race out of here. You're still standing there as naked as me."

"You're right." She frowns at herself then lowers her gaze to see him stroking soap over his massive cock. "Ever measure that thing?"

"Over eight, not quite nine. Why? You want to break out a yard stick?"

"No. Just curious. I'm a girl, we get curious now and then."

"I think we just need to be open, speak our mind, enjoy the others company, and coexist."

"Without sex. That's not what I'm after Tom."

"All good! I'm still going to jerk off in front of you."

"I'm fine with that. I like watching a guy cum."

"Be honest with me now, you fantasized about me fucking you last night. Didn't you?"

"No I didn't. I just got turned on by what you did. I wasn't thinking of more than my vibrator last night."

"Your vibrator can't cum over your tits."

"Yeah, about that..." She chuckles, "There's something I should probably tell you ... I ... like jizz shot on me. Major turn on, sends me into overdrive hormonally. Now that I've told you let's not make it a habit. I just wanted to be honest about myself."

"You fell asleep wearing me."

"I was tired." She laughed, "Dammit Tom! I need to go dry my hair and get dressed. I'll meet you in the living room if you're still taking me to work."

"Told you I would. See you in a few."

With an evil grin she stepped over to the toilet and flushed it. Just as he had tortured her, she got even. Cold water made Zach snarl. "Fair trade Tom. Tell Hardy sorry I shrank him down."

"Cold showers never work on me. Not even ice cube trays. All that would do is leave pubes stuck to the cubes in your tea glass." He chuckled almost under his breath.

Without warning she steps to the shower glass and presses her tits against it laughing. Zach got his first glimpse of small, sweet areolas and perky nipples crushed up nicely on the door. That helped Hardy ... NOT! Ten seconds later she left the bathroom and isolated in her bedroom. Blow dryer in full force she brushed out her blond locks, smooth and silky. Make up applied, perfume alluring, she finally got dressed. In her isolation Zach had ended his own shower and moved to his bedroom. Even running behind, he was ready to leave the house first.

Awaiting her in the living room Zach had gotten dressed up in dress blue jeans, a button-down navy-blue dress shirt, stylish boots, and a white, grey, and blue necktie, pinned by an amber studded tie clip. He smelled like a man who knew what he wanted. Dark sunglasses atop his well-groomed hair he stood ready to begin this new adventure. He had even shaved all but his goatee stubble, considering letting it grow out in the coming weeks. Zach knew it made him sexier still. It wasn't ego, he knew the reaction women had to it. At the moment he just wanted to see if his magic would work on Heidi, and her sister.

Grabbing his motorcycle helmet from his hall closet he heard Heidi popping bubblegum on her way from her room, the scent of Bubblicious unmistakable. Turning to see her standing behind him he looks her over from head to toe. Hair perfect, blue eyes glistening, cleavage breathtaking, she wore a cream-colored mini dress that covered her shoulders and a small section over her tits in see through lace. Down the sides of the dress were two-inch-wide sections of more lace that went from her arm pits down to the short hem.

"Quit drooling Old Man."