
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


"Hate to ask, but I really need to take a piss. Can you cover up and let me in long enough to urinate? Sorry to invade your space."

"Look away. It's open. I mean look the other way." She giggled.

"You, sure? I guess I could piss in a beer bottle. Might need a six-pack though."

"Promise not to try and wash my back?" She laughed.

"Tempting, but I just need to bleed the camel."

"So, now your nickname is Joe Camel?"

"If it gets me in front of that porcelain oasis you can call me whatever you want Dove."

"Still on the lookalike nicknames, huh?" She thaws out and continues soaping her body as he enters. He tries not to look but come on, the girl was just too sexy not to. She turns sideways seeing him pass her steamed up glass door. If he could peer through the fog to see her meant she could see him. Her eyes bulge as he pats the door on the way by. She shivered and grinned at the same time. Listening to his urination trumpeting into the toilet she bit her bottom lip. She had always been told you can tell how big a man's dick was by the power of his pissing. He sounded like Hercules.

While Zach hovered over the toilet, he arched his back at the relief he was feeling. Not just of an emptying bladder, but of knowing he didn't have to start packing, and searching for a new residence. That, and the fact that Heidi was just being too cool for words. He was grateful all around.

"Which job today?" He makes conversation.

"Vicki's. I'm running late."

"Sleep good?"

"Like a baby doll. Let's not talk about last night right now, please?"

"No problem. Feeling a tad guilty anyways."

"I'm not guilty, I'm edgy. That just stems from barely knowing you, Tom."


"I like Tom better."

"Dove it is. Unless you don't object to Gorgeous, Beautiful, or Blondie?"

"Too soon Tom."


Hearing his stream trickle down she winces, "Put the seat down Bachelor Man."

"Planned on it Potty Princess." That made her laugh. Then came the flush and the rush. Cold water took over the hot making her jump to the back of the shower stall and react with a shrill scream.

"You did that on purpose."

"Not really, but it sounded fun." He dares to peek at her covering herself and dancing in the corner of the shower until it warmed back up.

"Pure evil Tom."

"Not apologizing." He steps to the sink and washes his hands. "How late are you?"

"What time is it?"

"Nearing 7:00."

"Gotta be there by 8:30. Vicki gets a wedgy if I'm late by five minutes."

"There's a real Vicki at Victoria's Secret?"

"Actually yes. Vicki is the manager. Bitchy redhead with a Goddess complex. Ummm! Are you watching me shiver?" She winces at his barely visible image.

"Sorry! Just leaning here thinking. If you need a ride, I planned on getting dressed and going out job hunting."

"People still beat down businesses. Aren't applications all online these days?"

"No internet, remember?"

"Slipped my mind." As her warm water returns, she moves back under the torrent. Dropping her bar of soap, she bends over and accidently presses her butt cheeks on the glass. Zach took in her impression and grit his teeth. That ass was just plain perfection.

"Are you using my soap?"

"My body wash is still at mom's. I hadn't planned on camping out here until tonight. Kayla's coming to pick me up from work so I can get the rest. This time she's borrowing her dad's truck. Gotta text from her while sleeping, Mom complained overusing her SUV too long last night. Possessive bitch."

"Gonna meet mom for her approval of me?"

"Best we avoid that as long as we can. She won't like the age gap. I've always been a rebel."

"So, you date older men?"

"Never said that. Are you going to stare at me showering until I'm done?"

"Maybe. You want that ride?"

"To work yes. Not the other kind though." She laughs.

"Never crossed my mind."

"There's a lie. You promised no more lies."

"Being sarcastic Dove. You already know I'm fantasizing about you bouncing up and down on Hardy here."

"So you adopted Hardy as your dick's name?"

"Always hard so it made sense."

"Not calling my twat Cameron. Even though Came and On are both in the name." She snickers. "I've never been on a motorcycle before."

"Time to lose your virginity then."

"Lost that at fifteen. My hair will be all messy and windblown."


"You have two helmets?"

"No. But I'll sacrifice mine for you."

"That's nice of you. Sure, I'll accept the ride to work. I'm finished showering now. Privacy?"

"Nope. I'm jumping in after you get out. Can't go jump hunting smelling all jizzed up, can I?"

"Guess not! Turn around until I can wrap myself in my towel."

"Might as well get over the shyness. I'm holding your towel for you."

"Grrrrr! Too soon Tom."

"Time's a wasting Dove."

"I'm sooo going to regret this." She opens the shower door peeking out as he held her towel in the air with both hands. At least he was acting like a gentleman. Arm held over her chest she steps out and shuffles toward him. Claiming the towel, she wraps herself. Shockingly, he didn't look her over too closely. Once wrapped she felt more at ease. "Thanks! I think."

"No problem." He ventures around her allowing her to capture a hard glance at his tight ass.

"You weren't wearing underwear?" As if she didn't know.

"Nope." He faces her from within the shower winking. She missed the wink and took in Hardy. Eyes bulging at finally seeing his cock in full glory she turned away blushing.

"Dammit Hardy." She shivers laughing. "I didn't need to see that, Tom."

"Sure, you did. If we're going to live under the same roof together, we might as well get used to seeing one another." He shuts the door and hits the hot water while there was still some left. Fidgeting outside the shower stall she dries herself off and hangs her towel back up on a hook. Pondering his comment, it did seem logical considering she had warned him of her own bad habits. Of course, those would have been explored at a much later time once they knew each other better. This was moving pretty fast even for her.