
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs


Wake up Zach.

Fluttering eyelids inform Zach Pedigo of an early morning. His bedroom skylight filtering in daylight was a pretty good clue, yet not the only one. Hearing the sounds of running water assisted him in the comprehension that he was not alone in his once referred to bachelor pad. Not being accustomed to having roommates, he swallowed hard at the future. It was going to take some getting used to for certain. Not just any roommate either, this roomie was drop dead gorgeous in a Goddess quality. Youthful at that, being a good 17 years younger than he was. Hell, he lost his own virginity at that age. He still didn't know how to react to her sudden appearance at his time of need. Pure luck? Guardian Angel? He had no idea; all he did know was that she just kept the roof over his head a while longer. At least another month.

"Fuck, I have to find a job." He stared at the ceiling, "After last night I don't want to lose Heidi. I can't believe what we did, without even having sex. All I know is I want to hang on to this girl as long as I can. Even if it is just as nothing but a roommate. She's fun. Makes me feel young again." Picturing himself in her room last night, standing over her nude as she masturbated in the dark was insane. Who does that after only knowing someone less than 24 hours? She let him get away with more than any other girl might have in this situation. Zach was suave in his own right and girls weren't really an issue for him. When he had the money to try. Pride never wanted him to let any woman know he could never support her.

His past divorce had just set him in a suspended animation mode for a while. Last night's events brought him out of his shell. Going forward he knew things were going to get crazier. For a guy saying he wasn't a pervert, he was right on track. Past motivations before he got married Zach had his moments of boldness. Maybe it was time to bring back his old self, the darker, more in control Zach Pedigo. Maybe, just maybe. That little incident over Heidi Baker in her bedroom certainly sent him down memory lane. Food for thought! For now, he needed to regain her trust, for starters no more lies. With the strain of him lying to her, just to get her to rent his spare room, instead, of the one she originally came out here to look at he felt badly. Mistaken apartments worked to his advantage. If he hadn't fessed up, she might have moved on and let him suffer. Luckily, she seemed to have faith in him. He didn't want to ever lie to the girl again, not intentionally at least.

The shower continuing to storm his hearing he realized something. "I need to piss like a Russian racehorse." Crawling from his bed, still nude from the night before, Zach headed for his opened door. Then, it dawned on him a tough scenario, "One bathroom. I can't just barge in there and..." Dancing in step trying to fathom options, there were none. "I can't hold it much longer. FUCK!"

He looks around for his discarded sweatpants and starts to put them on, a pause to look at his dick he changes his mind. "I'm not getting dressed. She told me she goes nude sometimes, so why can't I?" Tossing the sweats aside he heads out of his room full swing and stands in front of the restroom door. Gritting his teeth, he dared to see if she had locked it. The knob turned. "Awful trusting of her considering. Bates Motel anyone?" He decides to seal the door and at least approach this with respect, by knocking.

Inside the shower Heidi Baker was glossy wet and sudsy. Having slept without cleaning off his jizz she dared to use his bar of soap to cleanse her body of his dried leftovers. She was still emotional over letting him even do what he did. Her hormonal state last night was off the charts. A strange man jerking off behind her on the sofa sent her to her bedroom to play on her own. Still, she took chances. He at least didn't rape her. Any other man might have. Of course, she couldn't blame him if he had, she did masturbate with her bedroom door opened wide. A surefire invitation to trouble. Heidi had always been a risk taker. That would never change. In her mind it made for a better orgasm. Of course, having a cum fetish that he wasn't quite aware of, yet she relished in the moment. Hearing the knock, she reacts with flaring eyes and freezes within her thoughts on last night.
