
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

Eviction noticed 9

"I can do this." She giggles, "Don't judge me."

"I've got faith in you."

"Only thing you will ever..." She bites her tongue before saying something that would get him thinking more on the sexual appetite side she was avoiding. "Going in again. Don't move." Her face tilts sideways as her tongue carefully tries to snag the noodle tip. Another contact to his sweats leaves a wet stain on his grey material. He wasn't sure if it was her saliva or his precum. Spitting at the taste of fabric she tensed her fists, "It would help if I could see the noodle when I go after it."

"Giving up?"

"NOOOOO! Enjoy this while you can Gramps."

"Gramps? I'm not that old." He laughs at her pout, "Since when did this become Lady and the Gramps?"

"Ha Ha! Hold still."

"That's what I've been doing. Quit teasing me."

"I'm not ... GRRRRRRRR!" With temper flaring she just goes for it. Tongue fully licking the tip of his covered cock until she could lift the noodle with success in sucking the noodle up through her lips until gone. That of course took three tries. Zach nearly shot his load at her persistence.

"Daaamn! That was unexpected."

"Got any mouthwash?" He merely hands her his beer. She takes a hefty swig and gargles. He had to chuckle and admire the wet stains all around the crown of his dick.

"I will never ever forget that challenge." He laughs as she stands up finishing his beer to get the taste of sweatpants off her tongue. Sitting his bottle down she grabs her own then hands it to him as a replacement. "I'm scarred for life thanks to you."

"I didn't force you to go that far."

"I got the job done. Closest thing to a blowjob you'll ever get from me." She giggles and curls up on the couch again. Noticing something that caught her eye she immediately hops back up stretching over toward the moved coffee table, "Fortune Cookies."

"Oh, yeah! Forgot the cookie monsters."

Tossing him one first, she tears the plastic of her own treat between her teeth, plucking her cookie out and breaking it in half. "Eat it first or the fortune won't come true." She chews hers as he opens his and joins her. After she polishes both halves off, she reads her fortune wincing at it.

"Need glasses?"

"Nooooo! 20/20 vision thank you."

"What's yours say?"

"Two hands are better than none."

"That's morbid." He chuckles.

"Should have been your fortune Mister Monster." She points a pinky at his cock. "You're going to need two hands."

"One is sufficient. Two if I..."


"Sorry! Hey! You started the trash talk Feathers."

"Feathers?" She giggled, "Oh my God, Tom! How many nicknames are we going to have for each other?"

"All in good fun Heidi."

"I know. It is cute. All good Catnip."

"Hey now! You tasted my catnip." He laughed.

"Don't remind me." She grimaces then steals his beer to gargle a second time. Wagging her tongue with a gross expression she points his direction, "Read yours."

Opening his fortune he nods, "Man running through Airport turnstile going to Bangkok."

"It doesn't really say that does it?"

"No! It's an old Confucius joke I read once. Bang Cock? He points at his tent.

"Ohhhhh, shit!" She busts up laughing. "That's fucking hilarious."

"Man, who stand on toilet is high on pot." He adds another proverb. She couldn't stop laughing. "Woman who stands on toilet has crack up." She didn't get that one. ""Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon lead to undoing of fly."

"Oh, my God! Stop before I pee. What's yours really say?"

Looking at it again for real this time he pauses, "Life is short. Take time to smell the flowers." A shrug later he adds, "Nothing to be superstitious over in that one."

Her jaw drops and she shivers, "I wouldn't be too sure about that."

"Meaning what?" He poised an eyebrow high.

"Nothing." She turns away shyly.

"Don't leave me hanging here. What's that all about?"

"FINE!" She pats her heart nervously, "I believe in fortune tellers. That one hit close to home is all."

"Annnnd?" He reacts with inquiry.

"I'll show you my tattoo so you might see my point. Just ... don't ... well, smell it." She sighs trying not to laugh. Standing up in front of him she lifts her shirt past her belly button and uses her mouth to hold the length of it, in order for it not to hide her body. With her mouth full she mumbles, "Ready?"