
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

Eviction noticed 10

"As I'll ever be." He studies her flat milky tummy with the most amazing sunken button. Nervously she uses both hands to roll the waistband of her leggings down into her bikini area. Suddenly a cute but tiny sunflower appears rising out of her thin strip of fur, very near her clit. She whimpered faintly at exposing it.

"Wow! That's beautiful. Now I really do wanna smell it." He grins with a wink.

"Ugh!" She rolls her eyes, "Get it over with."

"Seriously?" He looked with shock. Closing her eyes, she awaited him to do just that. Shrugging at the option given he ran with it and teased her lower belly with the tip of his nose and inhaled, he then exhaled warmly over the flower. That was it. Heidi released her teeth and the shirt fell back into place. She steps back quickly and continued blushing. "You okay there?"

"I'll live ... a lil." She giggled huffing. "Felt a bit tingly there. We have to chill out on this crap."

"I agree. Not helping me one damned bit."

"Do something about that damned thing already." She sat back down fanning herself.

"Want me to go to my room?"

"You ... don't have to, just don't ... don't show it. Maybe just stroke it with your hand under your sweats. I'll turn the other way."

"I can try, sweats aren't loose though. Can I take my shirt off to be more relaxed?"

"Oh, my God! You ask a lot." She waves a hand allowing it. In response he lifts his Seahawk tee up over his head and throws it at her. She growls and removes it from her shoulder. "Hurry it up."

"You don't have to sit here. You can just as easily go to your room." He laughs.

"Y'know what? I'm going to miss my bus anyway I'm just going to stay the night in my own room." She sneers pointing at him as his fingers slither under his waistband and encircle his cock. She tries to look away but finds curiosity drawing glances. He knew it. Zach Pedigo watched her every reaction. It was priceless.

"So, who did your tattoo that close to the Garden of Eden?" He jerked slowly trying to keep her from getting too uncomfortable.

"Promise not to think badly of me?" She turns her gaze to look toward the TV.

"As long as you don't think badly of my doing what you suggested I do."

"I'm good. You needed to deal with that. If we're going to be roommates, I suppose we need to get used to one another's habits."

"I agree."

"My stepdad is a tattoo artist. He has his own parlor. I was stupid enough to let him get my pants off. Not sexually, just for the tattoo. I wanted something crazy, and we decided on that."

"No offense, but I bet he got as hard as I am right now."

"Shut up." She laughs, "Yeah, he did. He's been wanting to pierce my clit too."

"No shit?"

"Yeah, but that's a bit much letting him get that close." She was fire red.

"I can picture it that's good enough for me."

"Great! Now you're picturing me naked."

"Truth? I stripped you nude in my mind when you first showed up at my front door."

"I figured as much. Hurry up already."

"I told you it's not easy when the sweats are tight."

"Who wears tight sweats?"

"I work out Heidi. Old sweats don't shrink to accommodate new muscle."

"Dammit! Pull them down." She totally turns her back to him this time. Smirking devilishly, he just took the sweats completely off and tossed them over her head. She busted up laughing and ripped them from her scalp. "Fuck you, Tom." She poises a finger over her shoulder flipping him off, "Not an offer."

"Now I've got room to work."

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this."

"Me neither. Thanks though." His rhythm was stepping up, knuckles racing to get the job done. "Fuck this feels good."

"You don't have to vocalize it." She laughs.

"My side of the apartment. My rules." He chuckled, "It's nice and purple right now." He tormented her. "So earlier today...?"

"What about it?"

"You mentioned having bad habits. Sleepwalking and all."

"Yeah! I never know when that shit happens. Everyone has caught me at one time or another. Mom found me in the kitchen holding the refrigerator door open at 4 A.M. Kayla came home from a date last year and found me in my bra and panties in the hallway. Luckily nobody in the complex caught me. When I was younger ... not saying my age I ... better quit while I'm ahead."

"Tell me." He moaned a bit; she could hear how gruff his hand was being.

"Mom was at work. Kayla and Pete were asleep. Pete's my stepdad. He woke up to go to the restroom and found me naked in his bedroom at the foot of his bed. Just standing there all stalker crazy like. I didn't know what I was doing at all. He took me back to my own bed."

"Sure, he didn't paw you up before that?"

"I hope not." She sighed. "Getting close Tom?"

"Feeling the buildup. Gonna be noisy when I unload."

"I'm loud too. Don't panic if you get woke up from hearing me scream."

"Looking forward to it."

"SHUT UP!" She shook her head laughing, holding her palms over her face.

"You mind passing me some of those napkins on the coffee table? Gonna be really messy. I cum a lot."

Hesitantly, she lowers her hands and eyes the coffee table with her peripheral vision. Standing up she backed toward the table, brushing up against his leg. She shivered at the proximity but found the napkins and reached behind her to hand them to him.

"Thanks." He breaths heavily, huffing and groaning a bit. She sat down again but this time closed her eyes and faced him. Not once did she peek. Feeling mischievous she blindly reached out and rubbed his leg. Her touch made him crease a brow.

"Don't read into it, Tom. Just offering inspiration."

"Little more to your right." He laughed and moaned at the same time. She actually moved a bit higher up his thigh just for the hell of it. The vibrations over his flesh made her tremble. "Little more."

"Come on Tom. I'm not going any further than this." She slips her knuckles inwardly on his thigh slightly until she feels his balls crush over her fingers. "SHIT!" She squeezes her eyes even tighter and doesn't move. "Not what I had planned Tom."

He pants heavily and she feels his strength increasing, rapid thrusts of his fist pumping up and down gave her goosebumps. Each time his hand came crashing down his ball sack tightened over two of her fingers. She bit her lip at the sensations.

"So close." He mumbles as she couldn't handle it any further, moving her hand just enough not to feel his scrotum empty. She again turns her back to him just as he nuts really hard, cum shooting high, falling over his lap and her hand. Deafening grunts made her tense up. Without a word Heidi Baker stood up and shuffled away to her bedroom. He did notice she didn't wipe her hand off. Zach finishes his guttural exhaustion then calls out, "Heidi?"