
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

Eviction noticed 8

"I liked that one too. You guys do the shared noodle thing?" She snickers.

"Not once. Always wanted to though. Stupid, huh?"

"Not even." She turns sideways on her knee, "Let's do it."

"What?" He loses color in his cheeks, then looks down at his erection.

"Not sex you bozo." She snaps her chopsticks at him, "Up here. I'm talking the noodle kiss."

"You want to kiss me?"

"Noooo! Forget it, Tom."

"I'm not sure what you're getting at then."

"It must take talent to hold a noodle between two people without breaking it as it's sucked in. Just trying to lighten up our night. No Biggy Tom. I'm over it."

"We can try it."

"Don't you dare kiss me when it gets close."

"I was gonna say the same to you Lady."

"At least you didn't call me Tramp. No, I don't have a tramp stamp." She laughs.

"No tattoos?"

"One, but don't ask I'm not telling."

"Why not?"

"It's ... personal." She flares her eyes blushing.

"Oh, come on!" He rolls his eyes, "Now I gotta know."

"Nope! Nyet! Nada!"

"Alright! How about this? We do the noodle stunt, whomever loses their end first accepts a challenge?"

"You're going to challenge me to show you, my tat."

"Probably. You know I am." He laughs.

"Well, I'm not challenging you to show me that Big Tent Revival going on in your sweats."

"Your decision what you challenge me to do. Wasn't even going there Dovey."

"Uh huh! Dovey? No Lovey Dovey crap neither Tomcat. Wail in your bedroom on your own time." She busts up laughing.

"We can just skip the noodle." He frowns.

"Nope! You started this. Challenge accepted."

"Even if I challenge you to show me your tat?"

She shares a stern grimace with him, "I guess."

"Not too late to cancel your rent check." He grins, "It's not in my bank account yet."

"Don't tempt me." She breaks into a smile. "Noodle up Tomcat."

"Alright, get those lips ready." He uses his chopsticks to pluck up a single noodle and puts one end into his mouth carefully. From there he slowly lifted the rest of it as she followed him until she could lower her tongue under it and ever so gently press her lips around it. So far so good. Sticks aside he uses his free hand to count to three before both begin sucking their ends of the noodle. Eyes flaring at their best attempt Heidi sucked too hard and it collapsed from her lips.

"SHOOT! I was doing so good."

Sucking the remainder into his mouth he chuckled, "Best two out of three?"

"Do it!" She fans her fingers nervously anticipating his next raised noodle. Lips pressed into puckers the countdown led to his breaking it this time.

"Well, hell." He shook his head as she clenches a fist in triumph.

"Get ready to be challenged Trampcat."

"You be ready Lovey Dovey."

"Grrrrr! Do it!"

Last noodle attempt led to a draw as both of them bit too hard and the leftover noodle fell to Zach's lap. A two-inch section dropped directly over the head of his erection and dangled. Heidi dropped her jaw laughing at his predicament.

"Why are you laughing? Your end slipped before mine did."

"Awwww, maaaan! You're right. Hit me!" She held her breath as he pondered his challenge. It would be too obvious to just tell her to show him her tattoo. He wanted to see just how bold she might go.

"Eat the noodle."

"Hand it here."

"Nope! From its landing spot."

"WHAT??????" She turned beet red and posed with her jaw open. "No way." Still her eyes monitored the noodle curled up on his tent. The easiest part to nibble at was directly over his urethra if it were visible. "I can't believe I'm even considering this." She again fans her fingers nervously.

"You don't have to." He felt badly just that fast.

"No! I lost fair and square. Just let me compose myself. Don't you get the wrong idea here." She points with a wince. "Dammit Man! Even the dangling part is barely attainable." She leans forward trying to decide how best to beat the noodle and not actually touch his dick. It was nigh impossible. Whining she gets up from her seat and scoots his coffee table aside to give her room. Moving between his legs she peers over her brow at him, "Stop fantasizing Old Man."

"He is getting bigger, isn't he?"

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Stop that." Laughing at his goading he wasn't far off from the truth. His cock did twitch a few times. Her eyes noticed it tensing and she scowled, "I said stop that."

"Mind of its own Dove."

Pointing at his dick she told it, "Stop thinking." Tongue hoping to reach under the noodle without contact to his sweats, it took her three attempts to even find the noodle strand. Plucking it up not so easy. In her latest attempt she got too close and accidently touched her tongue directly on his erection. With a gross expression she withdrew a few inches and grumbled under her breath. She was certainly determined to succeed. Feeling her tongue made Zach huff and form a whistling pucker that refused to whistle. He didn't want her giving up.