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Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

Eviction noticed 3

"Trust me, I won't."

"Prove it." She studies him with a squint.

"You're hot as fuck."

"That's proving it?"

"It's no lie." He chuckles. "Cute ass."

"Ohhhh! So now you're admitting to being a pervert."

"Aren't all of us old farts?"

"35 is not old."

"You asked for honesty. It's the only thing I could think of to prove it off the top of my head."

"Do I have to worry about it getting out of hand? These perversions." He noticed a strange glint in her eyes, almost hopeful of a yes. He chose to hold on to that close inspection.

"Too early to tell. If I do just set me straight." He moves to his TV and snatches his shirt, putting it back on. "There! Better?"

"I liked the bare chest. Sweat stains are so unattractive." She smirked blushing, "I have nasty habits too. I sleepwalk. I know I snore. I live in bra and panties. Sometimes no bra. Sometimes no panties. Can you live with that?"

"Can you start moving in, in like thirty minutes?" He grins heavily.

"Tomorrow. I'll bring you a check for $1,400. I don't own much outside of clothes and extra batteries. A few odds and ends, laptop, etc."

"No internet. I had to cut a few luxuries out. Batteries?"



"Tattoo gun. What do you think?"

"Wow! I ... don't know what to say Heidi. You just gave me..."

"A hard on?"

"I was going to say hope, but yeah, that's probably going to happen if you only wear a bra and panties, or ... less. Can you deal with that?"

"You're a man. It happens." She eyes her cell clock, "I need to go to work. Nails today. Can I bring a few things over later tonight? I'll just get the check to you today instead of waiting. Key?"

"I have an extra around. Wow! Thanks Heidi. You saved my life."

"Who knows, maybe you saved mine. That other guy sounded creepy."

"Who was it?"

"I only know a first name. Herman, I think. Your address is H15. Ha! I just realized that spells HIS. Too funny. I evidently wrote the wrong apartment number down. Must be fate."

"Tell you what ... I have just enough cash to order Chinese. You interested in supper when you come back?"

"Get fortune cookies. I'm really superstitious that way."

"I can do that. Oh, do you even have a bed for your room?"

"Crap! Nooo! I'll just put a blanket on my floor until I get one."

"Always the couch in a pinch. I'll clear everything out and have the room emptied by say 5:00?"

"I'll be over by 6:00. Just need time to shower and change."


"It is, isn't it?" She looks behind her at her ass. "Quit drooling old man. I'm just teasing."

"I'm not drooling." He wipes his mouth on his shirt laughing.

"I think our humor bounces off each other pretty well. Just keep that honesty thing going and I'll move past any doubts in you."

"Done. See you at 6:00 Dove Cameron."

"Right on, Tom Hardon. I mean Hardy."

"Okay, much as I love the teasing, don't you think we should act like roommates?"

"You're right. I'm young and impulsive, what can I say?"

He opens the front door for her, "Go to work."

"Before I miss my bus." She bulges her eyes, "Bye Tom."

"Bye Dove."

He watched her wiggle all the way down the hall until she headed downstairs. Zach Pedigo could not help himself, he hit his couch running, pants down, erection devastated, knuckling his cock as if he were 18 again. This was definitely his lucky day. "Get it out of your system Pedigo. Once she moves in you can't be doing this or she won't keep you out of hot water long. Fucccccccck! Now I'm picturing her in the shower." It was pretty steamy.

After doing his best to clear out the spare room he discovered it wasn't as easy as he thought. Sure, some things could be parted with but not everything. Cramming as much as he could into every closet there, outside of hers, he gave up and made the sacrifice. Who needed a fishing pole and bowling ball anyways. Down came that poster of Carlos Santana. Damn Zach felt old.

By 5:30 he realized the time had run away from him and he hit the shower in a hurry. Soaping up good he removed his Dove Cameron worship and felt presentable again. As he lathered up to shave his three-day shadow, he again heard the door pounded on. She was early. Grabbing a towel, he wrapped it about his waist and trudged out, still wet. Reaching the door, he just opened it and braced for the unexpected.

"You're early." He managed until he realized Heidi wasn't alone. With him was another girl, with a few more curves in a deliciously overweight perfection. Brown hair to her shoulders with big brown eyes, rimmed glasses making her appear studious. Heidi stood behind the girl holding a box obscuring her view.

"HELLOOO!" The brunette looked Zach over from head to toe. Turning sideways Heidi bulged her eyes at Zach in his towel.

"This shit is heavy, move it, Kayla."

Swooping in to help Heidi before losing her grip, Zach snatched up her box and straightened up. So much for his towel. All it took was stretching a bit too much and it loosened enough to fall to his feet. "NOT ON PURPOSE, I SWEAR." He used the box to conceal his penis. Both girls dropped their jaws as he backed away slowly. "Mind picking up my towel?" He marched backwards all the way to his bedroom then sat the box down in the hall to bolt inside and close his door.

"Damn Heidi, he does look like Tom Hardy." Kayla sat her box on the sofa.

"I told you. Pull up your halter Wench, before you start showing off too."

"I wonder how big it was. Did you see it before..." She adjusted her white halter top to better conceal her 40D's. Those mounds were hard to hide, and she was darn proud of it. With her few extra pounds, they drew attention away from a very minor pudge about the waist, her ass round but tight in her pull up black shorts, butt cheeks ever so expressing themselves beneath the hemline over both muscular looking legs.

"Noooo, it was an accident give him a break." Heidi wore grey leggings this time with a button down white and powder blue plaid shirt. Definitely less seductive looking than earlier in the day.

"Even for an old guy he looked good. Maybe I should move in with you, just in case you need help fending him off."

"Yeah, you can run interference right into his arms Hoochie. I'll stand back whispering don't hurt my sister. Help! Help!"