
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

Eviction noticed 2

"It's a guy thing." She chuckled, "I'm used to being looked over. Anyways, the room?"

"Yep! Follow me!" He leads her to just opposite the living room area and stops. Stepping out of her way he opens the door to the spare bedroom which was roughly 10 feet by 12 feet. She squeezes around him face to face, her chest slightly grazing his sternum. He swallows at her trailing tits soft caress and reacting to him. Trying not to stare he saw nipple hard on, but quickly averted his gaze.

"Small skylight over where your bed can go. Average closet. Ceiling fan. Nothing special really. No curtains, I only use the room for storage."

"It's cute."

"Yes, it is." He lowers his eyes to her tight heart shaped ass, her long legs gently muscular.

"You think the room is cute?" She snickers.

"Well, it will be once I get all of my junk out of your way." He hadn't thought of that. Where was he going to put it? Grimacing, he figured the dumpster sounded good.

"You know, your voice even sounds differently than over the phone."

"Oh, yeah?"

"You did sound like you had allergies. Hay fever you said."

"I'm drugged up. So far so good." He was feeling guilty as the lies mounted up.

"I can't recall your name." She fidgeted.

"Zach." He extends a hand, "Zach Pedigo."

"Heidi Baker." She frowns, "I'm in the wrong apartment, aren't I?"

"Yeeeeeeeah! Listen, Heidi. I'm sorry I wasted your time. I'm not going to bother telling you why I let you in. All I can say is, I'm sorry, I was considering a roommate and when you said ... guess I'm ... sorry. I'll walk you out."

"So, you were going to steal someone else's potential roommate?"

Zach lowered his gaze and shrugged, "I'm a sad human being."

"How much would be my rent?"

"Say what?" He lifted his gaze and bulged his eyes.

"How much?"

"Well, half the rent is $700."

"Wow! $1,400 for this small place?"

"That's Seattle for ya. We're near the heart of the city. This is cheap."

"You're so right. Every ad I looked at was crazy high. The guy I talked to over the phone was going to charge me $900. Who can afford that?"

"Might be $900 with half the utilities." He winces.

"I'll have to get a third job just to make that."

"What do you do?"

"Part time at Victoria's Secret and at a Nail Salon, I do intricate nail designs. I'm girly." She laughs and shows him her black fingernails with gold Chinese characters on them. "I do nails like this, even though my friend did mine." Lifting her open toe pumps, she shared even more artwork. Her feet were sexy as hell.

"Sounds like it. Listen Heidi, you don't have to rent from me. I'm truly sorry I led you on."

"I'm considering it. Unless you're not wanting to now. I know the age gap must be awkward."

"NO! No! That has nothing to do with it. I just feel horrible for giving you the runaround. You don't deserve what I just tried to pull."

"At least you're being honest now. Can you continue being totally honest with me going forward?"

"Absolutely. I just got evicted." He rolls his eyes, then pauses her to return to the kitchen and find the crumpled notice, returning with it to prove himself.


"Yeah! That was my driving force in playing you. I'm on hard times myself. Lost my job four months ago, blown through my savings, struggling to stay afloat. I figured you might keep a roof over my head a bit longer until I got a job. Dammit!" He backs away aggravated with himself and steps into the living room arms crossed and pondering his life.

"Bathroom looks bigger than my room." She follows him out but deviates her path to the front door.

"What? You're looking at the bath when I'm telling you I was using you?"

"Just saying. I like the glass shower doors; curtains tear up easy. This place is better than I thought it might be."

"I don't get it. I just admitted using you and you're not storming out calling me every name in the book?"

"I forgive you. Like I said, going forward. My question is, will I pay rent to you only to be evicted next month?"

"Hope not. Might have to sell my motorcycle. It's my sole transportation though. That might pay two months' rent."

"Don't do that. Mass transit sucks."

"Not many options Beautiful." He grits his teeth, "Sorry again."

"For what? Saying I'm beautiful? Thanks for noticing." She flips her hair playfully with a winning smile.

"It's my day for notices." He laughs. "I just didn't want you to think I was being too forward."

"Relax old man." She flips her tongue out at him, "I have enough money to pay that $700 plus $700 for deposit. I might have to live on celery sticks and peanut butter, but if I can help and put a roof over my, our, head I'll take the risk. Just ... don't lie."