
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · Urban
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25 Chs

Eviction noticed 4

"You're hilarious. I'm not into old..."

Zach barged out of his room cutting her thought off as he rejoined them in sweatpants and a Seattle Seahawk's t-shirt. "Sorry ladies! Caught me by surprise there. I didn't want you standing out there waiting on me is all."

"No problem, Tom." Heidi stood with hands on her hips, "This is my stepsister, Kayla. She's single if you want to date her." Kayla drops her jaw and shakes Zach's hand. In the shake her breasts danced for him, nipples popping out to say hello. Definitely no bra, surprisingly no sag. Youth kept her poise sturdy.

"Hi Tom."

"It's Zach."

"Peeping Tom." Heidi razzed him after seeing his eyes take in Kayla's dance recital.

"In my defense you were about ten minutes early."

"I can see that. You still have shaving crème on."

"Crap! I even put my shirt on before wiping my face. I'm such an idiot." Heidi hands him his discarded towel and watches him use it to wipe his face.

"Keep the stubble. It suits you."

"I think it looks sexy." Kayla adds.

"Have any more things to carry in?" He changes the subject to avoid a brewing erection beneath his sweats.

"Two more boxes and a stand-up mirror. We had better hurry up we're illegally parked on the curb." Kayla retreats to the door. "Flashers!" She fanned her fingers mimicking lights in front of her monster melons. Once she realized that she was highlighting her tits she blushed and turned away.

"Notice on her bumper sticker it says I brake for Venom?" Heidi laughed pointing at her sister's slightly chubby butt. "Sick her Tom!"

"Whatever! You're going to be a handful I can tell."

"Less than her but sure!" Heidi lifted her chest chuckling.

"I'll bring in the boxes. You grab the mirror." He follows Kayla watching her ass dart from side to side. For being overweight that girl was rockin' out. Luckily, Zach liked a bit of baggage. Single, eh? Shaking off the age thing Zach stepped outside and grabbed the two medium sized boxes from the hatchback of a grey Ford Escape. Side by side they retreated as Kayla lowered the hatch until closed.

"Hold up." She stopped him at the sidewalk. "I just want to say something without my sister around."

"Sure, what's up?"

"She's never lived on her own before. Even I think my sister is superhot. I just want to know if she's safe."

"Outside of accidents like earlier? Yes, it was 100% an accident. Pretty embarrassed actually." He wasn't but it sounded appropriate.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I'm not a pervert if that's what you think of me." He had his moments.

"I don't. The single in me wishes you were though." She giggles. "Just ... don't hurt my sis."

"Not even. Chances are we'll barely see each other. Jobs and all." He refrained saying he wasn't working, hopeful that Heidi kept that secret.

"Can I visit?"

"Me or Heidi?" He winked.

"Both. Wow!" She looks at herself in the mirror she was holding, "The girls are winking back at you."

"Wink all you want. How much older are you than Heidi?"

"I'm 22. Wait until you meet our mom."

"Stepsisters, Heidi said."

"Yeah, she never knew her real dad. She's only known my dad. Her mom didn't want her knowing him. Bad news I guess."

"That's a shame. Getting heavy here, let's head inside."

"Right! Let me get the door." Once inside they head back upstairs to an opened apartment door, propped by of all things, a can of Peaches. Heidi was in her room unpacking the first box which consisted of sheets and a blanket. Not even a pillow. She had fanned out her bedding in preparation for the next nights usage. On her hands and knees straightening the bedding Zach had to huff at her doggy style stance, those grey leggings constricting tightly up into her clam for a sunken treasure status.

"Here's your other boxes." Zach sat them on the floor, swallowing dryly.

"Thanks." She rolls over to sit down on her bed, legs partly separated, leaning back on the palms of her hands. Looking up at Zach and Kayla she smiles brightly, "Home sweet home." After resting the mirror against a wall Kayla flops down next to Heidi and hugs her from the side. "Go home Wench, or mom won't loan us her car again. I'll catch a bus later."

"I want to stay here with you." Kayla melts into puppy dog mode, that led into an attack from the side, sister on sister tickling match. Zach grinned watching them roll about laughing. In her tussle Kayla's top dangled low allowing Zach, a full underside of dangling monsters. He had to huff a silent whistle of, "Oh, yeaaah." As the girls slow their battle, they sit up straight chuckling when both go instantly silent looking at Zach.