
The Purity Test

"Daniel Selvatico," a deep voice greeted him over the phone as he arrived at the Principal's office to take a call from Demos.

"Mr Mayor, what an honour!" Daniel commented.

"Mr Selvatico, I have found out some papers that are not very flattering to your career, including some proof of forgery," Demos commented, knowing full well that they were lies. In fact, Daniel Selvatico has an impeccable career of ten years in teaching Latin in various international schools. What he did not know however that the man he was speaking to was an imposter.

"I can assure you that my record is spotless, Mr Mayor. If there is any forgery done then it is in the papers that you hold," Daniel spoke as smoothly as possible, knowing that the person on the other side was in an attempt to manipulate him for something.

"Is that a tone of accusation I hear?" Demos demanded.

"Absolutely not. It is rather a tone of defence as well as a plea for re-evaluation," Daniel countered in a neutral tone.

"For an Italian, your English is quite impeccable," Demos commented.

"I owe it to my Irish mother," he replied.

"Come and meet me in the Gilbert home for dinner and we have some things to discuss," Demos finally commanded.

"I will be there," Daniel said, cutting the line.


When Daniel stood at the Gilbert home he knew that something was wrong. The house was too peaceful. Zerena's werewolf guards were nowhere in sight. It was Elena who opened the door.

"Come in, Demos is inside," she commented demurely. Daniel was almost amused.

Demos was sitting at a couch and asked Daniel to sit in a chair in front of him. "I was invited for dinner, I would like to know if I am it," Daniel commented boldly.

Demos quirked a brow. "For a non-supernatural, you are both bold and accepting of the other," Demos commented.

"My mother was friends with a supernatural once. My father rescued her from their midst. I grew up on the stories of vampires, werewolves, witches, demons and immortals," Daniel said.

"Demons don't exist, at least not in the realms that have been discovered by the supernaturals," Elena explained.

"You still did not answer me," Daniel insisted.

"We are not liable to answer you, human. However I am curious as to why you leave an energy signature around if you are not supernatural," Elena hissed.

"My mother was bitten by a rogue werewolf. The gene has not been triggered in either of us though. But we carry the energy signature," Daniel lied.

Satisfied by the answer Demos actually smiled. "I have a job for you. Your compliance will save your life. Otherwise, I will just force you to trigger your gene and that will lead to more than one loss of life," he announced.

"I am listening," Daniel offered.

"Elena," Demos called, " I need you to sit by me for this conversation," he declared. Elena nodded and took her place before the Demos spoke. "You see Daniel, Elena has a sister, Margaret Gilbert. She carries the guardian seed just like Elena. However, we do not wish her to be exposed to the supernatural. There are two ways for it. One is to keep her away from all things supernatural, something that is not possible here and she loathes to part with her. The second one is to destroy her purity. We know that she is very fond of you. She has, what do they say, a crush on you. Just sleep with her and let her have a normal human life."

"You want me to sleep with my student," Daniel stated to which the supernaturals nodded. "And I have been elected because Margaret has a crush on me." They nodded again. Daniel took a long breath. "She is a minor." he reminded them.

"Tonight she is a minor, Tomorrow is her birthday. You must do it tonight before her powers show," Elena explained.

"You are with Demos. You still have your powers," Daniel pointed.

"You have to be spiritually pure, when you receive your power. That means you are either a virgin or you need to be touched by your mate and mate alone. My mother lost her powers when she chose to be with a mere mortal. A mortal cannot be the mate of a supernatural. Demos is my mate," Elena informed.

Satisfied Daniel nodded. "Lead me to her room," he asked.

"Follow me," Elena said and led the way.


Daniel closed the door behind him. Maggie was sleeping when he entered her room. Her hair was spread around her heart-shaped face and Dannie admired it. As he reached out to caress her face she stirred from her sleep. Her eyes widened, taking in the man who promised to claim her once she turned 18. She noticed the clock. Two hours till midnight.

"It is time," Dannie announced.

"But I have two more hours," Maggie answered, scared for whatever was to come.

"Your sister wants to speed up the process. Don't worry, it will only hurt you while it can kill me," Daniel informed her.

"If it can kill you then why are you doing this?" Maggie asked bewildered.

"I would rather die to be with you than live without you," Dannie answered honestly. That answer was everything that was needed to obtain Maggie's consent. She got up from the bed and took off the nightdress that hid her bare skin. Maggie was not ignorant of what was needed to complete the mating. Often during her free classes, Daniel had met up with her to instruct her in the process and the risks. Maggie knew that Daniel was not human and she had kept his secret like the faithful mate he hoped she would prove to be.

Maggie had not received her powers so it could be that it was perfectly safe for Dannie to perform the blood bond. On the other hand, it could kill him like Elena's blood had killed Klaus.

"Are you ready?" he asked for the last time. There was no turning back now.