
The Mating

Dannie decided to start with the flesh bond which was the easiest for both of them.

"Have you done this before?" Maggie asked Daniel.

"I have but I know you haven't. So don't worry. I will control myself," he promised. His words did not quite conform to the condition of his body as Maggie lay completely naked before him. The light was dim and Maggie could not make out the bulge in his trousers, otherwise, she would be scared. Dannie started stroking her bare skin, lingering at the sensitive spots. His mouth latched on to the pink areola around her nipples as his fingers went to work between her virgin folds. Again this was not absolutely new to the two who had been looking towards the consummation of their relationship for almost a month. What Maggie had not experienced however was when Dannie went down on her. The action of his tongue pushed her over the edge with far more intensity than his fingers ever had. Taking advantage of her state of rapture Dannie drove himself inside her. Maggie screamed at the alien sensation. Elena and Demos heard the distinct sound and celebrated in their own way. Dannie reached out to place his hand over her mouth as his teeth bit into the delicate flesh of her neck, drawing her blood.

Dannie drew the minimum amount of blood required to complete the bonding. The pain along with the friction of the movement sent Maggie over the edge all over again. "More," she mouthed and Dannie rode her harder. He licked her wound as it started to heal.

"Bite me again" Maggie requested and Dannie complied. The next phase of mating had started as their aura's intermingled along with their consciousness. Dannie accessed her memories and vice versa. With the mating in its last phase, Maggie's blood was no longer dangerous to Dannie who now drank freely, knowing that his aura would replenish any want in her. With all the bonds completed Dannie finally came inside her as the clock struck twelve.

"What next?" Maggie asked.

"Round two of many," Dannie answered mischievously before taking her again. This time there would be no bloodletting but only pleasure.


In the morning a knock on the door woke up the love birds. Maggie who had been awake and observing her mate got up and tried to gather her clothes only to give up later and wrap the duvet around them.

"Come in," she replied, expecting one of Elena's many minions. However, it was her sister who stood at the door.

"How did you like your birthday gift?" Elena asked. Maggie blushed at the comment.

Elena saw something glint in the light of the morning, around Maggie's neck. "What is that?" she asked.

Just then Dannie stirred. "It is a necklace, my birthday gift to your sister," Dannie commented.

"It looks expensive," she commented. "It is not," Dannie assured. "In fact, I made it myself," he informed.

Elena nodded. Maggie had a dreamy look on her eyes. "Can I now move in with my boyfriend?" Maggie asked excitedly. Dannie smiled at her enthusiasm.

"We already spoke on it. If you want to move out of the house you will have to leave Fell's Church. I don't think Professor Selvatico will be willing to do that," Elena announced.

"Well, actually I have already tendered my resignation two weeks back. Yesterday was my last day of work here. I am going back and I did plan on taking Margaret with me. I apologize for not coming clean with my intentions yesterday. She was a minor and I wasn't quite sure how accepting you would be of her relationship with a non-supernatural." Daniel explained. Elena blinked twice before walking out of the room to Demos.

Demos, however, had no problem with Maggie leaving Fell's Church. What he did instead was hand over a vial to Dannie. "It is the cure for your curse. You take half the vial. Give the rest half of it to your mother and everything should be alright," he assured.

Dannie accepted the gift and thanked Demos and Elena before getting into the car with Maggie and riding off towards the border of Fell's Church. What Demos and Elena did not know was that this was hardly the last time that they would come face to face again.