
Desperate Times

It had been six days since Stefan moved to Dalcrest. It has been six days that Bonnie was trapped in the basement of her own home in a power cell that did not allow anyone with power to pass through. To her surprise it was Elena who put her there though it was Zerena's spell. The only thing that was there is the basement was some old wax candles and an old chest which fortunately for her contained her grimoires. He captors didn't know that however and were busy starving her to the point where her powers left her. She hadn't heard from Damon in the last six days either and she assumed that the power shield was shielding her from him. She was right and Damon had been searching for her frantically for the past three days. He had even been to her home but he didn't know about the basement.

It was the eve of the new moon when witch powers are supposed to be at the next strong peak after an eclipse and Bonnie decided to try her true love spell again. As she stepped into the Mandala however her instincts told her to carry the grimoire with her. The sight that greeted her was something that she could never forget. A twisted and contorted body of Damon lay inside the dark cell with a branch of a tree lodged into his chest and him crumbling to dust. Bonnie rushed to him to find out that he was barely conscious.

'There you are redbird. I am sorry but I guess I am cursed to never be loved. I loved you though.' he whispered into her ears and breathed his last.

Suddenly his entire body crumbled to dust and the stake hit the floor with a thud.

'No! No! No!' Bonnie cried out to an empty room. She knew that she couldn't afford to lose the one person who loved her. She thanked her instincts on bringing the forbidden grimoire with her because it contained one spell she needed right now. The spell for resurrection. However it was a very powerful spell and she wasn't a powerful witch. That was when she decided to do the one spell that could turn her to ashes as well. The Invocation spell.

The dark cell that she had created was one where she could get anything she needed. She opened the invocation spell and started chanting it. It did not call for much other than a few candles, a new moon, ashes from a dead body and blood from a living creature. Bonnie arranged the candles in the form of a pentagon and lined the pentagon with ashes from Damon's body. Then she managed to cut her hand and pour it in the middle of the pentagon. As the blood touched the pentagon Bonnie felt the ground shaking beneath her.

Invocation was a master spell and had not been practiced for over a millennium. It is not a spell that can be done as a parlour trick. When done wrong the witch's body may reject the power altogether and may explode with power equivalent to a nuclear bomb. When the power started seeping inside her Bonnie too felt that she was about to explode. Tears filled her eyes as she accepted her fate to die by a loved one. She remembered her grandmother's prophecy that she was destined to die a young maiden. Every cell of her body was primed to explode. Then suddenly it was not.

Something or someone seemed to drain all the excess power that she couldn't handle and she suddenly felt like she she could breath again. But as she opened her eyes and concentrate on her powers she could summon them at will. The invocation worked and she moved forward to the resurrection spell.

With more of her blood and a piece of her own flesh cut from her body Bonnie started the resurrection spell. She directed her power to regrow her flesh as she started the spell so that she wouldn't bleed out. Damon's lapiz lasuli ring served as his belonging and Bonnie with her spell created a cocoon of power. After what seemed to be a very long time Bonnie could see a figure emerging from the cocoon. As the naked figure grew in size Bonnie felt a surge of excitement within her. Her spell was working. When the cocoon burst open and Damon stood there dressed in black with the lapiz lasuli on his hand a smile split Bonnie's face before her eyes focused on his protruded fangs and pitch black eyes. The blackness wasn't confined to his iris though and Damon looked scary as he stalked towards her. Bonnie realized that Damon must be very thirsty and pulled back her hair from her neck to give him a clear sign that she was ready for him. When Damon bit her she didn't feel the pleasure however that accompanied a vampire's bite. Damon was not focused on pleasuring her but only possessing her. Bonnie felt faint as Damon drew her blood more and more. After the invocation Bonnie could notice the double aura that surrounded her and as Damon drank from her the blue outline transferred from her to him and her pink faded with the more blood he drew. Bonnie summoned the elements once more to strengthen her and the pink turned almost crimson in a need to satiate Damon. Her body was urged by the powers to go overtime in manufacturing more blood and as much blood Damon needed Bonnie provided. Though a vampire needed only a few ounce of blood to survive the resurrected Damon needed more as he had been drained of his powers by death. When he looked at Bonnie after having his fill concern filled her.

Bonnie noticed Damon's eyes had changed to the deepest blue and that his fangs were gone.

'Damon, do you know who I am?' Bonnie asked in trepidation.

'I accessed your memories while I drank but everything is hazy.' Damon confessed.

'You need to get some sleep, Damon. But if you remember anything in the morning know that I am trapped in the basement and that there is a power shield. I need you to save me.'

Damon nodded as Bonnie led him to the circular bed. She thought of tucking him in but then Damon tugged her hand and she fell on top of him. 'I am hungry for you. Are we mates?' he asked.

Bonnie didn't know what mates are. She had heard Stefan use the word once but she didn't realize the significance it held to a vampire. A vampire, and a very powerful one at that, could ever be intimate with his mate and no other creature ever. But Bonnie needed to feel Damon as much as she needed him to drink for her. The bite mark on her neck throbbed as her pulse rose with anticipation.

'I would like to be your mate very much. I am hungry for you as well.' She said.

Damon nodded, still a bit disoriented. He pulled her into a tight embrace and drifted off to sleep. Bonnie was a bit disappointed but her eyes soon closed. Her need was transformed into a highly erotic dream where Damon claimed her in the middle of the night without even bothering to get her out of her clothes. He wasn't making love but it was brutal fucking and Bonnie woke up in the basement with drenched underwear and a throbbing bite mark.