
Bitter Goodbyes

It took a couple of days for Bonnie's body to heal. It took a while longer for her witch powers to recuperate. The reason that the spell used the eclipse was because a witch's power was at its apex during the eclipse. The night where she tried to cast the spell without it had caused her powers to wane. She was returning to being a normal human for a while. The only person who visited her during this time was however the other Salvatore brother she had grown fond of. Elena avoided her and Zerena and she never managed to grow close. The day that Stefan visited after her spell she was a mess. Her entire body had turned black and blue.

'Are you dating a sadist Bonnie? I am worried about you. I think you have a very bad choice in men.' He confessed.

'It's mostly my choice Stefan. I like to be marked and he plays along.' Bonnie confessed shyly.

'I liked you better as a virgin Bonnie. This version of you is a bit scary.' Stefan said.

Bonnie gasped at his words. 'How did you know?'

'Well, for one you can barely walk and secondly I am a vampire and I do have special senses.' Stefan said.

'Vampires can sense if a girl is a virgin or not?' she asked curious.

'Yes and no. For humans it is difficult to say because their aura is very weak. But when a creature of power loses her virginity their aura changes. I am sure that Elena must have noticed it too.' he informed.

'Did Elena's aura change when you two got together?'

'We haven't been together like that, me being a vampire and all.' Stefan reminded.

'You mean vampires can never have sex?' Bonnie asked skeptically.

'Unless you are an immortal, you can't.' Stefan said.

Bonnie's face was crest fallen but Stefan couldn't know the real reason behind it.

'Don't worry. It's not like Elena and I are mated. She can still choose to be with someone else when her priorities change. I think they are changing as we speak.'

That got her attention. 'You mean there is something wrong between you two?'

'Why do you think I am going to Dalcrest Bonnie? I just hope the distance does us some good.' Stefan whispered.

'What if it does the opposite?' Bonnie questioned.

'Elena needs to find out what she wants without being burdened by her commitment to me. Well, do you want some of my blood to heal?' Stefan asked, trying to change topic. Bonnie was startled a bit. The ache in her body almost made her yield to temptation but then she remembered Damon's words. She couldn't be smelling of Stefan just in case Damon showed up to demand his possession of her, as if it was likely.

'No Stefan. Drinking blood would be the last remedy I try for anything.' She said truthfully.

The next few days passed by in a blur. Bonnie did not have the urge to contact Damon. Stefan was preparing to move to Dalcrest and as the days proceeded Stefan and Elena seemed to move further apart.

Soon the weekend arrived and Bonnie hopped on to her parents DMV as she planned to drive Stefan to Dalcrest. Someone had to do it and apparently no one else was bothered since Stefan had his vampire legs to carry him away. It somehow felt wrong to Bonnie. If it were her moving away she would have wanted her entire gang to see her off to her new dormitory. Then Bonnie remembered that her gang, her sisterhood, did not have the inclination to be in touch with her. The thudding of her heart did not go unheard by the vampire sitting shotgun in her car.

'Is everything alright Bonnie?' Stefan asked concerned.

'I realized just now that I am perhaps moving away from the closest friend I had left in Fell's Church-you.' she whispered.

Stefan was rendered speechless at that. He too felt the bond growing between them. For a while Stefan had started to feel a sense of family develop with Bonnie. She was like the sister he never had. If his mother had survived giving birth to him he would have perhaps asked her to provide for him a little sister. Stefan looked at Bonnie and smiled.

'The feeling is mutual Bonnie. And today I make an oath to you. You are no longer Elena's friend to me. From this day forth you are my little sister and I shall not hesitate to give my life for you.' Tears clouded Bonnie's vision and she started to hyperventilate. Stefan concentrated on her breathing too much and forgot to watch the road when Bonnie felt an invisible force turn her hand.

'TAKE CARE OF WHAT IS MINE REDBIRD' Bonnie heard a familiar voice speak in her mind.

'How are you doing this?' she shot back to the mind link that she seemed to possess.


'I miss you'


Bonnie blinked her tears away, relishing the connection that she had with Damon. It still didn't make sense to her but she chose to relish the feeling.

Back in Italy

Damon opened his eyes and smiled. It had been a few days since he had heard from Bonnie and so it was justified that he may be a bit worried. Bonnie was not tied to him the way that he was tied to her. Vampires ever had only one mate for their entire existence. It was not so for witches. So while Bonnie was free to choose someone else he wasn't and he wouldn't. Bonnie knew exactly what he wanted and needed. A sense of belonging and an urge to mark what is his own. Damon knew that he needs to tone down the intensity of their relationship though. He wouldn't want Bonnie's interest to fizzle out. He discovered their connection when he woke up early from sleep and was thinking about Bonnie and vision of her taking a bath flooded her, only it was from her perspective. He realized that he could tap into her mind even from half way around the world and what an exotic feeling was that especially since all that occupied her thoughts were thoughts of him. It was through those thoughts that he discovered that Stefan was going away to Dalcrest. It didn't matter though as he would soon bring Bonnie to Italy with him and he would lose all interest of the region beyond the Atlantic. He got up and stretched. Tapping into her mind was taxing on his powers. He realized that he needed to feed.