
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Close call

Within the shroud of darkness, the images of the battles I saw before became more vivid, clear, it felt like I was there experiencing the battle. Scenes of the stars, sky, oceans, valleys came flooding my brain leaving only a destination in my brain.

"Ahh" My eyes turned red from the immense paint I was feeling due to the sudden overload of memories, slowly the world returned to normal but the paint I felt still lingered painting a clear picture in my memory.

My eyes opened to a whole new world, my sight became sharper almost as if I was seeing things from a birds' perspective, in fact all my five senses were pushed to their limits I could feel the tiny particles that made up this world. I decided to rest, because I felt my body changing slowly so I lied down on my bed.

"Wake up Ayo" said my foster sibling Sophia, clearly angry because she was told to wake me up

Slowly getting up from the bed "What time is it?" I asked

"I bet you don't know since you slept the whole day yesterday" she said scoffing

"What? I was out that long but why does it only feel like it has been only an hour" I said

She leaves me alone in the room, I stand up but upon performing an action I always do without much thought I felt my whole body was much lighter, stronger and I was able to tell what was happening inside my body which was very surprising but I didn't know what caused this change.

I left the house after having a very early breakfast that Sunday morning to test the limits of how strong I had gotten.

Walking down the street, I walked all the way to the old abandoned amusement park while thinking about the changes to my body, I jumped over the fence I walked into the house of horrors.

"Incredible, I can't believe am not even the least tired" I thought before the transformation of my body I would be tired just from walking half the distance to amusement park. I punched out at the three-inch-thick brick wall punching right through it, I examined the wall and then estimated how powerful I was. I could tell that I was at least as strong as military personnel who went through intense training. I was not very good at sports like running, not to mention jumping over obstacles while running but when I ran around the park I was able to accelerate from Zero to my Max speed instantly and whenever I jumped over an obstacle it felt as if I was being carried by the wind.

I could see farther, hear things from far away and sense certain subtleties in the environment.

Whoosh, I turned around immediately looking around, "What was that?" I thought. I brushed the thought aside even though I felt I was being watched in that instant. I began strolling around the park when I felt it again this time it was more intense, whoosh, something or someone was definitely watching and following me.

I start running but instead with my new-found speed I still felt as if whatever was chasing was getting closer by the second, I hastily turned around and I managed to catch a glimpse of what was after me. It was that damned cat from before but this time it seemed different, more cunning, and wild.

It slowly advanced towards me, I hurriedly backed away from it not knowing what to expect after being drawn into this crazy new world. I knew that this cat was far from normal, it suddenly hissed at me and it started shedding its skin and it grew from a regular sized cat to become twice as large as a panther with sleek black fur and vicious looking claws, it grew large teeth like a walrus tusk.

It started circling around me, I didn't dare move afraid that the moment I moved it would rip me apart so I decided to wait for it to attack so I could better defend against.

Boom it launched at me, despite my preparations its speed surpassed mine and if I didn't have better control of my body I would have been sliced into two by its wickedly sharp claws; cold sweat ran down my back, I forced myself to run towards the water slide with the cat chasing after me, it was getting closer, I pushed myself to my limit and jumped into the water slide and climbed up.

The cat jumped after me but got its body halfway stuck in the water slide, the slide was tube like so it's gigantic body got stuck. I climbed up the tube all the way to the top, the gigantic cat managed to finally to get it's self out of the slide. I searched all around me looking for anything I could turn into a weapon, I finally found a steel pipe, "still better than nothing" I thought.

I watched the cat from the top of the slide observing its movement looking for any opportunity I could find to kill it. Since I didn't know how to return to the state I was in when fighting Michaels and his goons I couldn't possibly put myself my life at risk just to figure that out, so I had to come up with a plan and quick before the cat got tired of watching me too.

"When did that cat start following me around?" I thought, horrified because what if it had attacked me before, for sure I would be dead.

The cat was clearly different from Michaels because it couldn't speak but was clearly more dangerous than him. The cat was getting restless and started advancing towards the stairs slowly afraid I might suddenly disappear if it took its eyes off me for a second.

The cat charged, its teeth gnashing. I charged at it and managed to leap aside and dodge the bite. I ended up hitting the rail of the stairs and I quickly stood up and rushed all the way down to level ground.

I couldn't afford to get hurt. I held the steel pipe and yelled at the cat causing it to charge in my direction it was faster than I thought, before I could swing the steel pipe it opened its mouth and spat acid right at me.

I hurriedly side stepped dodging the vile acid which ended up making contact with the wall quite a distance away from me and melting an insanely huge hole in it causing my mind to go blank for a split second before feeling numb all over my body.

I ran at it closing the distance between us and swung at it using all my strength which made the wind to howl, and struck it sending the cat tumbling into the pool.

I didn't hesitate to run because the cat was clearly more than I could handle so I decided to use the opportunity while it was in the pool to run. Clearly that didn't work because the cat was nimble and swift it turned and chased after in less than three breaths time.

It chased me all the way to a dead end, it seemed as if it was in no hurry to kill me since it saw I was backed against a wall.

I held my breath and waited looking at the cat and I thought to myself that if I survived this incident I would definitely find the truth behind this situation even if means angering the so-called gods. The cat spat another ball of acid towards me, in that split second, I had an idea if the acid is as powerful as I thought it should be able to melt its black fur opening a hole.

I spun round pushing the tip of the steel pipe to make contact with the acid melting the top of the steel pipe and lunged right at the cat stabbing the cat right in its stomach, upon contact with the acid bathed top of the steel pipe the stomach of the cat was ripped open. Seizing the opportunity, I pushed the steel pipe in a slanted motion right into its lungs using the residual acid to bore a hole in its lungs.

I slid out from underneath the cat moments before It went into a frenzy thrashing all around it, before slowly collapsing and disintegrating into ashes. I stood up watching the cat disintegrate before finally relaxing, and then I felt exhausted it seemed as if I was only able to move the whole time just on shear willpower.

"Looks like I need to be more careful from now on" I thought because the fact that the cat had followed me all the way here was more than enough proof that I could die from being negligent. Looking up at the sky I realized it was well past midday so I rested for a little while before setting off for home.