
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Annoying Ability

All the way home I was tensed afraid that something might be following me, I got home by five in the evening.

Sweating I stepped in the house only to come face to face with Mr. Cariras' wife "Olivia", glaring at me.

"Well where are you coming from Ayo?" she asked

I stuttered "The… the bowling alley on the 3rd" I said

"Well I've been back since ten this morning and last time I checked the bowling alley does not open till Twelve on Sundays, you know what forget it no use talking to kids like you" she walked off into her study.

I wiped the sweat on my head off, because despite her calm disposition if she was to get angry she would definitely hurt me more than Mr. Carira ever could, just the fact that my body got stronger didn't mean I was invisible and if she saw I was bleed from her giving me a beating she would surely look for a way to make sure I bled. She was the definition of a wolf in sheeps clothing.

I hurried upstairs to take I shower to get rid of the filth on my body, while taking the shower I recalled everything that happened that day and started analyzing all the new information I got.

The fact that I was only able to get information about the demon after killing it was quite irritating, if I was able to have all that information before fighting the cat it would have made making certain decisions easier.

It was a Demonic Liger, a cat type demon with shiny black fur, a vicious set of claws and that mind-numbing teeth, with the ability to spit out acid. I was glad I didn't fight against it when it was dark because it had the special ability to blend into the shadows making it very difficult to tell which position it was attacking from.

It was really annoying to only be able to get information on the demons after killing them, it was absolutely not helpful at all.

I hurried downstairs to do my chores before having my dinner. I went back upstairs to check if I missed anything when I was searching earlier about the gods and demons, before going to bed.

I lied down on my bed, thinking if I was able to make it through the term at school, I would have the opportunity to do whatever I wanted during the holidays.

Monday came fairly quick, I woke with a start and started working on my chores. I finished quickly and took my bath before the other kids wake up, I decided to make myself a little breakfast because if I were to wait for the other kids I wouldn't be able to eat much.

I hurriedly went back upstairs after my breakfast to tidy up my books and any other thing I was going to need for school that morning,

"Shit, I totally forget about my math assignment" I couldn't even cry because Mr. Boyles class was the first class that morning and he always asks for his assignment the moment he steps into the class.

I was only halfway done and it was pretty much impossible to finish the rest that morning so I kept on thinking of an excuse to tell him when I saw him.

Right, Mr. Boyle is our math teacher he doesn't care about what we do during other times, his only law, [yes, Law not rule] was that you should pay attention in his class he doesn't tolerate anybody I mean anybody disturbing his classes not even the principal.

He was gone the week I got attacked by Michaels and his goons, he was on leave because he had some personal business to attend to so he was out of town. The substitute teacher didn't care about what happened to us.

The bus came and we got on the bus, even when the bus was moving I still kept glancing out the window observing the environment wondering if there was any other thing out there chasing after me. We arrived at school and the moment I stepped into the school building the bell for first period went off. I hurried all the way to class carrying my bag but I was so fast even the other students who usually blocked off my path only felt a gust of wind.

I just sat down when Mr. Boyles just stepped into the class.

"You're all looking great since I last saw you, I hope you've all finished the little assignment I left before going on leave" he asked with his usual tone which sounded cheery and deadly at the same time with a smile on his face.

He looked around the class and I saw it, even though it was only for a second, he seemed to be looking for someone, he looked in the direction where Michaels used to seat before turning his head away fairly quick that other people didn't notice.

"Well submit your assignment to my desk now, we don't have all day." He said. Everyone stood up walking towards the desk to submit the assignment before submitting their assignment.

I stood up, walking towards his desk, "Sorry sir, but can I speak to you?" I said.

"Well what's the problem Mr. Ayo? Make it snappy we don't have all day" He said "You better not tell me you were not able to finish my assignment" he said with a hint of subtle dangerousness hidden in his voice.