
Batman in My Hero Academia

A man from our world wakes up in the My Hero Academia universe. Does he have a quirk or is he Quirkless? Watch his journey and let’s see where he ends up. I’m writing this for fun, so if you don’t enjoy any part of the story just don’t read it.

JStrutes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Why not both?

Timeskip Start of U.A. Entrance Exam

'Wow the school really is big'

I was stepping inside U.A's campus for the exam and noticed how big the school really is. The anime didn't do it justice. Now it makes sense how they are able to teach students about all areas of a hero from rescue, battle, first aid, etc. I then notice Midoriya about to fall, but a girl saved him.

'Just like in the anime Ochoka saves Midoriya with her gravity quirk.'

"Watch out rich boy."

Says a boy with wild hair.

"How about walking around me next time, Bakugou."

I said to Bakugou after his comment. Bakugou looked and me and then walked away. He walked near Midoriya and it seems he told Midoriya to move before the green-haired boy did. I then walked towards the auditorium.

Present Mic then went over the Examination exam after everybody came inside the auditorium. He presented the rules for the exam, but because I had already remembered the objective of the exam from the anime I could care less about his explanation. Midoriya still mumbled like in the anime and Ida still interrupted Present Mic before shutting Midoriya up.

'Ida really is uptight, but he did get Midoriya to shut up for once, so that's good."

Honestly, I think Midoriya's a good kid, but his mumbling does bother me at times.

"Alright good luck everybody, please head out to your test centers."

While getting up to leave Bakugou said some last words to Midoriya and me.

"If you think you're getting into the school without a quirk your both crazy and remember you never saved me or even helped me during the slime incident. Remember that."

Bakugou said before leaving for his entrance exam area. I nodded to Midoriya and left myself. If you're wondering what that was all about let me rewind time to a few months back.

10 months ago

It's been a few weeks since I started at Aldera Junior High, and met up with Midoriya and Bakugou again. I'm not really friends with them anymore, more like acquaintances. Bakugou tries to pick on me but I don't let him, and Midoriya and I talk sometimes but I'm more of a loner type nowadays.

I've been traveling for the last few years to train, and finally decided it was time to debut as Batman. I need a cover story and being a regular student is the definition of normal. I could have gone to a private school or a rich school but decided to go to Aldera because I at least know people here even though we're not friends at the moment.

"Ring, ring, ring."

The bell for the end of school then rang. I went down the stairs and hung out before seeing a book fly out the window and land in a pond. I then saw Midoriya walking toward me, so I handed him his book.

"Here Midoriya this is yours, isn't it?

"Yeah, thanks Bruce I appreciate it."

Said in a sad way.

"Did Bakugou throw it out the window?"

Midoriya nodded.

"You should stand up to him. Don't you want to be a hero Midoriya, I know you want to cause you to want to go to U.A. You should start training instead of only dreaming of somehow getting a quirk."

I left a speechless Midoriya with some last words before going home. it always pissed me off how Midoriya wanted to be a hero but didn't train, he only dreamed after getting a quirk; but I guess it worked out for him in the end. While thinking about Midoriya I walked home, I then remembered Midoriya would be attacked by a slime villain and tried to find him but realized he was nowhere to be found and continued home. When walking home I saw Bakugou trapped inside a villain's body and Midoriya running to save him.

'Wow he really is brave, but he won't be able to do anything. I need to help, but I can't show everybody my true skills or weapons. How can I help with this handicap?"

Even though I don't can't show them my inventions or skills I am still this universe's "Batman." I

'I'll use my intellect to help them'

I then jumped down and helped Midoriya try to get Bakugou out.

"Rich Boy" "Bruce" "What are you doing here?"

Both Midoriya and Bakugou were stunned that I was helping them.

"Came to help. Now Midoriya try to get as much slime away from Bakugou's face as you can. I have a plan."

The slime villain was saying something when I was helping Bakugou and Midoriya but I just ignored it and continued my plan.

'He's coving Bakugou with the slime and is trying to take over his body. I need to get Bakugou out. The slime has no substance so I can't get a solid grip, what I need to do is get him out of the slime. That's it.'

I then got an idea. I then grabbed the straps from the backpacks on the ground and created a DIY harness. Midoriya just let Bakugou know he helped because he couldn't stand and watch him die. When I saw an opening I wrapped part of Bakugou's body with the harness I made and started pulling.

" Bakugou stop using your quirk, and Midoriya get away."

I used all of my strength and was able to pull Bakugou's body out but then the slime villain's hand came toward us.

"I really am pathetic."

I then heard a quick sentence and realized All Might came to defeat the slime villain. He said some epic words and then punched the slime villain away after grabbing a hold of Bakugou, Midoriya, and me.

The police came to talk to Midoriya and me afterward but I just left after that. They did praise me after scolding me, because of my quick thinking though, and encouraged me to be a hero one day. I ran home quickly after hearing that and didn't see Bakugou or All Might after leaving so quickly.

The heroes gave me an idea.

'Today was educational, I realize I need another personality that's different from the one I have. I need to show the public a version of me that is a disguise to hide Batman from them. Like All Might who has his skinny form, I need to have a personality of a student who wants to be a hero instead of a loner. I'll join the U.A. Hero class and be Bruce Wayne and at night I'll be the Vigilante Batman. That's the answer to hiding my identity. They might not want to accept a Quirkless person into the hero class, so I will say I have a strength quirk of some kind. I remember from the manga that Knuckleduster was thought to have a quirk by Eraserhead, so that'll be my cover. It's perfect.

Aspiring Hero during the day and the Vigilante Batman at night.'

I decided that he will join the Hero course as a disguise to hide his identity of Batman. He will try to avoid showing similarities to Batman, while in the hero course; such as different fighting techniques, show less experience, and different inventions. Best of both world: Hero and Vigilante.

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