
Batman: I Am Vengeance

I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Batman. (Cover Picture Is Not Mine....I Yoinked it from Pinterest.) (There may or may not be some steamy scenes don't know yet) (I Don't own any of the Marvel, DC and Rocksteady characters and Pictures used in this story and what not yada yada yada)

ItzMenace12 · Movies
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3 Chs

A Symbol

A few weeks have passed since Walter took what he thought was his final test. Now he is standing before Ra's al Ghul in a small and dimly lit room with rough stone walls that have a cold, damp feel to them. Ra's al Ghul takes a blue flower and grinds it into dust before placing the dust in a brazier and lighting it.

"Breathe. Breathe in your fears," He says to Walter, dressed in black ninja-yoroi similar to Ra's. Walter inhales the smoke. His vision suddenly clouded, distorted with flashes of a metal arm, his parents, and bats. Ra's puts on his mask, and Walter does the same.

"Why the masks?" Walter asks. Suddenly dozens of assassins descend from the ceiling, wearing outfits identical to Walter and Ra's. Ra's melts into the crowd of assassins, effectively blending in. Walter walks between the assassins, searching. "To conquer fear, you must become fear," Ra's says, voice echoing from all directions.

"You must bask in the fear of other men. And men fear most what they cannot see," Ra's emerges from the crowd swinging his sword at Walter. Who manages to block the strikes with his own sword. The assassins shift positions, and Ra's seamlessly blends back in.

"It is not enough to be a man. You have to become an idea. A terrible thought. A wraith," An assassin near Walter strikes. Walter rolls sideways through one of the walls of assassins but is too slow and is cut across the bicep. "Feel terror cloud your senses. Feel its power to distort. To control,"

One of the assassins walls part, revealing an ornate wooden box. Walter approaches the box cautiously, wary of any unsuspecting attack.

"Embrace your worst fear. Become one with the darkness," Walter hears Ra's al Ghul's voice command. Walter opens the box slowly and dives away when a swarm of bats burst out.

Ra's al Ghul launches a surprise attack on Walter, who barely blocks the attack. He rushes to retaliate, but Ra's has already hidden away in the assassins' ranks again. "Focus. Concentrate. Master your senses,"

Thinking on his feet, Walter lightly cuts the bicep of a random assassin who doesn't react and blends into the wall of assassins.

Ra's al Ghul emerges yet again behind an assassin with a cut on the bicep, believing it to be Walter, and says, "Become one with the darkness," He holds his sword at the assassin's throat, "You can not leave any sign,"

"I haven't," Walter says, appearing behind Ra's al Ghul sword poised at his throat. Walter pulls his mask off, smirking in victory. Ra's al Ghul also pulls his mask off, smiling at Walter's ingenuity.

[Line Break]

Ra's al Ghul sits on his throne as Walter stands before him. "We have purged your fear," Ra's says proudly. "You are ready to lead these men. You are ready to become a member of the League of Assassins,"

"But first, you must demonstrate your commitment to justice," Ra's says, signaling to one of his assassins. The assassin drags a man that is in nothing but ragged pants before Walter. The assassin holds a sword for Walter to take.

Walter looks at the assassin blankly and then looks at the sword, "No..." He shakes his head and looks back at Ra's, "I'm no executioner,".

"Your compassion is weakness. Your enemies will not share," Ra's says coldly staring at Walter. "That's why it's so important... It separates us from them," Walter says defiantly. "You want to fight criminals. This man is a murderer," Ra's points to the kneeling man. "This man should be tried," Walter retorts calmly.

"By whom?... Corrupt Beauracrats," Ra's al Ghul says cynically. "Criminals mock society's laws. Living in Gotham you know this better than most," Ra's pauses for a moment, staring at Walter. "You cannot lead these men... Unless you are prepared to do what is necessary to defeat evil,"

"And where will I be leading these men?" Walter asks, curious. "You will need them in Gotham," Ra's says calmly. "You want me to go back to Gotham?" Walter asks, confused.

"You have witnessed firsthand Gotham's decay. That is why you must go back. You will assume the mantle of your birthright. As Gotham's favored son you will be ideally placed..."

"For what?" Walter asks, curious. "To help us destroy the city," Ra's says with utmost seriousness. "What?!" Walter exclaims in shock. "When Gotham falls, the other cities will follow in short order. Nature's balance will be restored and Man will finally return to solitude," Ra's explains calmly.

"You can't believe in this!?" Walter says, bewildered. "I have rescued you from the darkest corner of your own heart. What I ask in return is obedience. And the courage to do what is necessary," Ra's says coldly with an edge to his tone,"

Walter stares at Ra's al Ghul contemplating his words, then takes the sword from the assassin. He walks toward the kneeling man and places the blade at the man's neck. The man looks at him pleading, but he just sighs and closes his eyes raising the sword.

He swings his sword down but changes direction last minute and swipes his sword into the metal bowl to his right and flings the hot coals into the area that stored the explosive powder.

"What are you doing?" Ra's roars, furiously glaring at Walter. "What's necessary," Walter says resolutely.

Ra's leaps from his throne, draws his sword, and strikes at Walter brutally, who can barely keep up with Ra al Ghul's intense pace. Blocking, dodging, and parrying vicious blows as the flames and explosions consume the monastery.

Walter makes an error in his movement and is slashed across the shoulder, he grunts through the pain blocking a strike sent to his neck and kicking a burning plank at Ra's distracting him.

He uses the distraction to kick out a support beam to crush Ra's but he jumps out of the way in the nick of time. Walter throws a smoke pellet disorienting him. He jumps over the burning debris and hits Ra's with a surprise kick to the jaw.

As Ra's is reeling from the blow, Walter runs up and quickly leans back, avoiding a slash to the chest. He blocks another slash with the blades on his gauntlets. They continue exchanging blows with Walter always on the defensive.

As the fight rages on and the monastery slowly crumbles around them. Ra's gets blindsided by a blast, causing him to stumble dazedly. Walter uses the advantage and runs up to Ra's hitting him with a straight kick to the chest.

He grabs Ra's' hand, twists his wrist causing him to drop the sword, punches him in the solar plexus, and knocks him out with a vicious knee to the head.

He pauses taking a breath, wincing at his throbbing shoulder. He looks down at the unconscious Ra's al Ghul. He ducks his head as a steel beam crashes behind him. "If not for Natalia, I would let you burn here with your men," Walter grunts in pain, and picks up Ra's al Ghul in a fireman carry.

He carries Ra's out of the monastery, just as a massive explosion goes off behind them. Sending them both flying towards a cliff face. Ra's slides in front of Walter, who grabs his hand as he goes over the edge.

Walter howls in pain from his injured shoulder being strained as he holds onto Ra's and digs the blades of his gauntlet into the ground, holding them in place. He clenches his teeth through the pain and slowly pulls the limp Ra's al Ghul over the edge.

Walter breathes heavily and lies down next to Ra's for a moment to catch his breath and ease his pain.

[Line Break]

Walter carries Ra's down the mountain until he reaches a small village about halfway down. He meets an elderly man who offers to help him. "I will tell him you saved his life," The elderly man says taking Ra's al Ghul from Walter.

"Thank you," Walter bows in thanks and leaves the rest of the way down the mountain.

[Line Break]

Walter had made his way to a local bar and used a payphone to call Alfred to pick him up and where. He spent the rest of the time, cleaning his shoulder wound which wasn't so bad but would leave a nasty scar once it healed.

He even packed away his ninja outfit and change into a black t-shirt, jeans, and combat boots. After a while, he got confirmation Alfred had arrived and made his way to the airstrip where Alfred was waiting with his private jet.

"Master Stark," Alfred says as Walter approaches the private jet. "It's been a while... You look worse for wear," Alfred remarks seeing Walter's bandage shoulder. "It's Wayne, Alfred. I know it's been a few years but you can't be that old," Walter smirks as he gives Alfred a hug.

"Pardon me, Master Wayne. It slipped my mind that you had your last name changed to your mother's maiden name," Alfred bows in apology. "Enough of that," Walter waves off his apology. "I need a ride," He says walking to the private jet. "And where to, sir?" Alfred asks following behind. "...Gotham City,"

[Line Break]

"Are you coming back to Gotham for long, sir?" Alfred asks Walter, who is staring out the window at the passing clouds. "As long as it takes," Walter says not looking at Alfred. "I want to show the people of Gotham their city doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt," He says, face hard set in determination.

"In the depression, your mother nearly bankrupted Wayne Enterprises combating poverty," Alfred says with a small smile. "She believed that her example would inspire the wealthy of Gotham to save their city,"

"People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Walter Wayne," Walter pauses shaking his head. "As a man... I'm flesh and blood I can be ignored I can be destroyed but as a symbol..." He nods his head. "As a symbol, I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting,"

"What symbol?" Alfred inquires. "...Something elemental. Something terrifying," Walter answers looking down at his hands. "I assume that as you're taking on the underworld, this symbol is a persona to protect those you care about from reprisals?" Alfred asks.

"You mean Anthony?" Walter sneers. "I could care less what happens to that bastard," He says disdainfully. "Actually, sir," Alfred clears his throat. "I was talking about myself,"

"Have you told anyone I'm coming back?" Walter asks, smiling. "I just couldn't figure out the legal ramifications of bringing you back from the dead," Alfred replies with a chuckle. "Dead?" Walter asks perplexed.

"You've been gone seven years," Alfred explains. "You had me declared dead?" Walter repeats in disbelief. "Well, actually it was Mr. Stane," Alfred informs. "He wanted to liquidate your majority shareholding and merge Wayne Entreprises with Stark Industries. Those shares are worth quite a bit of money,"

"Of course, that crafty old bastard would try and pull something like that," Walter laughs darkly. " But it's a good thing I left everything to you then," He smirks at Alfred. "Quite so, sir," Alfred nods and leans back in his seat, closing his eyes. "And you can borrow the Rolls if you like. Just bring it back with a full tank,"

[Line Break]

The next day back home in Gotham City at Wayne Manor. Walter is dressed in a black sweater over a grey shirt, and grey pants, and is barefoot. He is sitting cross-legged on the floor of his office, reading and writing down notes. He is interrupted by the squeaking of a bat in the hallway.

He walks out of the room and into the hallway to see a bat fluttering around near the ceiling, trying to find an exit. "Blessed bat again, sir," Alfred says walking to the room with tea. "They nest somewhere in the grounds,"

[Line Break]

Walter is walking down a flight of stairs in the backyard of Wayne Manor. He had put on a grey coat and black shoes. He was carrying a rope and harness in his left hand.

He stood in front of the old well he had once fallen down many years ago. He moved the overgrown weeds and foliage that cover the well, revealing the entrance. He used the rope and harness to repel himself down.

He eventually reached the bottom of the well and took a long around. He sees a hole, which he guesses is where the bats come from and ventures further in, making sure to keep a hold of the rope.

He slides slowly down an incline until he reaches a cave with a waterfall. He looks around the cave in wonder and continues onward to explore more of the cave.

He makes it to a much larger and darker part of the cave and pulls out a light from his coat turning it on. He holds the light up and notices the hundreds of bats hanging from the ceiling.

Walter watches in astonishment as the bats swarm toward him. He falls to one knee in shock at the sheer amount of bats circling him. He slowly rises with an amazed smile, staring in wonder at the bats.

He finally found his symbol.

The Symbol Is Found... :)

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