
bask in the flair

Alan_Prakash_2633 · Others
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14 Chs


Walking next to each other with caffeinated drinks on hand. The two twin sisters walk down the streets of Tokyo enjoying each other's presence. "You know, I never knew why you want to be a stripper," Dahlia brought up sipping her iced latte.

"I don't know. I just feel so, empowered," Dina shrugged off before looking at the sky.

"Anyways, planning to make a face reveal yet?" Dina asked her casually.

"Maybe, maybe not..." Dahlia murmured as she played with her straw. Dina looked at her twin with sympathy.

Dahlia developed multiple mental illnesses throughout the years and their parents tried their best to help her. They took her to therapy, pulled her out of school, made her homeschooled instead, etc. Still, it did lessen a bit but, it was still there. Dina knew multiple things why she was like this but, couldn't pinpoint one thing. She watches as Dahlia grew up alongside her dealing with her problems.

Dina sighed before something catches her eye. "Oh! Look, Dahlia! It's the game that the company released!" she beamed seeing the poster. Dahlia gave it a glance before shrugging her shoulders.

"It was supposed to be released last month but was delayed. So, I took the opportunity to release it earlier," Dahlia informed her sister.

"Ahhh, I see," Dina hummed as they continue to walk. "You should consider getting back in normal schools this year," she suggested looking at her sister's reaction.

"Like you, I'll be streaming more frequently and will be taking care of the company. I'm fine with online classes," Dahlia explained to her in a matter-of-fact tone before looking up at the sky.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she doesn't know if it's the new contact or she just doesn't have enough sleep, because, for her, there were wisps green floating around the area.


Looking next to her sister, her eyes widened seeing she was also looking at the wisps. Looking around, they both saw an antique shop, green wisps were flowing out of it.

Unconsciously, Dahlia grabbed Dina's hand before walking to the antique shop. The small bell chimes after the door lets them in. The antique shop stayed true to it's name, it was filled with old things. Walking around the store, the twins found the source of the green wisps.

It was an old mirror.

When they walk near it, their eyelids start to get heavy before they blackout in front of the mirror.

"Come and show the power of the Queen" "For thee, guided by the dark mirror"

"For thy has grace and beauty,"

"Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."

"Let thee be guided by the light, Follow thy values and take the star that awaits you."

"Flames that turn even stars into ashes, Ice that imprisons even time,"

"Ice that burns fire, Roses that swallows thorns,"

"Great tree that swallow even the sky, Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,"

"Show us your talent, thy purpose."

"Come now, show your power."

"Channel all the bad and turn it into good."

"Mine, theirs, and yours, There's only little time left for us."

"Hold onto the light, and let it guide for thy


"Do not let go of that hand, at all costs."

"Welcome to Royal Swords Academy, Lady Dina Takahashi,"

"Welcome to Night Raven College, Mistress Dahlia Takahashi,"