
bask in the flair

Alan_Prakash_2633 · Others
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14 Chs



All Dahlia can see was darkness and nothing more, though there was a line of light from the side of her view. 'Where the fuck am I?'She thought before noticing that she was in some sort of box. "Fuck.... did we get kidnapped?" she asked herself before peeping out of the small crack that the box has.

Moving her feet, she almost stepped onto something. Looking down, she can barely see the bag that she has. Grabbing it, she put it on before resuming peeping out of the crack. She can hear a voice; a voice she thinks belongs to a child.

"Crap. People are coming! I need to find a uniform quickly," said the voice. It made a strained grunt as if it was trying to lift something. "Grr... The lid is too heavy. Time for my secret move!"

Seeing the blue flames licking the edge of the cover of the box she was in. She raised her leg before kicking the cover to avoid herself from burning.

Whoever was outside shrieked at how the lid was suddenly blasted to pieces. Dahlia hissed when the lights had hit her sensitive eyes as if she had woken up from a long sleep and she was no longer used to the sun. Surprisingly, she found that the room she was in was not too bright once her eyes adjusted.

What caught her eye was the mirror in the center of the room then the floating coffins surrounding it. It was the same place that her vision showed her but brighter and less hazy. Her shoes clacked against the marble floors as she stepped out of the box,

Holding to the walls of the box she was held in, she noticed it was a coffin too. 'Am I finally dead?' She thought.

"Hey! What gives you the right to blast the Great Grim like that?"

Now, Dahlia had a face and a name for the voice she heard earlier, only she didn't expect to see an angry, gray cat by her feet; he was a bit big for a normal cat; his strange three-pronged tail lashed around angrily and blue flames blazed from the flaps of his ears.

"What the fuck are you?" her face scrunched up making the creature growl at her.

"Nevermind that, give me that uniform!" he yelled at her, his mouth lighting up.

"The fuck? No," she answered before watching him growl again.

"Give me that uniform or I'l


Not able to finish his sentence, Dahlia gave him a swift kick before running out of the large room they were in. "Like hell, 'yer going to burn me," she mumbled; looking back at the room she left.

'What kind of room was that?' she thought before looking up ahead. 'I have to find Dina first,' she told herself as she turns, sliding like a drifting car before she continues to run. 'Who knows what troubles she might get in,'

"Kya!! Dia help!"

Dahlia shook her head from her thoughts. "Not the best time to think about that," she whispered before 7 hooded figures turn from the corner making her eyes widen and bump to one of the smallest of the 7.

Tumbling above the hooded figure, she rubbed her head in pain. "Fuck~" she moaned in pain. She glanced at the guy who was beneath her. She can see his red hair; which she found strange since his hair wasn't the red hair she has seen before in her life, but she shrugged it off as dyed red.

"What is a student doing out of the Gate?" she heard someone voice out.

'Gate? They call those coffins GATE?! WTF?!!

Her eyes looked around the hallway, looking for a way to escape the situation. 'Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!

"People are here! I'm too late!" Grim pointed an accusing paw at Dahlia. "You should have handed your uniform over in the first place!"

There was a loud crack that cut Grim off. "Hold it right there raccoon!" cried a new voice.

Grim yelped when his back caught a leather whip that knocked him off of his hind paws. "Ow! What's with this cord?"

"It is no mere cord. It is a Lash of Love!" A tall man entered her vision. His beaked mask was enough to draw Dahlia's attention, but seeing his whole face only one thing popped in her mind.

'What the fuck?! Muzan?!'

"My goodness, your familiar is one rowdy fellow," he stated while covering Grim's mouth.

One of the taller hooded figures sniffed the air before his eyes landed on Dahlia's hood. "Oi, headmaster. Why do you have a female student?" he asked before pulling down her hood revealing her face to the rest.

She scrunched up her face as her eyes adjust to the light. "So what if I'm a girl? Got a problem?" she mumbled glaring at the taller figure. Her blue contacts popping out from her features making him smirk.

"Now, now. Mr. Kingscholar, that's no way to treat a new student," the headmaster stated. "Though you and your familiar young lady broke a few rules, including destroying your assigned gate."

"Wait, he's not my fa-!"

Dahlia wasn't able to finish her sentence because the redhead she stumbled on earlier pointed his pen with a red crystal on the end at her head with a glare. "You! How da-huh?!"

Not even lasting a second pointed to her head, Dahlia instinctively slapped the pen out of his hands. "Why you-How dare you!"

"Nah, how dare you!? You pointed that shit at me! Of course, it's gonna trigger my flight or fight response. Besides, who in their right mind would threaten someone with a pen?!" she yelled at the redhead before panting from loss of breath.

She wasn't having it. She was brought to a random place after blacking out in an antique shop with her sister. Now, she was chased by some creature who spit fire, and now, this redheaded short stack was picking a fight with her? Hell, Nah. She ain't having it. All she wants to do is find her sister and sleep.

The other managed to calm down the redhead and went back to the room full of coffins; much to Dahlia's dismay. She was tired, down to the bone. Looking at all the coffins, with a wave of the hand of the headmaster; who introduced himself as Crowley Dire. Several keys manifested from thin air and unlocked the coffin's door.

Immediately, she placed her hood back on and made sure no one from the coffins saw her doing that. The one who sniffed; she caught his name as Leona Kingscholar; looked at her weirdly. Dahlia just shrugged it off and began to think of a plan to get her sister.

'I should check if there's any signal here so I can contact Dina.'


'Then, I should make some sort of distraction or make them get used of my lack of presence.'


'What if Dina's far from this place?'


'Though, this place looks like there's magic or some shit.'


'I could force some intel out of that redhead, he looks like he can be easily flustered.'


'Though, he might just have anger issues. Geez, don't wanna deal with that.'


'Maybe I am dead."


'What if me and Dina died from something and this is sort of dream?'

"A-Ano, excuse me?"

'If that's the case then who's gonna run the


"Uhm, dude? It's your turn,"

'I haven't written my will yet!'

"Uh, dude?"



Snapping out of her train of thoughts, Dahlia looked ahead seeing the same red-head she offended earlier. Everyone's eyes were on her and it made her anxiety crawl up to her throat and made her wish to throw up.

Suppressing the urge, Dahlia walked up to the mirror placed in the middle of the room. It seems like it was her turn to do something with the mirror from what she can tell.

A mask-like face resurfaces on the mirror making Dahlia flinched. Though, seeing her appearance, the mirror was shocked, least to say. It never thought that he would witness the familiar core again. It has been a long time since it was in the presence of a being like her. But, accessing some memories she had, it was saddened that she doesn't know their inheritance in Twisted Wonderland. It made her furious why she wasn't using it but, nonetheless, it doesn't question it.

The next words shocked everyone in the room. From the first years to the headmaster, they didn't expect news like this and how a legendary being has come home once again.

"Welcome back to Twisted Wonderland, Mistress Takahashi Dahlia! The Heiress of Royal and the Ancient One, Welcome Home!"