

Craig Hather has been cursed since childhood. After the sage of their village gave a prophecy concerning him,the villagers decided it is best to send him away. His parents decide to send him to an academy in order to protect him. Craig has to struggle with the curse ,the unfair aristocratic system of the academy and enemies who loath his very existence.

Antony_Odhiambo · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: An Eventful Enrollment 2

Inside the school administrator's office a woman was shouting on top of her lungs. The school administrator was trying to calm her down but to no avail.

"This is unacceptable,"she argued,"how can my son be attacked and you are doing nothing about it!"

"Ma'am,please calm down. I would like to hear both sides of the story before..."

"My son was attacked,plain and simple,"the woman insisted,"what more do you want?"

Craig sat quietly as he watched the argument. He groaned inwardly as he remembered that he had promised James not to get into any trouble,yet it had hardly been an hour since they parted and he was already knee deep in trouble. Beside him Nicholas smiled smugly as if to tell him,"you are in for it now." Craig just sighed miserably and awaited his fate. He didn't think he had a chance of winning against a noble.

"I can't believe you would believe this country bumpkin over my son,"the woman said," you are truly incompetent."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. The air felt dense and it became hard to breath. Craig looked at Nicholas and saw him perspiring just as he was. For a second Craig felt lightheaded and about to faint.

"Lady Sander,am asking you with the utmost respect to watch your tone while you are in my office,"the school administrator said in a chilling tone. His voice only was enough to petrify the lady. The woman kept silent as she looked at the school administrator, fear showing clearly in her eyes.

"I'm...I'm sorry Master Xavier," Lady Sander stuttered apologetically as she did a slight bow.

The dense atmosphere disappeared as Mr Xavier gave a bright smile.

"Don't worry about it,"he said," I promise to conduct a thorough investigation on the issue."

"Tha...thank you. We'll take our leave then," Lady Sanders said then quickly grabbed her son's hand before leaving the office. Craig just sat there feeling confused. After a while he to decided to leave.

"Excuse me,"he said as he opened the door to leave.

"Sure, I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other, Mr Hather."

Craig flinched at the mention of his own name. He turned around to look at Mr Xavier only to find busy attending to some documents. Craig slowly shut the door and went on his way.

* * *

In the hallways an angry mother and son were fuming with rage. The son followed his mother who was stomping as she walked.

"How dare he threaten me,"Lady Sanders fumed,"I'm the wife of the most influential man in Cloveheart."

"I know,right? He chose to believe that boy over me,and it was the boy who caused that porter to fall," Nicholas said.

"Don't worry my Nico,"she soothed,"once your father hears about this,he'll put those two in their place."

"How are you doing Mrs Sander ,"a woman's voice asked.

"Lady Rebecca! How have been?" Lady Sander replied,"I didn't know that Adrien was joining here too!"

"Yes. We just finished the process and I was escorting my son to his room," Lady Rebecca said,"but now that you are here we can leave the boys to catch as we go for a stroll. "

"Sure," Lady Sander said and then addressed the boys.

"Have fun you two"

"Hi Nico," Adrien said,"it's been a while. "

"Yeah,I had to go abroad."

"What's up with your face? Did something happen?"Adrien inquired.

"It's this boy,he's really getting on my nerves,"Nico said with passionate fury.

"Oh,what happened?"

Nicholas then told Adrien what had transpired.

"He dare challenge you and he's just a commoner? How dare he!" Adrien said.

"When I get my hands on him,I'm gonna beat him so bad he's going to beg me to stop,"Nicholas raged," and even then I still won't stop"

"Maybe we should show this boy the power of 'Lightning and Fire',"Adrien said with a crooked smile.

"I like how you think,"Nicholas smirked,"I heard he's going to the auditorium. Let's go pay a visit "

* * *

Craig walked silently after the enrollment process being glad that it was over. He had to queue and every time a noble kid would try to cut in line just because his family had 'influence'. This always happened when commoners like him were ahead in the queue. Moreover,people kept glancing at him,especially the nobles. Maybe it was because of the way he dressed. He did wear the clothes he usually wore while he went hunting,but those were his best set of clothes. He was now heading for his room when he bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going,mongrel," a familiar voice said.

"Sorry,"Craig said without looking up,"I'll be on my way"

"Who said you could leave?"a new hostile voice said"let's see how good you are at fighting now that you are cornered."The sapphire pommel of his started giving a faint blue glow.

"Huh,"Craig sighed as he dropped his bag,"I guess there's no escaping this,is there?"

Nicholas initiated the offense. He thrusted his hands towards Craig as he cast a spell.

"Fulgur percusserit,"he shouted.

Lightning snaked from his hands and hit Craig before he could perceive what was happening.

"I'm next,"his companion said,"globus ignis!"

A ball of fire hit Craig square on the guts. It then exploded sending Craig sprawling back.

"Not so tough now,are you?" Nicholas jeered,"why don't you fight back?"

"Hey,why don't you use the new wand you showed me earlier?" Adrien suggested.

"I can't waste something so precious on this filth," Nicholas said acidly.

"You should focus on your opponent when you are fighting,"Craig said,his voice filled with menace,"lancea!"

A sharp rod of light formed at his right hand. Craig threw it towards the two boys and quickly turned away. The spear of light exploded in a bright flash making Nicholas and Adrien stunned and temporarily blind. Craig took this chance and tackled the duo. He then waited until they could see well again before punching them in the gut. Both of the doubled over from the pain before sprawling on the floor.

"So much for putting up a fight," Craig said as he went to pick up his luggage. He was just about to pick up his luggage when Nicholas stood up.

"Yo..you...cheat," he grimaced,"you'll pay for that! Fulmine !"

Another bolt of lightning came forth from his hands. Craig was ready for it this time. Just as Nicholas was casting his spell Craig unsheathed his dagger and blocked the bolt. The dagger seemed to absorb the bolt cast by Nicholas.

Nicholas just stared at him dumbfounded.

"How's that possible?!"

"Don't you know when to give? Just go to sleep. Somnum"

Those were the last words Nicholas heard before he lost consciousness.

"Hey you, get your friend out of here," Craig said motioning to Adrien.

He then slowly picked his luggage and proceeded to his room.

"So much for staying out of trouble," Craig thought as he walked away.