

Craig Hather has been cursed since childhood. After the sage of their village gave a prophecy concerning him,the villagers decided it is best to send him away. His parents decide to send him to an academy in order to protect him. Craig has to struggle with the curse ,the unfair aristocratic system of the academy and enemies who loath his very existence.

Antony_Odhiambo · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: An Eventful Enrollment

It was another year at Whitehouse Royal Academy. The school was filled with a lot of activities since another year had began and parents were bringing their children for enrollment. A guard yawned as he watched the bustle of activities going on in the school. Every year he got to watch families coming with big carriages accompanied by servants. Parents would strut around with their children trying to show off their social status. Other families would arrive with magic beasts in order to show their prestige. He was watching a carriage being pulled by a raptor when his friend called out to him.

"Hey Cole ,how you doing," he asked cheerfully.

"Just the same Mike bored out of my mind,"Cole answered.

"Tell me about it. Every year I have to put up fake smiles for those nobles,"Mike sighed miserably," That makes my cheeks hurt."

"Don't worry ,the day will end soon and you won't be bothered by those nobles," Cole said, "what are you doing here anyway instead of ushering in parents? "

"Hiding," Mike answered timidly.

"Hiding? From who?" Cole asked.

"The School administrator."

"What?!" Cole almost shouted, "What did you do now?"

"It wasn't me ,it was the Sanders,"Mike answered defensively.

" The Sanders! You messed with the Sanders? "

"I didn't mess with them, they messed with me," Mike said, "Let me tell what happened."

* * *

"Well I was doing my duty of escorting students who have been admitted to the auditorium when a strange kid walked up to me.I could tell he wasn't a noble by the way he dressed so I wondered if the kid was lost. He was wearing a common shirt and leather pants,so I thought he was the new stableboy or something.

'Hey kid are you lost?, I asked .

'Yes, I was wondering where the auditorium is,'he answered.

'Are you a student?'I asked surprised .


'Then follow me ,' I motioned.

I was about to lead the boy when a voice called out to me rudely.

'Hey you,'a boy said,' Aren't you going to lead me to the auditorium too ?'

One look at the boy and I knew he was the type of noble kid I didn't like. He had long blonde hair that reached his neck and a handsome face. From the clothes he wore to the way he spoke one could tell he was from a high level of nobility. But I knew behind those blue eyes there was some cheekiness lying inside.

'Sure, this way please,'I said respectfully.

'And carry my luggage. It's heavy so don't drop it,'he said as he pointed a large trunk behind him,' it's worth your lifetime's salary.'

The boy sure was cocky. We had just met yet he was already ordering me around like his personal servant which made me wonder why he didn't have his own personal aide. But I swallowed my pride, put the trunk on my shoulder and led the way.

I was climbing the staircase that led to the auditorium when I felt a sharp pain at my ankle and I almost fell. Luckily I managed to retain my balance but the trunk slipped out of my grip. I quickly turned knowing the trunk would fall and break open. To my surprise I found the boy with the weird clothing had caught the trunk effortlessly.

'Hey! You almost broke my trunk!'the other boy yelled.

'You are the one who made him trip,'the first boy said.


'You cast a spell that made him trip,'the boy insisted.

'Are you accusing me for this man's clumsiness?'the noble asked.


'Do you know who I am?,'the noble shouted,'I am Nicolas Sander, son of ...'

'I don't care who you are,'the boy said firmly,'I clearly heard you recite a spell.'

Those words seemed to anger Nicolas. He quickly rummaged his pocket and fished out a wand.

'Now you are done for ,'Nicolas said hysterically,'lacerare!'

The other boy reacted quickly. He dodged the ray of magic spell that was aimed at him and retaliated with his own.

'Extrudo!'he chanted as he stretched his hand. They were about to go at each other again when they suddenly froze in place.

'You haven't even been admitted yet but you two are already fighting,'the School Administrator said with a naughty smile.He slowly descended the stairs until he reached the two boys then casually waved his hands and the boys unfroze from their positions.

'Sir,'Nicolas started,'this boy attacked me and I tried to defend myself!'

'WHO ATTACKED MY NICO?!'a woman shrieked.

'Mother it was him!'Nicolas said as he pointed at the boy,'He was the one who attacked me!'

I did not want to be involved in the drama that was to follow, especially if it involved the Sanders. I quietly left as the administrator tried to calm the woman down.