

Craig Hather has been cursed since childhood. After the sage of their village gave a prophecy concerning him,the villagers decided it is best to send him away. His parents decide to send him to an academy in order to protect him. Craig has to struggle with the curse ,the unfair aristocratic system of the academy and enemies who loath his very existence.

Antony_Odhiambo · Fantasy
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Chapter 4:The Calm before the Storm

Back inside the administrator's office the administrator seemed to be deep in thought.

"So what do you think of the boy Derrick?" He asked out loud.

"I told you to address to address me as principle, Fidel," a voice in the room answered, "How did you know I was watching?"

"I felt an itch on my back...and I know you have an insatiable curiosity," he answered.

"In my opinion I think he's just like his father, a trouble magnet," the voice said.

"No, I meant his character."

"He's a little bit hotheaded, doesn't think through things logically, doesn't care about aristocracy...so far that's all I got," Derrick said thoughtfully.

"That is true. I guess we have to prepare for a very busy year. Which reminds me, any news from the North?" Fidel inquired.

"None so far, but we can expect her to send a detailed report by the end of this week," Derrick's voice was heard saying.

"No news is good news," Fidel commented.

" Usually it , but in this case I don't think so. He is usually an impatient person lately his been real quiet," Derrick said, "It feels like the..."

"...silence before the storm." Fidel finished. "Let's deal with the mutts he keeps sending us first."

"I believe Blacktooth is already working on that," said Derrick.

" I don't think he'll appreciate you scrying on him," Fidel said, "now get back to work."

" Sure thing,boss," Derrick said sarcastically.

* * *

In the Northern part of the kingdom, inside a dense forest , a small castle stood in the center of the forest. The trees were so tall that sunlight barely reached the forest floor, giving the surrounding a gloomy eerie feeling.

The castle stood in solitude, giving no lights showing no sign of life. It was believed by the locals that the castle was haunted, some hunters even said they had seen shadows moving in the castle, but no one was able to confirm the rumors.

Two shadows approached the castle at a terrific speed. They were so fast that it was hard to catch a glimpse of them. When they reached the castle doors the two figures slowed down. As if on cue the castle doors opened on their own. The two hooded figures walked slowly into the room and knelt respectfully. In front of them a man with long white hair sat in front of them on a black throne. He had red glowing eyes and a boyish face. Beside him two people stood beside him as to guard him. In his hand he held a golden goblet which he sip from occasionally. "

"We come with news sire," one of the cloaked figures spoke.

"It better be good news," said the man on the throne.

" We spied on the target as you commanded , and three days ago they left the village for Cloveheart," the person reported.

" Are you sure about that ?"the man with the white hair asked.

" Yes Lord Damion , we even followed them to Whitehouse Royal Academy," the other hooded figure added.

"Really? That's great news!" Lord Damion said jubilantly, "Things are finally starting to fall in place."He then turned to the two figures. "Return to Cloveheart and report to me if anything comes up."

"Yes sire," the cloaked figures answered in unison and departed as quickly as they had come.

" Those fools think that by keeping the boy in that school that he will be safe. They have no idea how wrong they are." Lord Damion said as he slowly drank from the goblet.

* * *

Meanwhile far away from Sorveinia, inside a floating palace high above the cloud, a woman strutted the halls of the palace followed by her attendees. She had beautiful golden wings which reflected the sun. Her maidens had white wings and were fair in beauty. The woman was walking slowly in the halls when a palace guard approached her.

"Salutations, my queen," the guard said.

"Salutations, Aisha," the queen said gently , "what is it?"

"I have received word that the relic that disappeared over a century ago was found in Sorvenia."

" What! Does the king know about this?" she asked.

" No he doesn't ," Aisha answered.

"Aisha, I want you to go and bring back the relic and its owner before anyone else," the queen ordered.

"As you wish," Aisha said then flew away.

"I hope we aren't too late," the queen said as watched Aisha diving into the clouds.