
Bandit in the Dead (The Walking Dead/Multiverse)

Rob is a normal dude, usually he is quiet and don't talk much not because he is shy he just don't have interest in some people. Things he likes to do is barely seen he is 6 foot with a good kept body but one day he traveled to a tv series with zombie in it. When Rob woke up he found out that he is in the walking dead series, a show that he watch way back, and now he is in a big trouble because he had been informed that the system which usually comes with all transmigrator is going to be late. Luckily he is healthy and strong plus due to being late he is given a buff of 10x strength of a human, let's see how far he will go. (pretty far with that strength and if not ill be ashamed) all of this is a fanfiction which do not relate to nobody its a fiction does all the names nor town city country or whatever does not relate in real world it is just a reference!

Daoist_Cain · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Planning

Chapter 5: Planning

After a while of hesitating Morgan finally agreed.

he went to his wife to tell her that he is going with Knox to look for guns, before his wife was about to disagree Morgan stopped her and shook his head.

"you know that it is dangerous for us and now we have another one coming," Morgan said while looking at his wife's belly.

"plus we almost did not make it today and if it were not for Knox you would have been bitten, I don't know what to do if that were to happen so I need to get us a gun for protection not only from Walkers, also from bad people with bad intention," Morgan said solemnly.

"I understand please be careful when you are out there we need you me and Duane and.." she looks down at her belly and touches it.

"well, we don't know that yet," Morgan smiled and hug Jenny and Duane.

"I also plan to get a pregnancy test while we are out there tomorrow just to be sure," Morgan said

"you guys sleep and ill talk to Knox about the detail for tomorrow," Morgan said and came to Knox

"done talking?" Knox asked

"yeah" Morgan nodded

"so about tomorrow what do you have in plan?" Morgan asked

"Well, luckily this store is next to the highway so you don't have to worry about your family ill leave them with the shotgun I found this afternoon you just have to let them know that let no one inside whether it is dead or alive, except us of course," Knox said to Morgan who then nodded

"this afternoon before I met you guys I scouted 3 stores that are locked and potentially have guns in them," Knox said while full knowing that he was lying because he doesn't need to scout when he was in the city he looked at the map and there's a shop logo in the top of the building which was a store and if it has been looted or no loot that he was looking for then it will have x on it.

"one store is in the southeast it's a pawnshop it's locked though but don't worry I have a bolt cutter, I'm pretty sure there are going to be guns there and the other one is not far from it a gun store which is also locked but when I was there there was a lot of Walkers about 50, so we are going to go to the pawnshop first not many Walkers there just 10 or so," Knox said while looking at the map and counting how many Walkers there is.

"Why are we going to so many stores?" Morgan asked.

"well, that's just incased we don't find any guns in the pawnshop and we also need bullets I don't think the pawnshop sells those so we need to go to the gun store to get some ammo plus having more guns is better than having less," Knox said then continued

"and if we cant take it we can just fall back anytime."

"will we be using cars?" asked Morgan.

"Not after we got there, we don't want to attract more Walkers unnecessarily and we won't be using guns, guns in the city are a bad idea unless there is a silencer in the gun but I'm guessing we can only find that in the gun store, as for the last store well, not really a store there is a warehouse near that gun store and from the sign outside it said its a gun show so I guess there are going to be guns in there and if not at least in one of its storages, the problem is there are at least hundred Walkers in there," Knox said

although I could take it down alone I can't be alone forever and this will show if Morgan is enough to keep up.

I am confident enough to say that my shooting is not bad, when I was back on earth my only hobby was shooting guns in the shooting range when I was pissed at the novel I read.

well, you can say that I went a lot there when I got introduced to fanfic.

"you better sleep well tonight, tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day," Knox said while smiling.

"After tomorrow we have to leave this city the walkers are coming out, after we got the guns we have to go," Knox said.

"that is true we are staying outside of the city before we got here and our staff is also there so if you don't have a specific place in mind we can stay there," Morgan said.

"oh, where is that?" Knox asked while having an idea where it was.

"it's at kings county far enough from the city and remote enough to wait out the walkers maybe we can go back to the city when they left and salvage the loot," Morgan said.

"Good idea well do that then."

after they were done talking Morgan went back to his family's side and Knox went to his.

Knox looked at the timer next to his status


{8 days 4 hours 36 seconds}

Name: Rob Knox

Gender: male

Age: 25

Strength: 101 (a fit adult has 10)

Agility: 101 ( an agile person has 10)

Endurance: 101 ( a person with tough endurance has 10)

Stamina: 81 (a fit adult has 10)

Intellect: 70 (a smart person has 10)

Luck: 60 (a lucky person has 10)

Charisma: 80 (a charismatic person has 10)


Seems like exercising helped and it looked like everything that has to do with physical went up by one.

There are still 8 days till the system wakes up.

for now, I just have to survive till then and when the system is awake I can be more assured.

I have only been here for 2 days and it seems like I have adapted to it.

killing Walkers like they were nothing not even having a disgust when killing hundreds of zombies, does this have something to do with the system, or was it caused by the rise of intellect? or is it because of the endurance?

so many questions to ask I can only hope that when the system is awake I can ask it.

well, that is if it has sentients, at least basic customer service would do.

Knox smiled and shook his head then went to bed.


PS: note that Rick woke up 59 days so don't worry after we get these guns and go to where Morgan is staying it will have a few days time skip where they will adapt to the killing of zombies especially Duane and Jenny. can't have them being an oil bottle and be a drag. We will meet the characters in the show soon.

Probably another chapter today but no promises...

Also if you have an idea of who will be with mc I have not decided if this is going to be one female lead or a mild harem, so if you have an idea comment it in the comment section better not in paragraph one sometimes I don't see them.

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