
Bandit in the Dead (The Walking Dead/Multiverse)

Rob is a normal dude, usually he is quiet and don't talk much not because he is shy he just don't have interest in some people. Things he likes to do is barely seen he is 6 foot with a good kept body but one day he traveled to a tv series with zombie in it. When Rob woke up he found out that he is in the walking dead series, a show that he watch way back, and now he is in a big trouble because he had been informed that the system which usually comes with all transmigrator is going to be late. Luckily he is healthy and strong plus due to being late he is given a buff of 10x strength of a human, let's see how far he will go. (pretty far with that strength and if not ill be ashamed) all of this is a fanfiction which do not relate to nobody its a fiction does all the names nor town city country or whatever does not relate in real world it is just a reference!

Daoist_Cain · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Recruiting Morgan

Chapter 4: Recruiting Morgan

Rob got up like he didn't say something.

"This.." Morgan suddenly feels more pressure than he already has.

They could barely survive and protect his wife and kid, and if there's another baby to care for it will put them in a big danger.

Morgan couldn't help but look at his wife who is now crying, they have been trying to get a baby before the apocalypse when it was still civilized and living was easier.

They even consider adopting a child.

But now...

"I'm about to leave and I would suggest that you guys pack up too, the dark is nearing there are only 3 hours left till those things start filling in the streets I cleaned earlier," Rob said while picking up the used cup noodles from the ground and throwing them in the garbage.

Hey, it's the least I could do since I clear up the store with everything it had.

The most precious haul is this Beretta 92 with 3 boxes of ammo, meaning it had 150 rounds, and a shotgun Benelli M3 with also 3 boxes of ammo.

I would not waste any bullets on walkers unless it's necessary.

Since Rob knew what zombie world he is in now he felt that he is a lot safer because there are no super people with telekinesis and no abnormal zombie with tentacles and no smart ones either.

That is until a decade later.

The only thing that worried him is that when he was still on earth he saw that there were faster and a bit stronger walkers in France.

But he didn't worry much because that's on another continent and if what he saw was years before it shows up and by then he should be plenty stronger perhaps he is no longer in this world but the one he was supposed to be in.

For 10 mins Morgan and his wife talked about what to do with the child and Rob was done checking if there were any more hidden gems to be looted.

"Looks like there's nothing left in this store," rob said and walk to Morgan and his wife.

Rob Extended his arms to Morgan and said "It was nice meeting you guys, it seems that I haven't introduced myself, my name is Rob Knox, you can call me Knox." Rob said while shaking hands with Morgan.

"My name is Morgan Jones this is my wife Jenny Jones and my son Duane Jones," Morgan said introducing his family to Rob.

"You guys from around here?" Rob asked

"No we were from Macon just southeast from this, we were originally coming here because of the broadcast 51 days ago when those things start to spread globally, and the broadcast said that Atlanta is safe, and from the look of what the city looks like now it seems that it was a lie, and now we are staying at a house in kings country we originally went here to find medicine for my wife, but it seems that it isn't necessary, " Morgan said tiredly.

"I see, well if you are planning to go back now I would suggest it," Rob said while looking outside, all the Morgan family can see is a horde of 50 walkers.

Morgan's wife was shocked and Duane froze again, Morgan, on the other hand, was nervous not because he is scared, it was because he knew that right now he has one unborn baby to protect.

"What to do.." Morgan murmured

"If you guys are not in a hurry to leave I have a place I'm staying, it is at The Municipal Market," Rob said while looking at them.

"If it is not a trouble to you that would be of much help," Morgan said politely

"Of course not, but we can only stay here for tomorrow it seems like the walkers are not finding people to eat and they are moving out of the city that about 500k walkers moving in every direction," Rob said

Morgan nodded and understand.

"What do you mean by Walkers?" Morgan asked

"It's those things, it is what I called them," Rob replied nonchalantly.

They started making their way into the store and rob saw a mattress store he gave Morgan a knife and went in picked up all that was still clean and continued to the store.

After cleaning some walkers along the way they finally made it.

"We can't go through any door I blocked them all the only way to get in is the door on the top of the building," Rob said while waving at the Morgan family to follow.

They got on the ladder and saw that one of the water towers is gone and only its legs are standing they went inside and looked at all the doors that are blocked by the shelves.

The water should be fine because it's using independent water it also has hot water so if you guys wanna take a shower suit yourselves we are only staying here for one more night and we got to bail.

Rob only took 1 water tower because the other one seems to be almost used up so he didn't bother with it.

After showing where the bathrooms were and giving them a hose he went back and took 1 queen's bed in storage and put it on the floor and a pillow as well wait for them to get done.

After that, he went to a corner and put on a bed for himself and a pillow.

After Morgan and his family got done showering they went to rob to say thanks.

"Thanks for all you've done for our family Knox," Morgan and his said with gratitude.

"No problem, I will be upfront with you guys," Rob said and suddenly became serious.

"Although I'm confident enough in my strength to survive, having more hands wouldn't hurt so what do you say? would you like to join me?" Rob said

Morgan was stunned that Knox would even invite them, noting that his wife is pregnant and Duane is only 10, and also he saw the strength of Knox up close easily beheading the walkers like it was nothing.

"This would it slow you down?" Morgan said.

While he would be glad to join and feel safer being in a group with Knox he would not selfishly do that because Knox has already helped his family enough.

Although Morgan's wife is pregnant and Duane is still 10, it will only motivate Morgan to be better.

"As you know having more hands is only beneficial, I am going on a run closer to the city where the gun store is, I would need an extra hand to carry them, and don't worry your kid and your wife will not come and stay here as also you are trustworthy you have a wife and a kid to protect, you will also need a gun to protect yourself either from walkers or people," Rob said while looking at the hesitating Morgan.


PS: Sorry for the delay while researching and brainstorming I basically have 10 chapters in my head and I did not like where it was going it was bland like any other walking dead fics, so I rewatch the show to see what I could make interesting and basically I found none.

So now for 2 days, I think I have come up with an answer and that will be revealed when the system woke up that will be in a few chapters or so.

If the day is good I will upload another chapter no promises though.

Also, it will not just be the walking dead word the mc is going so if you don't like that you should probably stop now.

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