

At 3 pm, Heinrich Koch drove into a street garden in front of the building mentioned in the text he received earlier. He approached a man named Craig Owens; an officer whose business affairs are linked to operations run by corrupt non-governmental organizations within the states. He maintained a calm demeanor and said nothing as he sat on an outdoor wooden chair.

Craig Owens: "The game just got better."

Heinrich, wiping off sweat from his palms using a handkerchief: "What do you mean?"

Craig, handing him a picture: "Here"

Heinrich: "Another one?"

Craig: "The red-haired is a student at Vario university. The remaining details of her would be forwarded to you soon"

Heinrich, gazing at the picture intensively, intoned: "Hmm, These creatures keep popping up outta no where."

Craig: "She has been marked."

Heinrich: "Vandy likes them young."

Craig: "Not Vandy.....The lycans and vampires are the ones in search of her."

Heinrich: "Why?"

Craig: "We don't know. It's your job, that's why we hire you. We need her alive, not dead."

Heinrich, in a mean tone: "Unfortunately, they don't like to stay alive."

(Heinrich stands up, leaving the garden with a stoic demeanor, but ready to hunt.)

Marshall, Ray, and Terry make a grand entrance into the students' restaurant, drawing the attention of almost every student in the restaurant. Ray and Terry have similar vibes _ They exude a certain level of sophistication and they are extroverted. Marshall, on the other hand, has an introverted nature _ possesses a calm presence, and keeps to himself, having a strong self-awareness

Bambi and Catherine sitting in the restaurant at the time, eating the food they ordered. While eating, Catherine lustfully gazed at the young billionaire _ Marshall Willington.

Catherine: "If wishes were horses, I would be holding his hand right now, and pissing off all his crushers."

Bambi, smiling uncontrollably: "Ok, that's crazy. You shouldn't have a guy because you want to see other females pissed. Cat! Stop! You're making it obvious. Stop looking at him like that"

Catherine, playfully rolling her eyes: "I don't even care at this point. I want him to notice."

Bambi, laughing: "Girl, damn! You are losing your cool."

Catherine: "Whatever... I heard that his dad is running for peesident."

Bambi: "I don't believe rumours. Is his dad into politics though? People just say shit."

(Catherine, lost in thoughts. She stays silent, still staring at Marshall)

Bambi, in a low tone: "Mister Willington, please come have my friend, she wants you badly."

Catherine, unbothered: "Oh please, I am ready."

Bambi, in a hush tone: "He acts so calm, I wonder if this is how he really act."

Catherine: "No one acts like this."

Bambi: "How would you tell?"

Catherine: "I know for sure. Well, if he is always this way, then he is more than perfect"

Marshall, being an only child of billionaire couples; Lionel and Elizabeth Willington, had always had anything he wanted. His parents are overly wealthy buisness tycoons, owning chains of buisnesses across the United states.

Marshall and his friends sits down, adjusting themselves.

Ray: "Marsh, your phone is ringing."

Marshall, checking who the caller is: "ugh, my dad"

(He accepts the call.)

Elizbeth Willington: "Hey sweetie."

(Marshall's gets surprised to hear his mom's voice after expecting to hear his dad's.)

Marshall: "Mom?"

Elizabeth: "Don't be surprised dear. I am back from my trip, I just joined your father."

Marshall: "Wow, thank god. He missed you, you know. He tells me everytime he calls."

Elizabeth, light heartedly: "You are such a sweet thing, but your father,..... your father is a stubborn knuckle head."

Marshall, smiling: "Tell me about it."

Elizabeth: "He has been acting like he never missed me."

Lionel Willington, Cheerfully joins the conversation: "Stop there you two, I am listening you know"

Marshall, amused: "Dad, you've been there?"

Lionel, playfully: "Yes, do not listen to her. You know how she likes to blame me for everything."

Elizabeth, unbothered: "Don't listen to him either. You know how he likes to act innocent after doing something wrong."

Marshall, smiling uncontrollably: "I can't with you two. I don't even know who to listen to."

Lionel: "How is it going over there son?"

Marsahall: "Its not easy being a student but we always catch up."

Elizabeth: "Awwn, now that's my baby."

Marshall: "dad, mom. I'll call you guys later. I am in a restaurant, about to eat."

Lionel: "Oh.... have a nice day then. Bye"

Elizabeth: "Bye my love. I love you."

Marshall: "You too."

(Marshall ends the call nodding and smiling at his phone.)

Terry: "I guess your parents are being sarcastic again."

Marshall: "As usual..... I need to get one more sandwich."

Bambi and Catherine had finished their meal, navigating the walkway which leads to the exit. On getting to Marshall's table, Marshall stood up, attempting to walk up to the food runners. Catherine seized the opportunity to get Marshall's attention_ She intentionally collides with him, pretending to fall. However, Marshall stood firm. On noticing that Catherine was losing balance, Bambi and Marshall moved swiftly, gripping her hands, preventing her from falling. Some students were drawn to the scene. Bambi grabs her right hand while Marshall grabs the left, Catherine caught between both of them. While they lift her, a beautiful scene occured _ trapped in the moment, Marshall and Bambi's eyes locked. As Bambi gazed into his eyes, an unfathomable connection unfolded;

In a brief yet fastened moment, glimpses of other timelines where Bambi and Marshall might have crossed paths before, was revealed. It's as if memories from different times are merging in the present and being experienced in the present. However, only Bambi could feel this connection.

After Catherine is helped back to her feet, Bambi stands there, stunned by the revelation she encountered, and the connection she felt while looking into Marshall's eyes. Marshall, clueless about the mystery that unfolded, continues to observe Bambi's outward look and demeanor. Catherine quickly turns to Marshall.

Catherine: "I am sorry, I'm stupid....."

Marshall, interjects: "No, you are not. It's fine."

( Bambi, short of words, remains lost in her thoughts. The images of what was revealed lingered in her mind.)

Marshall breaks the tension: "I'm Marshall Willington by the way."

Bambi, in a hushed tone: "I'm Bambi... Bambi Cobbs."

For a moment, three of them stood there without saying a word before Marshall left the scene.

Bambi Cobbs is a 22-year-old female studying Theatre Arts at Vario university, in Floride, United States of America. She is both an orphan and a foster child. She possesses an amazing personality _ friendly, sweet, and understanding, yet acknowledges her self-worth and does not accommodate anyone who devalues her presence. She is a strong-willed and persistent person.

Bambi has not crossed paths with Marshall in this present timeline, up until Catherine made it possible. She only knew Marshall as a cute young billionaire who happens to be a centre focus within the school premises, and as a guy most female students liked. However, after her encounter with him at the restaurant, she felt a deep knowing _ A feeling that Marshall has a significant role to play in her current life, as though their destinies were intertwined. But then, she didn't know what it was. She could only feel it.

Unbeknownst to her, she was meant to become something more than she could ever imagine. Something every possessive werewolf pack, vampire clan, witches and wizards would fight to keep. Bambi carries a powerful moon magic within her that describes a creature some persons consider as a myth. The creature known as the Lunar Sovereign.

Bambi, oblivious to her purpose, has no idea that she had embarked on a journey. Her meeting with Marshall has made a mark on her journey, a sign that she was ready to know who she was meant to be.