

(At the Paranormal Investigation Summit in Florida State.)

The head of Werewolves Investigation; Patrick Russel and the director of the paranormal investigation, sits in an office discussing.

Patrick Russel: "Felix Sanders, our very good spy, got a name of the mastermind responsible for the attack that took place in Newyork last week _ a guy they call 'The Shadow Reaper'. Unfortunately, Felix got killed two days ago."

Director: "Pity, he died without getting a real name and a picture."

(Felix Sander's image flickering on the computer screen.)

Patrick: "What Sanders did, will not be forgotten! We are trailing this so called figure. His followers do not speak his name. They call him ruthless. It is said that when he marks a person for death, it's a takedown. He has no room for mercy."

Director, assertive: "If you and your team could get a nick name, then a picture and a location won't be far-fetched. We will do all in our power to pin down this Son of a bitch!"

Bambi and Catherine engage in a discussion while strolling to their cars.

Catherine: "What the heck is wrong with me today? I have been stumbling into people!"

(Bambi, lost in thoughts.)

Catherine, laughing at herself: "Well, the one that occured at the restaurant, was my making. I wanted to capture his attention. Pity, he didnt even notice me."

(Catherine gives off a long sigh after thinking about what happened at the restaurant, and how it played out. She glanced in Bambi's direction in attempt to observe her facial expression, but notices that Bambi is tuned out. She then snapped her fingers in front of Bambi's face to bring her wandering mind to the present.)

Bambi, jerking out of her thoughts: "I don't feel fine. I feel uneasy."

Catherine: "Sorry, we can have a little rest in your car."

Bambi: "It's okay, I will be fine, I hope. This place feels unreal."

Catherine, halts: "How do you mean?"

Bambi, halts: "I can't explain it to you. Today feels different for me. It's...."

Catherine, interrupts with a mischievous laugh: "Now I get you, You'd turn back the hands of time if you could get back to the fairytale moment at the restaurant, wouldn't you? You would have the handsome hunk catching me so you can get to say hi again."

Bambi, pissed off, continue walking: "Stop kidding around! I'm serious."

Catherine, continue walking: "I'm not joking either. You stole my moment!"

Bambi: "What?"

Catherine: "Don't mind me. I was joking"

(She sees the bruises on Bambi's neck.)

Catherine: "The bruises, they're getting worse"

Bambi: "Yeah, I've sought several medications, but it's not fading away, I'm tired already."

Catherine: "Have you tried....."

Bambi, interjects: "No need, my body doesn't accept drugs and capsules."

Catherine: "We have to find out what to do about it before it reaches your face."

Catherine swings open her car door, and Bambi follows suit with hers. They both drove away, and out of the school premises.

At a train station, the red-haired _ Sasha Giggs, stood by with her arms crossed waiting patiently for the train to arrive at the station. While she stood, a breeze tousled through her hair. Instantly, she notices a young man in a head warmer and a casual outfit, walking toward the opposite direction after walking past her. Though Sasha spoke no words to this fellow, she knew he wasn't like other passengers. She casts her gaze on him until he fades away. Shortly after, the train arrived and she hoped on.

The training space seems crowded. Sasha carefully walks through while clutching her purse. Luckily for her, she finds a kind old man who asks her to sit beside him. As She takes the seat, she attempts to tie her hair with a black band she collected from her purse. She silently glanced in the opposite direction, her heart dropped as she saw the young man in the head warmer seat, intensely gazing at her. At that moment, she knew she was being followed.

The same day at night, Bambi sat in a tightly spaced decorated room. Her face looks pale, her green eyes widen, and her lips slightly shaking. A 60-year-old woman sits on but a couch, silently watching her. Nadella Harris, she was called. Bambi calls her 'godmother'. She listens as Bambi shares her encounter during the day.

Nadella Harris: "And what happened?"

Bambi, in a mild tone: "Everything instanty felt different after our eyes locked. It felt like time slowed down revealing moments we shared in time past, a deep connection spanning across several timelines."

Nadella:, "Like a connection of neurons in the human body?"

Bambi: "Probably, but I did notice something _ He loved me and I loved him in every timeline."

Bambi's godmother, Nadella Harris, owns a foster home where she takes care of underprivileged children. Nadella is an intelligent, resourceful and remarkable woman who makes bold moves. She exudes immense strength, wisdom, and tactics in handling the complexities of power, a philanthropist who renders humaniterian services in any space she finds herself.

She is also a grand high witch who not only understand how to manipulate energy on deeper levels, but also has profound expertise in moon cycles and their effect on human and other creatures. However, Bambi had no idea who Nadella truly was, she did not know of Nadella's intentions towards her.

As Bambi narrate her experience, Nadella paid attention to her gestures _ facial expressions, eye contact, and the way she positioned her hands.

Nadella: "Tell me what it felt like being in these timelines?"

Bambi: "Striving I guess, I don't know what role I played, but whatever role he played, he loved me."

Nadella: "How could you tell?"

Bambi's eyes get teary: "I felt a rush of deep emotional connection."

Nadella: "What is his name?"

Bambi, in a gentle tone: "Marshall Willington."

(Nadella, pauses a while, sipping from a cup of water placed on a table.)

Nadella, continues: "How have you been feeling?"

Bambi, sighing: "Broken, beaten...the bruises are getting worse."

(Nadella takes a deep breath)

Bambi: "But, godmother, I need to know. Why is this happening?"

Nadella, reveaIing "You are transforming."

Bambi, grimacing: "Transforming? Transforming to what?"

(Nadella knowingly evades the question digressing to the next.)

Nadella: "What did you dream about lately?"

Bambi, gasps attempting to recall: "Same as usual, always running into trouble."

Nadella: "Share a specific dream"

Bambi': "Yeah, least I forget. This morning, I dreamt about an amazing woman."

Nadella, curious: "Amazing?"

Bambi: "Yes, she dressed like a seasoned warrior. I think she was, I'm not sure. In the dream, I found myself in a lonely place, as if it was being haunted."

(Immediately after, a help named Grace knocked at the door.)

Nadella, glances at the door: "Yes!"

Grace: "Its time for Nana's classes."

Nadella, turns to Bambi: "Sweetheart, save that story for next time. I need to see Nana."

Bambi, light heartedly: "Nana! I haven't seen her in a while. Say hi to her for me."

(Nadella gives no response, smiles cryptically before leaving.)