

A beautiful blonde-haired female named Ova Diaz sits down in an elegant manner sipping red wine from a glass cup. Her legs, crossed, gazing into the thin air. Ova is a 26-year-old female who was born a werewolf.

The room is quiet with long blue and yellow curtains swaying in the breeze. Suddenly, a man named Arnold Jones walks in. He attempts to touch her but her body language says otherwise.

Ova Diaz, pops a question out of nowhere: "What is she called?"

Arnold Jones, confused: "Who?"

Ova: "The girl marked as the Lunar soversign."

Arnold: "Oh, ok. Her name is Sasha Giggs."

Ova, curious: "Giggs? That name rings a bell. Is she a daughter to the late Todd and Anastasia Giggs?"

Arnold: "She could be, Todd was remarkable, I wouldn't be surprised if the lunar sovereign comes from his loins"

Ova, giggles: "Remarkable? How is that? Yet my good-for-nothing father chopped off his head and that of his wife, as though they were babies."

Arnold: "And he needed a lot of help to do that. My father told me that Todd was the most powerful wolf he had ever seen."

Ova: "Somehow I doubt that."

Arnold gently kisses her shoulder: "Doubt it all you want my love, but the moon spirits are wiser."

Ova: "Okay then, tell me about her."

Arnold: "She's a part-time student, studying interior design at Vario University. She lives alone on a forested landscape within St Andrew State Park."

Ova: "Mmm, I see.... I want to believe that the lunar sovereign wouldn't be walking around without backup. Before we move in on her, I want to know who protects her and who she talks to."

Arnold: "Of course."

(Ova touches her lips gently, Anorld seems interested. He draws closer to her, but she turns her face the other way.)

Arnold: "What is the matter? You've been avoiding my touch."

Ova: "I am your moon goddess, I can't avoid your touch."

Arnold: "OK then, but you..."

(Ova, interjected while placing two fingers on his lips, and making a shushing sound)

Ova, in a soft tone: "My mind is not here at the moment, I have been having deep thoughts before you walked in."

Arnold, concerned: "What is bothering you? Tell me what it is, and I will take it out of the way."

(She gasps, keeping a straight face.)

Ova: "You already know what it is... My family"

Arnold, covering his forehead with his palm in worry: "My love, I told you, you will have everything you want. As soon as you get the chance to take it, I trust you will."

Ova, smirks: "Lucia and Gabriella.... they call themselves my sisters. Stabbed me at the back so many times. Unfortunately, my father favors them more than me."

Arnold: "He favors them because they do his bidding and you don't. Wait till he sees what you are.... till he sees what I see in you, trust me, he will tremble."

(She silently gazed into Arnold's eyes, feeling empowered by his words. She stood up, majestically walking to the balcony, expressing herself, while Arnold watched her with admiration.)

Ova, in a determined manner: "I am what I am. Everything I have ever endured has paved my path to glory. I am the lunar sovereign. I will find Sasha! I will break her walls, and tear down every stronghold of hers, absorb the powerful moon magic within her, and I will become her!"

Arnold: "I trust you, you always win."

The black-haired girl, Bambi Cobbs visits the college library. She carefully downloads a series of textbooks she needs for half the session. While downloading, she discreetly takes a picture of the bruises on her neck with her phone. Immediately, a middle-aged woman who happened to be one of the library assistants walks by.

Library assistant: "Everything okay dear?"

Bambi, startled responds: "Yeah, I'm good, Thanks."

(The Library Assistant notices the bruises as Bambi tries to hide them with her hand)

Library Assistant: "What happened? Are you alright?"

Bambi: "Um...Yes, I am."

Library assistant, pointing: "Your neck...."

Bambi, interjects: "They are allergies. They'll clear up."

Library Assistant: "Alright, please seek medical attention. It doesn't look good on you."

As soon as the Library Assistant left, Bambi received a call from her friend, Catherine Carter. She cheerfully expressed her desire to meet with Bambi at the Theatre block. Catherine was already at the block, waiting and listening to a few songs from her music list. After a while, she spots Bambi and decides to approach her.

Suddenly, a luxurious car _ a sleek, black Bentley Continental GT drives into the parking lot. Some students standing around the area turn around, watching as the car gets parked. Immediately the door swung open, and an odd-looking but handsome white-haired young man stepped out. Marshall Willington was called _ the boy whose image was in the picture frame in the dark bedroom. His friends; Ray Nolan and Terry Ice follow suit.

It felt like he walked in slow motion as both male and female students gazed at him. The female students, in particular, fixed their eyes on him with an air of admiration.

Suddenly, Sasha Giggs, the red-haired shows herself. Spotted among the onlookers, Sasha stood by watching as Marshall and his friends walked out of the parking lot. She had a few books in her hands. At that instant, Catherine, on sighting Bambi from afar, excitedly waves at her without looking the other way.

Sasha, still engrossed by the presence of Marshall, mindlessly turns in the opposite direction, and Catherine unexpectedly bumps into her. Her books scatter on the ground, creating a scene.

Catherine: "Uh I am sorry."

Catherine's eyes lit up with surprise. She quickly stooped to pick up Sasha's fallen books while continuously apologizing to her. Sasha however, cared less about her apologies. She silently tucked in her feelings ready to leave the scene as soon as the books were handed over. Shortly after, Bambi arrived at the scene. Finally, unable to spot Marshall anymore, Sasha leaves the area without saying a word to anyone.