

A dark-haired female lying on her bed finds herself in the dream world. In her dream, she inhabit's the avatar of a child; a little boy of ten. She finds herself confined in an area surrounded by iron bars. As she walked in this unknown area, arrows appeared from the thin air, all aimed at the avatar she was in. The boy whose body she inhabits, runs towards a building structure to hide himself. Unfortunately, he stumbles on a rock and falls to the ground.

Boy: "Ah! Mother! Mother!"

Suddenly, a man walks up to the boy. He aggressively addressed the boy, suggesting that he is on the wrong side of the road. He had an arm bracelet on, wrapped a piece of clothing around his waist, and had a pair of sanders on. He was a hybrid capture agent.

Agent: "How dare you defy orders? Desecrating sacred grounds with your unclean blood! What you've done is punishable by law."

Boy, crying: "I don't know that! I don't know anything! Help me!"

Agent: "Well, you are gonna learn today."

Suddenly someone orders in an authoritative tone;

"Leave him alone."

The agent, startled, turns around to find an exceptionally sophisticated dark-skinned

woman _ A powerful warrior. She's embellished with beautiful gemstones tied to her hair and shiny waist beads, presenting a remarkable appearance. Her hair is braided with long fabrics and styling accessories. Her expression remains unshakeable as she gives the hybrid capture agent a dead stare. Despite her mean look, one could tell from her eyes that she was genuinely a kind person. The agent looks terrified but he stands his ground.

Agent: "Your son should be the first one to know. Hybrids are not welcome here. You of all people should know this!"

Warrior: "I don't converse with fools like you!"

Agent: "You might want to."

Warrior: "I am birthed in the powerful moon's magic. Nobody touches my son."

Agent, smirks: "So are we all."

Warrior: "Every creature with or without form, learns a lesson unique to them. Life teaches us all. But today, I will be your teacher. You will learn to fear me."

Agent, contorting his face: "I am not afraid of you. I never will."

He tries retrieving a weapon from his holster, but the woman being skillful at swordplay, moves unbelievably fast. She zoomed into the air, drawing out her sword in the process. As she lands, she swiftly thrusts her sword, toward the agent. He dodges the first swing, removing himself from the space. However, she is determined to cut him down, so maintains the pace, pursuing him. As soon as she got him trapped, she skillfully tears through his arm.

He screamed, trying to prevent more pain by pushing her with the other arm. She remains resolute, ruthlessly hitting his head with the hilt of her sword, lacerating his other arm. Feeling an intense pain after both limbs were cut off, he cried, gritting his teeth. He instantly reverted to his true form —a vampire.

(The vampire looking into the warrior's eyes with despair)

Warrior: "I warned you. You should have listened earlier. "

Her statement drives him to anger, but she remains unbothered, raising her chin with a fierce smile.

Warrior: "It's time to meet your maker, you filthy creature."

Without a moment's pause, she chops off his head. His head rolled down as his blood poured uncontrollably on the ground. The warrior slowly looks the other way and sees her son lying on the ground, terrified.

As he lay there, he felt a rush of emotion. He seems scared but also, relieved. The warrior quietly knelt beside him and in a loving manner, they embraced each other. She kisses him on his forehead and whispers;

"I am the guardian, I will guide you to fulfill your purpose,"

The warrior's words echo through the dream, and the dreamer _ a black-haired girl abruptly wakes up. Her eyes lit up as she regained consciousness of her room's reality, staring at the ceiling. She has beautiful green eyes, slightly far apart which gives her a striking look like that of a vampire.

She lay there silent, reminiscing about the dream she had. Her phone beeps, drawing her attention to where she ought to be at the moment. She quickly grabbed her phone, seeing the time, In a rush she got out of bed. She stands up, feeling aches and pains – probably from sleeping in an unhealthy position.

Suddenly someone knocks at her door. She hurriedly opened up. She gasped after seeing Agatha, the house cleaner, standing at her door.

Agatha: "Good morning, Bambi."

(Referring to the girl as Bambi.)

Bambi: "Hey! Morning, Oh my goodness! I'm late!"

Agatha, with concern: "Bambi, your arms are swollen, and your neck! What happened to your neck?"

Bambi: "Huh?"

(She glances at the mirror, softly touching the bruises on her body. )

Bambi, casually dismissing: "They are allergies. It will clear up, I'm late! Should be in class now."

Agatha: "What can I do to help? Should I stuff your books in your bag?"

Bambi: "Don't bother, just clean the room."

Agatha: "Ok"

(Bambi hurriedly entering into the shower, Agatha begins tidying up the room.)

A man named Heinrich Thorsten Koch was driving, keeping a straight mean face. He has an oddly carved hair. His moustache, falling from his upper lip. He abruptly gets interrupted by a beep from his phone. He looks at his phone's notification and sees a message from a business partner. The message says, ' Royce Roger's at 3 pm', keeping his left hand on the steering wheel and holding the phone with the right. After reading, he reluctantly tossed the phone in the car's storage box, casually resuming the journey at the previous speed, playing a soulful music.

Heinrich is a German who specializes in capturing night creatures _ werewolves and vampires. Unlike other hunters, Heinrich is known as a specialist in this area. He leads a team of skilled agents who not only have a sharp and determined mind but carry their mission mercilessly, wielding sophisticated weapons provided by corporations created for a specific purpose.