
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs


Drust: Captain, what do we do with him... the guys that attacked us were chasing him and he passed out on the shore.

While pointing to Urouge who was still unconscious.

Katahara: Take him to the boat and heal his wounds, it's time for me to take care of a so-called God.

Dabi: Captain let me accompany you....

Katahara: I guess he'll be fine, but you are totally forbidden to get into this fight Dabi.

Dabi just nodded, after saying that Katahara used Observation Haki, and spotted Enel sitting on a throne above many ruins.

Then Katahara used Geppo and climbed higher and higher, behind him was Dabi who with effort was trying to keep up with Katahara.

They passed several ruins on their way to the chasm, until they finally reached the top where they saw Enel sitting on his throne.

Enel had a giant smile as if he was waiting for Katahara, Katahara started to approach the throne while Dabi kept his distance.

Enel: It was a mistake for you to come all the way here alone.

Katahara merely smiled in response as he drew his sword.

Katahara: Enel... I will give you two choices, one join me and you will finally have a place to belong or two just end your stupid and miserable life.....

Enel looked angry, he stood up from his throne and threw a ray at Katahara, who dodged it and used Soru appearing meters away from Enel.

Katahara: You will give me the answer when I wipe the floor with you.

Then Katahara used Haki to imbue his arms as his sword while it emitted a shadow.

At that moment Katahara launched a slash towards Enel which he was able to block with his trident.

Then he disappeared into the ground.

Enel: Bari of 20 million volts.

Being received by Katahara's sword, but still hit a little Katahara's arms, which fortunately were covered with Haki.

Enel: Bari of 30 million volts.

Launched more than a dozen times, in the direction of Katahara, who had no choice but to dodge all the rays, while Katahara dodged the multiple rays, Enel appeared behind him trying to hit him with his trident, being blocked by Katahara, who at the time of blocking the trident was hit by lightning.

Enel had a smile on his face.

Katahara then began to throw powerful cuts at Enel, who tried to block the cuts with his trident, which was cut while trying to block and received a cut in the shoulder.

At that moment, Enel retreated, at a distance from Katahara.

Enel: AAAHHH How can a weapon hurt me!

As he walked away.

Enel: Hino of 30 million volts.

Launching lightning birds, which flew at an impressive speed, luckily Katahara was able to block in time, but the moment they were blocked they released small lightning bolts in all directions, hitting Katahara a little.

Enel began to throw dozens of lightning birds at Katahara.

Katahara, slashed head on, creating sword slashes that flew out, the peculiar thing about these slashes was that they were pitch black, cutting all the birds in half with his slashes, before they got close to him.

Katahara: hahahaha, this is better than I could have imagined....

Enel: You may have destroyed my trident, but I can easily repair it.

At that moment, Enel blasts two of the drums behind his back with his staff to create a giant burst of dragon-shaped lightning bolts

Enel: Julungul of 60 million Volts.

Katahara started using Soru and went head on against the lightning dragon.

Katahara: RAIN OF BLOOD!

Thrown, dozens of slashes imbued with shadow and Haki, which collided against the lightning dragon destroying it.

The moment it was destroyed Enel appeared in front of Katahara along with dozens of birds made of lightning, trying to stab Katahara, while Katahara threw slashes in all directions while attacking and trying to defend himself,

While Katahara slashed at the lightning birds, Enel managed to be able to stab Katahara in the left shoulder.

Katahara: AAHGGGGGG.

Then he was hit by the few birds he had not yet destroyed.

Sending Katahara to fly in the direction of the ground, when he touched the ground Enel approached Katahara.

Enel: Vari Maximum of 200 million Volts.

Causing a giant Thunder to fall on Katahara, before touching Katahara.

Katahara began to emit a thicker and thicker shadow, until he rose from the ground.


He began to throw cuts with all that shadow that surrounded him starting to create a huge wave of shadow that collided with giant lightning canceling each other out.

Enel: What is this feeling, I will be killed by him.

Enel broke out in a cold sweat as he felt the energy that Katahara was emitting.

After taking care of the giant beam, Katahara launched himself in Enel's direction by throwing a powerful slash imbued with Haki, and filled with shadow.

As he launched himself in Enel's direction, Enel decided to keep distance between the two.

Enel: Kiten

Creating lightning bolts in the shape of tigers, sending in Katahara's direction, 5 lightning tigers.

As soon as they were in front of Katahara, he only split them in half without losing his objective, which was to reach Enel, to strike his blow.

When he was meters away from Enel and about to strike his blow.

Enel: E...El... Thor.

Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning struck that was at least ten times stronger than all his previous attacks, before the lightning hit Katahara, he was able to throw his cut in Enel's direction, leaving him with a scar from the shoulder to the opposite ribs.

The smoke left by Enel's strike, added to the shadow cut made by Katahara, left the whole place full of dust and smoke that blocked the vision.

Katahara was on the ground for a few moments, then he stood up, he no longer had his sword in his hand, because of the blow he had dropped his sword.

Katahara: It seems that not using jutsus in this fight was counterproductive.

Katahara, was wounded all over his body, with 3 holes in his shoulder from Enel's trident stab, he also had all his upper body clothes gone leaving only his torso naked.

Enel, was on his knees from the blow he had received, never before had someone been able to hurt him, but the man in front of him not only did it once but 2 times, leaving two deep cuts on Enel.

When Katahara was able to spot Enel, he quickly lunged, throwing an uppercut imbued with Haki, launching him in the air, and then appeared in front of him and kicked him to the ground.

When Enel was on the ground, Katahara jumped on him with a kick, to be received by a stab from Enel's trident, the trident and Katahara's kick collided, which caused the trident to be destroyed.

Enel: 90 million volt hino!

Sending a giant bird made of lightning, against Katahara.

When the bird crashed into Katahara, Katahara split into dozens of birds that began to squawk.


And then they gathered again, where the Shodai Kitetsu was, when the birds gathered Katahara swung his sword.


Causing the waves of shadows to crash against the giant beam, once again cancelling each other out.

Enel realized that Katahara was much stronger than he expected, so he decided to use his most powerful technique.

Enel: 200 million Volt Amaru.

Enel transformed into a giant thunder god, Raijin, made of pure electricity, and then began to shoot giant bursts of lightning from his hands.

Katahara: So this is coming to an end.

As he launched himself at the giant Enel.

Katahara: Raining blood.

Throwing dozens of slashes at all the lightning Enel threw.

When he was face to face with Enel, he began to throw powerful cuts imbued with Haki and shadows, while Enel gave powerful blows with his tridents that he made, even so, he could not follow all the attacks that Katahara sent.

Until Enel could no longer continue with his giant form and returned to normal, then Katahara kicked him in the stomach, sending him straight to the ground.

Katahara: To think that you became invincible after eating a fruit is stupid.

As he thrust his sword into the ground, to start hitting Enel, Enel tried to stop Katahara with his hands.

Katahara pushed Enel's hand aside and grabbed his head instead, to start hitting him more and more, until he decided to let him go.

Enel fell backwards to the ground, then Katahara started kicking Enel's head.

Katahara: That's enough...

As she continued kicking Enel, she then turned away and lit a cigarette.


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