
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs

Fall of the Priests

They did not wait, nothing as soon as they saw the others facing the priests and they too joined the battle.

Katahara unsheathed his sword and immediately the sword began to cast a shadow, starting to attack a bald man holding a saber, which lengthened and retracted, before long all the attackers began to be suppressed.

Katahara: I didn't expect to meet the Priests of Enel so soon, they saved me a lot of time.

The bald man turned away from Katahara, and began to stretch his sword like a whip to attack Katahara.

Katahara deflected all the attacks sent by the bald man by getting closer and closer.

Katahara: Rain of blood.

Beginning to launch powerful and precise slashes all over the bald man's body, killing him on the spot.

Katahara: Luckily I didn't give him time to use his dial, the problem is the others, although Dabi, is burning the man with dreadlocks alive there are only 2 more left.

Then one of the priests who had a spear, wanted to escape being stopped by Drust's poison.

Katahara: No one leaves here alive.

Katahara began to attack while his opponent defended himself with his spear which began to heat up until it melted everything in front of him.

Katahara: So you have a heat dial on that spear, interesting.... Why don't any of you bastards say something.....

Starting to launch powerful attacks the priest tried to defend himself or deflect the attacks.

Unable to keep up with Katahara, I receive cuts all over his body, leaving him on his knees, leaning on his spear to keep from falling.

Katahara: I must say you are really a tough guy, anyone else with all those cuts, today is the death of you all.

He then severed the right arm with which he wielded his spear, causing him to scream in pain, until Katahara cut off his head, then he turned to see the condition of his crew and realized that they also eliminated their enemy.

Katahara: Looks like they didn't need our help.

Laffitte: Captain, don't say such things, any help from you is always welcome.

Katahara. Hahaha... Dabi burns the bodies, Drust checks everyone and heals their wounds.

Then a man appeared from the sky, he was riding a strange pink bird with circles, he was also wearing shiny silver armor and had a silver spear as a weapon.

Dabi and Augur were about to attack before the man even landed.

Katahara: Don't attack him.

Then they let him land by boat.

When he looked at the bodies, he was surprised he didn't expect them all to be dead.

Knight: Are you inhabitants of the Blue Sea?

Drust: That's right, old man... you are also coming to capture us, just like these.

As he began to sit on the body of the older priest.

Knight: What you have just done will provoke the wrath of the god of this place.

Katahara: Easy, Gan Fall... why don't we talk a little bit, what do you think?

Gan Fall just looked at Katahara who began to smoke, and soon after he got off his horse.

Katahara: I'm sure it won't be a waste of time, this might interest you more than you think, even the Shandia boss didn't refuse this.

When he heard that this individual had interaction with the shandia boss he became much more curious what he wanted.

Gan Fall: Just for a few moments.

Katahara: Sure, sure just a few moments, follow me.

Then Katahara got off the boat and entered the thick jungle with Gan Fall.

Gan Fall: Tell me what you want to talk about.

Katahara: You don't think that what God does is inhuman.

Elsewhere, Enel was sitting on his throne with a smirk as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Enel: They managed to defeat the powerful priests, but of course that doesn't mean anything against the power of a god, maybe I should find other priests...

Back to Katahara and Gan Fall.

Gan Fall: So that's the agreement you made with the Shandia boss, I can't say I totally agree.

Katahara: Once that is done, peace will return and just focus on doing the things I told you, you have until the bell rings, at that time I will be with the shandia boss at the temple.

After talking to Gan Fall, Katahara headed back to his ship.

Katahara: Laffitte show me everything they found on their mission.

Laffitte: hohoho, captain we found more than you can imagine, we also found 2 amazing treasures.

After saying that the two went to the second deck of the ship, where they left all the treasures they found during their mission, there were small mountains of precious gems and another of objects made of gold.

Katahara: I never expected that they would find such a level of wealth in these remains, this is more than enough for our ship.

Laffitte lifted a chest from the floor and showed it to Katahara.

Laffitte: Here are the two devil fruits captain.

Katahara took out his Devil Fruit Encyclopedia from his suit.

Then she started looking through the encyclopedia, soon she found one of the fruits.

Katahara: This is a lodge-type devil fruit, Laffitte... The Kura Kura (cloud-cloud) fruit is a lodge-type devil fruit that gives the consumer the ability to become a cloud-man.

Laffitte: It seems that fortune is on our side captain.

Katahara: More than luck, this fruit is going to help us in ways you have no idea Laffitte, and I already have one person in mind who can eat it.

Laffitte: Captain, you are one step ahead of everyone.

Katahara: Now for the second fruit...

Starting to search, taking longer than I expected.

Katahara: So a zoann the Neko neko not my cougar model, interesting I guess create a person like Rob Lucci and give him this grotto hahahahahaha.

Laffitte: Who is Rob Lucci captain, sounds like someone strong.

Katahara: Just a person that we will enter in the future, you did a great job, you exceeded my expectations once again Laffitte.

Laffitte just bowed with his hat.

Katahara: Let's go with the others, I have a present for you,

Then they went to the upper deck

System buys Fairy Tail shadow magic, Katahara thought.

[Shop open]

-Weapons and armor


-Healing items



-Miscellaneous items


[Shadow Magic (Fairy Tail): 40,000Cp]

After saying that

Also look for, formless shot and modify it to be usable with rifle, Katahara thought.

[Shop open]

-Weapons and armor


-Healing items



-Miscellaneous items


[Shapeless Shot (Bowblade Spirit) Modified: 70,000Cp]

Keep everything in the ring, Katahara thought.

Katahara: Everyone gather around, I have something for you.

After saying that the 3 of them gathered next to Katahara.

Katahara: I have a gift, for you, you showed me loyalty during this time, even you Drust, even though you were the last to join you showed me loyalty in spite of everything, that's why, I have some things for you.

Then he took out 3 books from his suit and showed them to everyone.

Katahara: These are tomes that will help and give way to that energy that you awakened thanks to the forging process that we all went through, first Augur, this style is called, Formless Shot, with this you will be the most lethal in the world when it comes to firearms.

Handing Augur the book, as soon as Augur received the book he lowered his head.

Van Augur: Captain... I will never betray you nor let you down, I will give my life for you if necessary, you gave me a place to call home during this short time.

Katahara: Easy Augur, after all we are all family here.

Then I turn to look at Laffitte.

Katahara: This is Shadow Magic, it will fit you perfectly Laffitte.

Laffitte: I will never let you down or betray you captain.

Katahara: You proved your skills to me in every mission I gave you and you proved your loyalty.

Drust: Captain I know I am not the strongest nor the most skilled in battle, but I am willing to loyally and conscientiously perform all my skills in whatever you wish, and to work to follow you to death if necessary.

Katahara: And I accept that you can do it freely... this is the ultimate gift, this is the Poison Demon Art Manual, and I am sure that with your predisposition for poisons you are the most suitable to obtain it.

At that moment I turn to look at Dabi.

Katahara: Dabi, I don't have any manual for you... you are the one with the most potential after all you yourself are fire... one more thing, for you, you are forbidden to teach anyone what I have just given you, tolerance 0 anyone who does so, will not only be expelled from the crew, but also eliminated... I hope you don't let me down.

Everyone nodded to what Katahara said.

Katahara: Then I want you all to get to practice what I just gave you...I have to take care of a so-called god.


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