
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
164 Chs


During Katahara and Enel's fight, all Skypiea was able to witness their fight everyone saw Enel's blue rays facing a shadow that opposed destroying everything in its path, until at dawn all the rays and shadows suddenly stopped, announcing the end of that confrontation.

During the fight Drust was contacted by Dabi to rush to the location in case there was any mishap.

At the moment Katahara was sent to the ground, and almost hit by Enel's Thor, Dabi was about to interfere in the battle to give his life to save Katahara, but when he saw the huge waves of shadows that his captain provoked, he stopped dead in his tracks.

After Dabi saw how Katahara was brutally beating Enel he rushed together with Drust to see Katahara's state.

Drust: Captain, you must rest, I took your body to the limit.

Katahara: Just sell me a little Drust... this fool has yet to give me an answer.

At that moment Drust began to heal Katahara's body and then bandaged almost the entire torso and left arm.

System, buy Seastone handcuffs and put it on my ring, Katahara thought.

To then pull out the handcuffs as he went for his sword that was stuck in the ground.

Katahara: That's enough Drust... take these handcuffs and put them on the guy on the ground.

Drust: Yes captain as you order, but you must rest a little.

Katahara: Take it easy, once we're done here we'll have plenty of time to rest.

Drust put the handcuffs on Enel, who was still passed out after all the beating he suffered by Katahara.

Katahara: Dabi go upstairs, and look for a golden bell, when I call you I want you to ring it.

While pointing his hand in the direction of the sky.

Dabi: As you order captain, I will be waiting for your call.

After Dabi left, Katahara went into lotus position and began to meditate until Enel woke up.

A few hours later Enel slowly began to react.

Enel tried to use his powers, but he felt weaker than ever, he also noticed that his hands were handcuffed.

Enel: This is impossible! There is no way a mere mortal can defeat a god!

Katahara noticed that Enel woke up and approached him to speak.

Enel: YOU! How is it possible that this happened.

Katahara: He told you, I would sweep the floor with you and that's exactly what I did... now I guess you had time to think about what I told you yesterday right.


Katahara: You know I thought you were going to come to your senses after I kicked your head so many times, but it looks like even that wasn't enough.

As he pulled his sword out of its sheath.

Katahara: Some last words Enel.

Enel said nothing just looked at the ground, then Katahara decapitated him with her sword and took out a fruit from her ring and put it on Enel's lifeless body.

Katahara: I'm getting a taste for cutting off the heads of my opponents, will I have a problem?

Shortly after the fruit took on a strange appearance Katahara put it inside his ring, and took out his den den mushi.



Dabi: Captain.

Katahara: Dabi, did you find the bell I told you about?

Dabi: Yes captain I found the bell, I must say it is giant.

Katahara: Well then you have zoned the bell and come back here.

Then I called Laffitte, who was on the boat.



Laffitte: Captain, this is Laffitte.

Katahara: Laffitte, I want you to come here and help me with something, bring some ropes.

Laffitte: Right away captain.

Katahara looked for some trees and cut them with his sword, until he left only 2 sticks, with which he made a cross and nailed it to the ground with the help of Drust, who objected to his captain making any effort.

Shortly after, Laffitte arrived with the ropes he had been asked for.

Laffitte: Captain, you are well, from below we could see that you had a very exhausting battle.

Katahara: What doesn't kill you forces you to be stronger Laffitte... Bring the body of the supposed God, and give me those ropes.

Laffitte then brought Enel's body and with Drust's help, they crucified the body by binding it with the ropes.

Laffitte: Captain I didn't know he had this side, hohoho.

Drust: This is kind of creepy, but if the captain asked us to do it, it must be for a reason.

Katahara: You can't change what someone is without destroying what they were... And that's what we're going to do now.

Drust: I guess you're talking about the people of this place, aren't you Captain.

Laffitte: Captain a lot of people are coming, also that man Gan Fall.

Katahara: They are here because I told them to come.

Laffitte: Now I understand what you said captain, I must say that is something I did not expect.

Then Katahara took a seat on a rock that was next to the crucified Enel, to wait for all the people who rushed to the place.

A few minutes later Gan Fall arrived on his horse, along with a troop of soldiers, as well as a large number of Shandian warriors with their leader.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the body of Enel decapitated and crucified, some felt joy at seeing him like that, others felt nothing but rage at seeing their god that way, so I hear a lot of murmurs.

Gan Fall: You really killed him, but this is barbaric.

Katahara: I told him I was going to do it... and I did it now you know what it means.

Then an obese man with a double chin who was leading a regiment of bald men, who saw their God Enel beheaded and crucified rushed in Katahara's direction to attack him.

Dabi: Flaming Storm

Causing a tornado of fire to engulf the fat man, causing all the bald men with him to stop dead in their tracks.

Boss Shandia: If you defeat God, you become the new God, that's how it's always been.

Gan Fall: Wait, no, it doesn't work like that!"

Katahara: If you want your old position back so badly, defeat me then. If you attack me while I'm weakened, you might have a chance, but remember if you lose you'll end up just like this old god.

When he heard the first thing Katahara said, Gan fall grabbed his spear, but when he finished listening to everything Katahara said he stepped back knowing that if he lost he would have the same fate as Enel.

Katahara: Boss Shandia, Gan Fall... we already had a conversation about this, I hope you remember it...

Boss Shandia: You kept your word, and my people are on your side Katahara.

Katahara: What about you Gan Fall... you are the closest thing to a representative of all the people here, do you really want more bloodshed, I gave you time to think about your answer.

After a few moments of thought, Gan Fall spoke.

Gan Fall: I will be under your command as a representative of Angel Island.

Katahara: Then it only remains to talk about the divine army.

Then a blond-haired man wearing a flowing indigo-colored sash, along with loose-fitting pants with a black and white checkered pattern, along with a golden staff, spoke.

Amahiro: The divine army submits to the new god.

Kneeling down, along with all the troops that were with him, except for some bald men who were standing next to the fat man that Dabi burned.

Katahara: He looks something like Enel, don't you think Laffitte.

Laffitte: He has a resemblance, almost imperceptible captain.

Katahara: I suppose that so that he doesn't betray us, he will have to have a hypnotic section with you, and then with me.

Laffitte: Hohohohoho, captain that would be a fun thing to do,

Katahara: Who are you... you represent the divine army.

Amahiro: I am the second commander of the divine army, Amahiro.

Katahara: Well then it's all settled, from now on I am the ruler of this place, I want to have a talk with the representatives of each faction, tomorrow, as you can see I need to get some rest, I hope you have a good view, of your old god.