
Ballad of A Failed Hero

The Oakwood High School, is just like your ordinary School, students, teachers you know all of it. but... one day, a bright light engulfed the entire school sending everybody to another world, this is a ballad, a legend, about one person in particular. "welcome Outlanders! to Regnum Heroem!" said the king with open arms, he laughed wholeheartedly before he gave us our task. "heroes...I beg of you..please stop the demon king..." he bowed. A help from the other world and a story about accepting oneself...

MrTired · Fantasy
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3 Chs


[Holech's POV]

I heard stories from time to time during the voyage to the continent of Fortis Petra. All of them were about a shard, a shard that is an equivalent of a divine instrument

The tales goes like this, there was a man, one of the ancient a man that was focused on making things, things that surpasses the divine instrument.

And so he made his own divine relic, one that rivals the original divine instruments, it was called equinox, its appearance resembles one of a walking cane with the handle donning jewelry, particularly a red ruby, but it was special, the red ruby has a sword like pattern of a different color, other legends say it was mixed with emerald and crystal, but the most popular one is amethyst, a swirl of red and purple huh... interesting...

Moving on, equinox rivals the divine instruments as something that almost stood above the instruments, due to that, the four major races seek out the creator to split the cane into

four— no it was five pieces, each was placed around the world.

I got to be honest, the equinox is quite a powerful relic I can say that, because in the tale... When the creator of equinox tapped the ground with it, it coused ripples across the world, it split the ocean in two momentarily, but it was enough for the creator to run away, but in exchange...

The equinox broke into five pieces after crashing onto a sharp large rock during a string windy month.

And that's how the story goes, I continuously repeated the tale in my head countless times to just analyze each and every small detail but might lead to the locations of the fragments, with that, someone entered the room, it was Diana again, she looks a bit disappointed.

Hopping of off my bed before greeting her I asked.

"Something bothering you?" I questioned as I get my lute before sitting down the floor, she sighed before she sat down the floor as well, she answered my question.

"Two weeks have passed right? I heard from Iskyrós the voyage would be extended, at this point I won't be able to see the wedding of my sister in Fortis Petra..." She said disappointment in her tone.

So she has a sister in Fortis Petra? Quite the opposite of mine huh... essentially Fortis Petra will be the start of my own journey, but... How long is the voyage now exactly? I heard it was only three months.

"Hey, mind if I asked how long the voyage will last now" I said as I inspected my lute.

"Five months.." said Diana, I see... Another two months huh.... what's the cause of the extension? Was it bad weather?

"Was the cost of extension bad weather..or...?" I questioned again, she tilted her head a bit and did a thinking pose before she answered my question.

"I heard something about the waves increasingly become more unstable, Iskyrós said that we voyage at a not so good time" she said, this confirmed my suspicions, essentially..... The first dragon, has awoken it what I thought,that was the reason for the increase in the intensity of the waves and all.

I sighed, these five months will be hectic huh...just then the ship rocked violently, making both of us cling onto the ground.

What the hell!

After a while the rocking of the ship became a bit more stable, I looked at Diana before she nodded, we exited our room before going up to the main deck, there we saw the crew and Iskyrós moving around faster than usual.

Dodging some of the crew memberd we made our way to Iskyrós who was manning the wheel, I tapped his shoulders before he signaled to just stand beside him.

Diana, not sure what was happening, effectively separated from me and started helping the crew as a buffer, mages are amazing huh... It wasn't the awakening of the first dragon but...

...is that a giant squid?

I sweatdropped before I asked Iskyrós about the situation...

"Uh... Iskyrós, what's the main problem right now... because of the extension of the voyage?" I questioned, he replied with a laugh and answered my question...

"You see that giant thing up ahead? That's the reason, I miscalculated the migration season of those things, and now.. we're literally right Infront of their mating season migration!"

Wait...migration...does that mean— just then, five more giant squid things emerged from the ocean essentially swimming opposite of the ship, causing large waves and all, son of a bitch...

I merely facepalmed before I noticed one of the big squid has something stuck on their forehead...?



My eyes widened before I pointed at the particular squid, Iskyrós looked at me confused but he was hearing me out, perfect!

"Iskyrós! Stop that squid from going with the others! It has, it has a shard of equinox! Specifically the jewel!" I shouted, which in turn shocked everyone including Iskyrós, with a determined expression they went ahead and started steering the shop to the particular squid, all of the looked determined...

That's it! That's right! We found the jewel of equinox!

I couldn't help but smile as I saw everyone chasing the damn squid, Diana who was helping the crew decided to give us a minor good, sacrificing two bags of card to give us a massive speed boost, thanks Diana!

I was visibly smiling, if we get the jewel of equinox, then I'll gain— no! We'll gain recognition! That's right! All of us here!

So what are we waiting for? I walked over the harpoon section of the ship before locking in the squid, I heard Iskyrós say..

"Oi guest! Be careful with throwing! That thing is fast!" He shouted, I nodded before I focused, ever since I was transported in this world with my school, I was awful with close ranged and combat as a whole, but...I'll prove myself that I'm not just all talk!

"DIANA GIVE THE HARPOON A BOOST!" I loudly shouted as I prepared to throw the damn harpoon, I felt the harpoon become lighter! That's the buff!

Aiming precisely as precisely as I could, I released the harpoon from my grasp with a powerful throw


A resounding boom roared across the ship, it was caused by the harpoon going on extreme speeds, hit it come on!

Spot on! Hearing the squid screech was just the icing of the cake, I quickly ran across the ship and the crew gave me some kind of wooden paddle big enough it looks like a skateboard, before I momentarily looked at Iskyrós, he gave me a thumbs before I felt my feet balancing themselves on their own!

Thanks Diana! I hoppon on the wooden paddle and used it to quickly travel the rope to the squid!

The wind was hitting my face hard! But I was determined,n I'm not gonna waste this opportunity! Let's do this!

I got nearer and nearer, until I was practically just a jump away from the squid with the ruby of equinox, with that!

I grabbed a hold to the squid and slowly climbed my way to the jewel perched on top of it!

Come on! Come on! A bit more!

I know the ship was heading to my direction, as I momentarily sea th rope slightly dangle, a bit more!

Damn it! Stop moving! I gritted my teeth as soon as the giant squid tried flailing me away from its body, I grabbed hold of the jewel!

Perfect! Now! I forcefully yanked it before dropping below only to be caught by the air, thanks Diana!


As soon as I dropped to the ship, albeit it hurt a bit, Diana helped me up, the stone of equinox on my right hand, to check it Iskyrós inspected before he grinned.

"WE GOT A PIECE OF EQUINOX MATES!! RAAHHHHH!!" It was loud, but it was enough to cheer up the crew, hahaha...

I laughed as I dropped to the ground again, Diana who caught me and laid my head to rest on her lap with a smile, I smiled back, perhaps this voyage was the start of everything huh...

Maybe that's that...I need some sleep... I may have excerted a lot of energy today...

Hahaha...this is pretty fun!