
Ballad of A Failed Hero

The Oakwood High School, is just like your ordinary School, students, teachers you know all of it. but... one day, a bright light engulfed the entire school sending everybody to another world, this is a ballad, a legend, about one person in particular. "welcome Outlanders! to Regnum Heroem!" said the king with open arms, he laughed wholeheartedly before he gave us our task. "heroes...I beg of you..please stop the demon king..." he bowed. A help from the other world and a story about accepting oneself...

MrTired · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Center of the World

[Holech's POV]

I inspected the jewel closing my right eye, as I held it up high, two months have passed since I've acquired the jewel, I tried giving it to Iskyrós but he denied it and said that I should keep it.

I don't know what he's thinking but I'm grateful that I have it, I slightly smiled as I noticed the spiral of the jewel, solidifying it as the gem piece from legend.

Another good news is the voyage before we land at Fortis Petra will only be one month now, ever since we got the equinox piece, the sea calmed down to the point that it was easier to actually steer and navigate.

It was also because of the boost of speed that Diana gave the ship and us going away from the migration route of the giant squids, it was because of that.

I sighed before putting the jewel in my left pocket as I watched the sunrise from the east, unlike my world, this world has two Suns, the other being a bit more bright, the latter less bright, the weather and climate isn't that bad per se, it was probably because this world works differently than mine after all, it is another world.

Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Diana, before she spoke

"Mind if I watch the sunrise with you?" She questioned, I merely smiled before looking back at the beautiful sunrise, Diana beside me on my left, it was a peaceful moment, quite the surprise with the constant chaos of this ship...

Just then out of boredom, Diana asked if she could question me, I nodded my head to let her know that she's free to shoot any questions to me.

"Why did you board the ship in the first place?"

"I want to prove my worth to some of my peers"

"I see.. I boarded the ship because my cousin in Fortis Petra is getting married, so how much did Iskyrós charge you?"

"I...I sigh 300...300 līanhuā"

Once I said the charge price she chuckled before she continued the questioning, I guess she was charged less? Come on Iskyrós that's bullshit...

"Alright, alright...are you still up for the questioning?" She questioned, I sighed before I did a thumbs up as I looked at her.

"Go on"

"Alright then! I heard about you being an outlander, that's true right?"

"News travels fast in this world huh...yes I'm an outlander you could say that.."

"I see..but where's your party—"

Silence, but it was clear to her I would rather not discuss what happened between me and my peers, I gripped the side of the ship tightly, resulting in some cracks to form from it, but due to it, she gave me some time to calm down.

After calming down, I lightly laughed before apologizing.

"Ah! Hahaha...sorry about that Diana..." I avoided looking at her eyes as I just focused on the sunrise of the world, I really need to work with my emotions huh...

Just then I felt a hard slap to my shoulder, causing me to jolt a bit before looking at the source, it was Diana...

She was smiling, I couldn't help but feel warm...kind of?

She then said

"Cheer up! Getting your emotions to get the better of you is not really good, so cheer up!" She showed a toothy smile, I couldn't help but smile back...and I muttered..


"No problem!"

With that, we continued watching the beautiful sunrise, we saw the two suns go up, it was...


Before both of us went back to our room in the ship, with one last question she asked...

"Hey...just a question...but...what if..."

I listened closely to her question.

"A little wolf, abandoned by his pack...returned but the only thing he saw...is his pack dead...so my question...what will the little wolf do?" Said Diana, that's a really have question from her huh...

I thought of the countless answers, it wasn't his fault he was left out, it was the pack, but it could also be that they forgot about him and died trying to find him...

A difficult choice between he laughs at their demise, or he mourns in silence..

But...I think I know my answer...

"Nothing, he'll do nothing" I said as I looked at her, she chuckled before she turned around.

"You're quite an interesting person Holech! I'm glad I met you during my visit to my cousin!" She then turned back as she waved her hand, I waved back before she returned back to our room in the ship.

Quite a strange question to ask out of nowhere huh...no matter, just then I heard a crew member.

"I CAUGHT ONE!" Said the crew as he tried reeling in the fish, oh.. a fish! Hold on! I quickly ran toward the sailor as I grabbed a hold of him, you better fumble this catch!

"HOLD ON TIGHT!" I said to the sailor as I grabbed the pole in the middle of the ship, other crew members noticed the sailor and quickly everyone helped him to reel in the fish he got! Even Iskyrós joined in!

After a while we successfully caught the fish! It was a big one! Like hell I could deduct it could feed the whole crew for days!

Everyone was cheering, as I observed the surroundings, I saw everyone smiling and laughing happily, I could only smirk as I sat down the ground exhausted from helping the sailor.

There's a high chance I'll have my own part in the food, maybe I should get two plates for me and Diana... yeah!

Unknowingly I found myself, laughing with them, hahaha...it was strange yet comforting...it was like...I'm part of the crew...yeah you could say that...


Nighttime in the ship, it's very lively very much, with the huge catch of a crew member everyone decided to agree and throw a party, quite a chaotic troupe I may say but...

"HEY LOOK AT HIM DANCING! AHAHAHA!" said a sailor loudly as I looked in the direction of the drunken sailor, he was quite literally dancing, on the mast... I sighed but I smiled lightly as I walked around the place.

From time to time, some sailors tried to make me join their activities but I politely declined them, essentially my stroll came to an end at the quiet space in the back of the ship, I won't lie...

The view back here is magnificent... It's soothing...

I looked up the starry night sky, countless stars moved around the sky twinkling like the bright Christmas light.. I rarely see this back home...but...

"I guess this world ain't so bad after all.." I said to myself as I quietly watched the sky.

Just then, someone clouded my view it was Diana?

She looked down at me with a smile and she said

"mind if I join?"

"You can join me if you want..."

"Alright! Thanks!"

She then laid down besides me both of us looking at the night sky, a banter occured between the two of us.

"You know stars are people that passed away in this world?"


"Yep! I heard stories from my great grandma"

"You're an elf like..so.."

"You guessed it! Great grandma is more than ten thousand years old hehe!"


"Yep! It goes likes this..."

She then told me that the moment a person dies their soul will leave their body and float up above the sky before stopping and becoming so bright they became stars...

So wouldn't that mean the two Suns and the moon are also dead people?

"Hey... wouldn't that mean the two Suns and the moon are dead people?" I questioned asking for clarification she giggle before she lightly punch my arm with a smile she answered my question.

"The two Suns and the moon was created by the two creator gods, so nope! It's not made of dead people"

She said enthusiastically, I couldn't help but chuckle as both of us were enjoying each other's company.

"Hey...Holech...once we reach Fortis Petra, do you want to accompany ni to my cousin's wedding?" She asked suddenly, I thought for a bit before I smiled and replied.

"Sure why not!" I said happily before both of us slowly lose consciousness as both of us feel asleep, looking at the beautiful night sky.

"We have a lot of time for ourselves..."

I lightly smiled.


We're halfway to Fortis Petra we're at the territory of the first dragon...


[3rd person's pov]

The festivities was happening unknown to everyone...

The dragon has awakened...