
Baldur Odinson: God of Light

In this unique tale of reincarnation, a scientist finds himself thrust into the Marvel universe as Odin's youngest son. Armed only with his intellect, he must learn to navigate and thrive in this new and unfamiliar world. This captivating fan-fiction piece, which I stumbled upon online and found immensely enjoyable, lacked an English translation. Hence, I took it upon myself to share this remarkable work with others who might appreciate it, emphasizing that I do not claim ownership over it. Support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator an read up to 15 chapters in advance

Lonely_Translator · Movies
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Chapter 10 - The Wrath Of The God Of Light Part 3

It's been a week since I've been protecting the small village. There hasn't been any further attempt at attack since the six giants, things seem strange. By now, the king of the giants should have already tried to steal Asgard and failed; the most logical thing to do after that would be to retreat.

The reconstruction of the village was relatively easy with Amora's magic. The inhabitants now live normally without fear of the giants as long as we're here. Training little Freyja takes up most of my time. I've really enjoyed teaching someone, even though swords aren't my specialty.

Amora is focused on her research as always. She says she's close to perfecting her teleportation technique enough to take us to any realm. She built a small house right in the center of the village, which has become a sacred place for the villagers. Only Sieg, the village leader, Freyja, and I are allowed near it.

Right now, I'm giving my morning lesson with my first student.

"Move the staff faster. Women aren't normally stronger than men, but they're definitely faster."

"So, men are stronger than women?" Freyja asked, stopping her powerful swings with the staff.

"To say that someone is more powerful just because they're a man or a woman is foolish. There are women in this universe more powerful than I am."

"Like Princess Amora?"

"Yes, she's very powerful. Why do you call her princess?"

"She told me to call her that once. I called her aunt, and she said she'd turn me into a chicken if I said it again."

Before I can respond, I see Amora running towards us with a smile on her face.

"Baldur, this island is amazing."

"Amazing how?"

"I was trying to find materials for my experiments, so I used a spell to locate where to search on the island. I found out that this island has a high concentration of minerals and is also right on top of a ley line, increasing the power of spells."

Ley lines are like veins of magical energy that run throughout the world.

"Ohh, did you also find out where we are?"

"Based on the map you described, we're east of Africa. Where did you see this map?"

"In the library of Asgard."

Out of curiosity about our location, I described the world map to Amora. Still, I don't recall any nearby island or African continent. I remember that the world map in the Marvel universe has several fictional countries, so it's no surprise that I don't know where we are.

"How's the evacuation plan going?"

"Just as you planned, Sieg found a perfect hiding place for all the mortals in case of an attack."

"What place?"

"A cave that's connected to a natural underground tunnel that leads to the other side of the island."

"I don't like the dark."

Little Freyja shows her displeasure with my security plan.

"You want to be a warrior and you're afraid of the dark?"

"I'm not afraid of anything," Freyja says, showing a fearless face.

"Sir," Seig approaches us.

"How's the security plan going, Seig?"

"We've brought some food to the exit side of the cave and also the boats. Lady Amora also taught us how to navigate using the stars."

"If something happens, simply head east. You'll find solid land there."

"Yes, sir, but..."

"If you have something to ask, ask."

"Yes, sir. Is the enemy so strong that you have to create a plan to leave the island?"

"Are you worried that I'll die, hence the plan? My only concern is destroying the island during my fight with you on it."

"I understand, sir."

Just as I was about to ask Sieg something, a pillar of colorful lights fell from the sky a few meters away from us, and from it emerged a tall bald figure with a beard – it was the general who was present during the war council.

"Prince," he greeted me, but unlike last time, I could sense respect in his demeanor.

"Sieg, could you excuse us?"

"Yes, sir. Freyja, come along."

Taking the young warrior with him, Sieg left, leaving just the three of us.

"So, general, what's the news?"

"Your deductions were correct, my prince. When we executed your plan, a group of Giants attempted to invade Asgard. They were all killed by the king without causing any damage."

"It seems you were right, Baldur."

"Did you doubt me, Amora?"

"Yes, I always thought of you as a scholar, not a strategist."

"And the situation in the other realms, general? Have the Giants retreated?"

"They've started to, my prince. Prince Thor didn't wait for them to retreat; instead, he attacked their camp, destroying them outright."

I could see a hint of anger in the general's demeanor, and I couldn't blame him. Thor could have waited for the Giants to retreat, but instead, he attacked, unnecessarily costing the lives of soldiers.

"And Loki?"

"He's waiting for the enemy to retreat."

The more I think about it, the more I believe Loki would be a king a hundred times better than Thor.

"So, general, I don't think you came down here just to give me a simple report."

The general knelt before me.

"I want to ask for forgiveness, my lord. During the council, I judged you without even knowing you – it was a grave mistake."

"What's your name, general?"

"It's Nordur Sigson, my lord."

"Rise, there's nothing for me to forgive since you've never offended me."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

"Yes, Heimdall couldn't see it, but Giants in Midgard seem to have been the first to retreat, my lord."

That was too quick, upon further consideration, Midgard was the last place they attacked, likely having the fewest troops, which would explain the swift retreat.

"Then can we return to..."


A loud noise interrupted me as I saw the peak of the nearest mountain explode, creating an avalanche that cascaded down the entire mountainside. Then, I saw a humanoid figure rise from the exploded peak, appearing to be entirely covered in ice, unlike the one I fought in the arena – this one was over 20 meters tall, a true Ice Titan.

As the Ice Titan roared triumphantly, signaling the descent of the ice giants from its feet, I immediately called out for Sieg.

"SIEGGGG!" I yelled.

Sieg came running towards me, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Take everyone to the boats," I ordered.

"Yes, sir."

"Amora, General, you will protect the mortals. I will deal with the Ice Titan," I commanded.

"Yes, sir."

"Baldur, I..."

"Amora, I don't have time to convince you. Just trust me."

She shot me a disdainful look, but I knew she would understand the situation.


The two of them hurried off in the direction where the villagers were gathering. They all knew where to go. Amora must be furious with me, but she would be safe. She was powerful, but expending too much energy to fight a titan would leave her vulnerable, so I ordered her to protect the mortals.

I ran towards the mountain. Several villagers ran in the opposite direction. The Ice Titan began its slow descent down the mountain, with the ice giants moving swiftly ahead of it.

As I approached them, some of the ice giants broke off from the group and headed towards the villagers. It was nothing Amora and the General couldn't handle.

I closed in on the first five giants, focusing my power on the tip of my spear, enveloping the blade in a golden flame – the flame of the sun, created with my powers and fueled like the stars' flames, drawn from the hydrogen and helium burning around me.

Unfortunately, there was little hydrogen and helium in the Earth's atmosphere; this small flame was all I could manage. But it would be enough.

As the giants drew near, I spun my spear, creating a wave of fire that engulfed them, turning them all to ash. The flames didn't stop; they evaporated the ice around the mountain, and the fire spread to the remaining giants in a massive explosion.

After burning through the fuel, the flame extinguished. A few giants still lived, all of them attacking me with their frozen arms-turned-weapons.

I dispatched the first three easily, my spear generating enough heat to counter the limits of my powers.

A giant ice creature leaped, attempting to strike me. I plunged my spear into its chest, the giant exploding in a flash of golden light. Ten giants remained in front of me. I pointed my spear at them, unleashing a beam of energy, and though they tried to scatter, I hit them all.


The Titan was nearing. I had a few seconds, so I focused the solar rays above me, waiting for the right moment to strike.

As the giant drew within meters of me, I released the concentrated solar rays, a massive beam of light descending from the sky, hitting the Ice Titan squarely in the chest. It lasted only a second, and when the beam disappeared, there was a gaping hole in the titan's chest.

The Titan staggered backward. The attack hadn't been enough to kill it. It swung a massive fist at me. I saw the giant's fist hurtling towards me, faster than a giant should move, with no way to dodge.

I activated the magical rune to enhance my physical strength to the maximum, lifting my spear. When the giant's punch struck me, I felt as if I were being crushed by a mountain, every bone in my body seemed to break. The impact of the punch created a crater beneath me, followed by a shockwave that destroyed the surrounding environment, trees uprooted by the strong wind.

The Ice Titan raised its fist again. I fell to my knees in the center of the crater, my arms shattered, and I didn't have much time until the next blow.

I used the rune not to increase my strength but to boost my natural regeneration, and within two seconds, I felt my arm bones resetting and healing, just in time to see a giant foot almost crushing me.

I fired the energy beam from my spear, hitting the giant's foot to prevent it from crushing me, giving me time to leap backward. When the giant's foot struck the ground, I was thrown several meters until I hit a tree trunk.

(I have to make it fall)

I focused the heat from my spear and aimed it at the Titan's knee. When the spear struck the giant's knee, there was a massive explosion, tearing off a large portion of the titan's knee, causing it to lose its balance and fall backward.

The impact created by the titan's fall nearly obliterated the mountain, causing a tremor that spread throughout the island. The Titan tried to rise, but due to its destroyed knee, it could only raise its torso.

I ran towards the giant's foot and jumped onto it, running along its leg from foot to thigh. When I reached the end of its thigh, I opened my hand. My spear returned spinning towards me, and I jumped with all my might, lodging my spear into its chest. The Titan seemed to notice my presence and tried to crush me like an insect.

I used my weapon to propel myself towards the titan's head, driving the spear into its forehead. But it didn't kill him. I saw him moving his hand towards me, so I fired the energy beam inside his skull.

He seemed to pause for a few seconds, then

 began moving his hand towards me again. With no other choice, I activated the primary rune, transferring energy to the energy beam, and fired again, this time causing the titan's eyes to explode with a bright golden light, and it fell backward.

I finally killed it.

POV: Amora

(That fool, why doesn't he just let me fight by his side?)

Now I have to keep helping these mortals. They're evacuating faster than I thought. The idiot's idea of placing supplies on the other side means the villagers don't need to carry anything with them.

A brilliant idiot. Several people enter the cavern leading to the tunnels. The General and I are outside, protecting them.

I can see a massive wave of flames and several explosions where Baldur is fighting. Then, a group of ice giants emerges from the forest, running towards us.

I blast one of them with a magical energy burst, obliterating it. The General draws his sword, dodging a blow and cutting off his enemy's head.

I see more approaching. We can fight them, but they might attack the mortals. I look back and see that only a few are left to enter the cavern. So I use magic to create a wall of fire between us and the giants.

The giants seem to pause and observe the wall of flames. I just need to hold the wall until the mortals reach the boats.

"This is a surprise, I wasn't expecting a sorceress," says one giant, appearing a few inches from my wall of fire. Unlike the others, he is slightly taller and has a frozen beard.

He begins walking and passes through the flames as if they were an illusion.

"I was hoping the Titan would be enough to kill the younger prince, but he has very irritating abilities."

I sense that he is different and more dangerous than the other giants, so I shoot a burst of magical energy at him. He creates an ice wall to protect himself.

"Well, let's go to plan B. He must be very close to the two of you."

The General attacks the giant, but as he approaches, what appears to be a thin spear of ice emerges from the ground and strikes the General in the stomach.

"AAAAAAH!" The General cries out in pain, unable to move.

"I'll take the woman. I heard that princes love their women," the giant says, looking at the General, who is trying to free himself from the ice spear.

The ice covers my body, and I can feel it spreading rapidly.

I have seconds before I'm trapped in ice, but because of the pain, I can't use my magic.

"Tell the younger prince to look for his woman in my castle. I'll be having fun with her until he arrives," the giant says, looking at the General, who is trying to free himself from the ice spear.

The ice covers my face, and all I can think about is whether he'll be okay.